Sen. Ron Johnson echoed other senators who said they want a new Pentagon chief next year who will try to moderate Trump’s aversion to traditional military alliances and U.S. commitments abroad.
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Knesset West has spoken.
More Loser Generals I guess ,these dimwits just don’t get it’s over, meaning the empire is at a End,those who went along with zioCon plans have emptied the accounts, “America PLC”, is broke.Prez Trump is a Realist, his critics live in a fantasy world of money trees and rivers of gold,it all sounds but is Not Real..The American empire is sometimes foolishly compared to the Great Roman empire,well in ancient Rome they thought finance and the costs of wars were important and military victory was also important, I remember when candidate Trump said,and I paraphrase,” We don’t win wars,we just don’t win”,..In ancient Rome a general who didn’t deliver victory would be asked as he stood before senate,”why you alive,why have Not fallen your sword and be in Honorable death”,well won’t ask any modern general to go that far,but aren’t they concerned with 18 years of military failures :/,well at least the president Trump seems concerned at least, as No else in authority seems concerned..