ed note–again, any person, group, or even nation-state, which makes the claim of taking the suffering of the Palestinians to heart and who claims to be working for bringing justice to the world’s most beleaguered people and yet who stops short of both facing and exposing what the root of the problem is that has caused all of this misery and injustice is as much engaging in half-measures as those who simply don’t give a good Goddamn about any of it.
There is nothing aberrant, abnormal, or out of the ordinary about Dichter’s statement and how it squares with some of the most basic teachings and tenets within Judaism. His statement is not the product of Herzl and his book ‘The Jewish State,’ but rather that of Moses and the book of Deuteronomy, and despite what some will claim, including the ‘men in black’ of Neturei Karta or JVP that Dichter is not following ‘true Judaism’, the ugly truth of the matter is that indeed he is, and all one need do is read and consider for themselves the quote pictured above for proof of this fact.
What’s more is that this problem is not limited simply to Palestine. Take an alligator whose normal feeding grounds are the swamps and move him to a school full of children and the results will be the same, because the nature of the alligator is the same whether it is in the swamp or in the schoolyard. The same people responsible for butchering Palestinians on a daily basis as a burnt offering to their god yahweh are the same people who butcher unborn children in America (and throughout the West) to the tune of thousands per day as part of that same burnt offering, to say nothing of their role in destroying the moral fabric and culture of the West through their uncontested control of the media.
Unless and until people come to the senses and understand that the problem is not merely limited to Israel and Zionism, but rather with the diabolical Judaic energy that has destroyed all living things throughout history in every locale where it has wandered, oozed, or slithered, humanity will continue marching with break-neck speed towards its own demise, exactly as predicted/warned by a certain Galilean shortly before being nailed to a cross for having dared expose the dark energies driving the Judaic cult that ‘had those days not been shortened, no flesh would survive’.
“The Israeli army has enough bullets for every single Palestinian.”………………And the rest of the world has a 1000 rounds for each shitty Jew……………………….
Imagine, just IMAGINE, the screeching, the gnashing of teeth, the calls for dismissals and criminal prosecutions, if someone in a non-‘)ewish government and a former “director of internal security” or “minister of internal security” stated, “The (insert name of nation here) army has enough (insert type of weaponry or caliber here) for every, single ‘)ew.
I’ll let you imagine the howling and months-long calls for retribution which would only end when the person thus charged by Judea, Inc. were forced to not only ‘apologize’ before the entire world, but would be caused to lose his/her income, family, and possibly freedom and/or life when former IDF or active mo-ssad goons would be sent out to ensure an “unfortunate accident” happened.