ed note–as we say here often, anyone who thinks that Judaism from the Torah plays no part in this quaint little thing we call Armageddon is either a fool, a liar, or both.
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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You are stark raving mad a bible thumping literalist and a projectionist you and your ilk the real terrorist on this planet your insane frothing of the mouth and teeth gnashing a curse recognised by the lord you refuse and the incoherent ramblings of an apostate faux jewish sect sabbatean frankists you are the monstor from the deep being uncovered by the last days of the apocalypse your evil being uncovered not the literal atomic holocaust envisaged by brain and heart dead ghosts your nefarious agenda is now exposed you will not succeed the Paraclete now returned like a thief in the night will ensure your eternal damnation repent and reconcile or be revelated end your monstrous genocide and false flag attacks on christendom for Gods sake Amen
This is a horrible article! The Palestinians are part of this land! This Israelis have no right to kill them and scatter them.
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