ed note–yet another example as to ‘how they do it’.

Keep in mind that Dershowitz–as well as every other person of the Hebraic persuasion operating at the level that he does–knows that every paragraph, every word, every letter, punctuation mark and syllable in Giraldi’s piece are as true to fact as saying that water is wet and fire is hot. In fact, moreso than most, because THEY THEMSELVES in the run-up to the Iraq war (and in all the screeching they have done for additional wars since then) have congregated like cockroaches in their various minyans and conspired with each other as to how they could get the next phase of this ‘clash of civilizations’ rolling and what role each was to play in helping bring it all about.

AND YET, SURPRISE, SURPRISE in YET ANOTHER damning testimony concerning the Judaic penchant for blatant dishonesty and forked-tongue dialogue, we have Dershowitz coming out with his usual verbal diarreah and Judaic black magic trying to make the case that all Giraldi’s assertions are nothing but lies, conspiracy theories, and ‘anti-Shemitism’, when in fact they are 100,000% correct, true to fact, and unimpeachable.

Until the rest of the sane world comes to its senses and understands that there are no ‘good Jews’, only former Jews, since Judaism BY ITS VERY NATURE is as intrinsically, organically, and magnetically pulled towards lying and dishonesty as a fish is intrinsically, organically, and magnetically pulled towards water, then the world as we know it will continue to march at breakneck speed towards its own oblivion as as result of those deluded and deranged individuals who yesterday and today have afforded this mental illness known as Jtosis a place at the table of philosophies that was not/is not/never will be warranted or justified. 

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8 thoughts on “Shameless Pathological liar Dershowitz– 'Anti-Semitic Article Tweeted by Valerie Plame Just Like What Was Written in Nazi Germany'”
  1. Once again truth is touted as anti Semitic..the Jews admit to running Hollywood and our politics in their newspapers..so why is pedo Dershowitz’s panties in a twist????

  2. Dershowitz used to be published a Frtpage regularly a few years back. Norman Finkelstein caught Dershowitz in plagiarism and lying in some of his articles and other publications, particularly about the Holocaust. Deshowitz went off teh deep end, doing all he could to destroy Finkelstein.
    Unfortunately for Dershowitz, others have seen what he did and have called him out. One professor wrote an article about the fiasco and the evasions of Desrhowitz. I used to post that article in the comments on every Dershowitz article posted there, until Frontpage changed their comment system and locked me out. Alas, Horowitz refused to do anything about the dishonesty and I quit going there. In spite of his claims, Horowitz is still not a conservative. His buddy Radosh is just as bad.

  3. “All you have to do is read the first couple paragraphs: Jews control the media, Jews control politics,” he continued. “This is just like what was written in Nazi Germany.”
    That’s not true, Alan?? It was true in Weimar Germany and it’s true in America today. Why do jews lie so blatantly? Truth is their Kryptonite. Dershowitz and his ilk should be locked up for awhile before being deported to Israel.

  4. The jews’ technique is to repeat all the true charges against them before denial. Like they’re not afraid of the charges and that they’re absurd. Truths that are written in stone and that most people, including the jews themselves, KNOW to be Truths.
    It kills me when they deny owning the media and Hollywood! HA! Jews invented lying.

  5. Truth in the halls say that the jew Dishofshit and the people at Frontstage will be first to be arrested and hanged for treason. Jmsm bosses alongside.
    Judgement day is near.

  6. More than once Dershowitz has told Jews not to downplay or deny Jewish power – but to proudly ackowledge it. His problem with Plame Wilson is not that she acknowledged Jewish power – but that she (via Giraldi’s piece) criticised it.

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