0 thoughts on “Shooting at Geller Hate-Fest Event: Who Stands To Gain?”
  1. She’s dangerous but so is Bridget Gabriel and her ACT organization. She goes into the church’s promoting her hatred.

    I’m quite sure that God is not in the apostate churches of our time. They beg for money even on street corners, most of their congregation has grey hair except the prosperity churches. They are completely controlled by the government with their 501c3 tax status since 1954. None remembers that Jesus told them to ‘repent.’ They don’t even know what’s going on in the world and have the mind of a baby so they can’t stomach anything being told them. They follow false shepherds that sound pleasant, has a warm smile and never hurts their feelings.

    This has become a dangerous situation when people are that controlled. It’s like putting a gun in the hands of a child that has never learned right from wrong. ‘An evil and adultress generation is not derserving of any sign but that of Jonah……’repentance.’ Yet, you will never hear them being taught that.

  2. Cui bono? Who benefits?

    . . . and always remember, “Is it good for the Jews???!!!!” . .. 😉

    I guess one of the things I’ll be watching for as this event unfolds in the Zio-Media and the
    Zio-Puppet Theater in DC. . .

    . . . is IF . . like the “Charlie Hebdo” event . . this will be put through the “Alan Derschowitz-Legalsleeze-machine” . . .

    . . .and the Zionists will take this “First Amendment Freedom of Speech” argument and spin it to put more “Hate Speech” Laws on the books . . .

    . . . “Hate Speech” Laws probably already drafted by the likes of the ADL/SPLC/aIPAC, etc that are designed to silence any and all discussion about “Israel”, “THE Holocaust(TM)”, “9-11 Truth”, etc.

    The new World Religion of “Holocaustianity” created out of “thin air” by the so-called “Reform Jews” to justify the “Jews returning to Israel” World Zionist agenda is under threat by “The Internet” as the “6 MILLION” mythology is being laid bare for all the world to witness. . .

    . . . not to mention the ever growing “9-11 TRUTH Movement” that that has long concluded that “All Roads Lead To Israel” and the “Greater Israel” Agenda when it comes to “Who benefited???”

    Like all crimes, we must also ask:

    Who had the MOTIVE?
    Who had the MEANS?
    Who had the OPPORTUNITY?

    The “Existential Threat” posed by “THE TRUTH” on the World Zionist agenda definitely fulfill the requirements for a good “MOTIVE” for another “false flag” Zio-Theater sensational/emotional event if the “End Game” benefit would mean silencing the new Media of “The Internet” with a bunch of very kosher “Hate Speech/Hate Crimes” legislation.

    Stay tuned . .. this one looks interesting.

    – bb9

  3. I wonder if Pamela Geller and Rita Katz get together to have a laugh on us. “Us” being mankind

    ed note (Tony)…Rita Katz is far too busy right now making fake ISIS videos with her high-financed film production staff………

  4. Also,

    I notice the “timing” of this “Shooting at Geller Hate-Fest Event” . ..

    Looky, looky, yet another “Let’s Tell The Jews How Special They Are” event on the ol’ calendar:

    . . .and what seems to be this year’s theme for “Jewish Heritage MONTH”???

    “In heritage month message, Obama says US Jews still face bigotry
    President says he is committed to fighting anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, reaffirms unwavering support for Israel”

    So, here we have the POTUS specifically saying he is committed to make it US Policy to fight “Holocaust Denial” and “anti-Semitism” . . . (i.e. that which the Jews have defined as “Hate Speech” and “Hate Crimes”) . . .

    . . .and then we have this “Shooting” at this Geller “hate-fest” event which as I note above could be used to launch a “Hate Speech” political campaign.

    After all, in “Theater” and “Marketing” . . “timing” is EVERYTHING!! 😉

    – bb9

  5. Geert Wilders is another one. Having lived in ‘israel’ two years and visited forty times there. He always gets a “Very special feeling of solidarity when landing at ‘ben gurion’ airport”

  6. Hmmmm,

    MSN just posted this headline story:

    “After Texas shooting: If free speech is provocative, should there be limits?”

    (clipped text)
    “The attack highlights the tensions between protecting Americans’ treasured right to freedom of expression and preserving public safety, and it raises questions about when — if ever — government should intervene.

    There are two exceptions from the constitutional right to free speech — defamation and the doctrine of “fighting words” or “incitement,” said John Szmer, an associate professor of political science and a constitutional law expert at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

    “Fighting words is the idea that you are saying something that is so offensive that it will lead to an immediate breach of the peace,” Szmer explained. “In other words, you are saying something and you should expect a violent reaction by other people.”

    The exhibit of cartoons in Texas might have crossed the line, Szmer said.

    “I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect what they were doing would incite a violent reaction,” he said.

    Note that this article also includes commentary from the Jewish controlled “Southern Poverty Law Center” (SPLC) and several of the other “usual suspects” that are used to frame the “Zio-Argument” d’jour . . . 😉

    Curiouser and curiouser . . .

    – bb9

  7. @Ed (Tony)
    Rita Katz is far too busy making videos, you say?
    Wrong. Never underestimate a Katz. It turns out she provided the tweets “posted by the terrorists.”

  8. @backbird9: ” “Hate Speech” Laws probably already drafted by the likes of the ADL/SPLC/aIPAC, etc that are designed to silence any and all discussion about “Israel”, “THE Holocaust(TM)”, “9-11 Truth”, etc.
    This raises an interesting question. I have long wondered why we don’t already have them on the books. France led the way with the Fabius-Gayssot Act while the Jew Laurent Fabius was the PM of France. It is also known in France as the Faurisson Law because the historian who dated to question the Fauxlocaust was its first victim.
    It’s a “win-win” law for the Chosen: not only do they get to imprison and or heavily fine the victim but they also get the lion’s share of fine paid by the “hate crime” perpetrator! That’s right, individual Jews or Jewish organizations (CRIF, LICRA) who sue for unspeakable pain they felt upin hearing the Fauxlocaust blasphemed get the money.
    Let us not insult anyone’s intelligence by claiming we didn’t get a similar law because the First Amendment prohibits it. The Bill of Rights was no obstacle to the Patriot Act. So I wondered why not. The only explanation I have come up with to date is that the Americans are far more deeply indoctrinated and judeaized than the French so they censor themselves. Symptoms abound: in France there are individuals who have been fined and gone to prison REPEATEDLY for “anti-semitic” acts known as “hate crimes.” Obstinate French…. In the US I can think of only one person who never retracted her statements: Helen Thomas. Everyone else who has ever made even a tiny squeaky noise, however marginal, even just stating blatantly obvious facts (e.g., Hollywood is run by Jews) has later apologized and retracted their statements. Are we dumber than the French? Do the 40 million or so Christian zionists tip the balance in our disfavor? I don’t know.

  9. Sorry for the typos. It should read:
    “the historian who dared to question the Fauxlocaust was its first victim.”
    “sue for the unspeakable pain they felt upon hearing the Fauxlocaust blasphemed get the money”

  10. These Jew Pamela Geller is really a diabolical being. After the Zio Judaic Khazarian Mafia have committed all these crimes around the world: wars, famine, blood, genocide, starvation, pain, suffering, etc… to millions of people due to the impertinence of this criminal entity called Israel and these monster called Geller has the hypocrisy of blaming other people (the Muslims) for the real hatred brought to this world by the Asiatic Khazarian called Jews?.

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