ed note (Tony)…Many will say he was mistaken for one of ‘Them Mooos-Lums!’

Don’t kid yourselves, folks.

Link here

0 thoughts on “Sikh brutally assaulted in US ahead of 9/11 anniversary”
  1. “..Governments have always invented threats in order to pursue aggression and make their people sacrifice their lives, wealth and freedom.

    If you believe Israel and the West are under attack by Islamic extremism,
    you have been duped. There is growing evidence that Israel was involved in the 9-11 attack and is plotting new terror scares. …”


  2. the 9/11 was a quite unique and very efective, major Coup ‘ Etat done in the modern times.
    “….A coup d’état , literally “BLOW OF STATE “, an overthrow, is the sudden and illegal seizure of a state usually instigated by a SMALLl group of the existing government establishment to depose the established regime and replace it with a new ruling body. A coup d’état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. ..”
    The uniqueness of this ‘blow of state’ was that it was done by using the help of the exernal Powers ( Israel) and then blaming falsely somebody else ,( Muslims),
    It didn’t ‘deposed the established regime”, but it gave more rights to the ‘established regime’ to officially act as the regime.
    Empolying the Mainstream media as the major accomplice in this mega-crime of attacking its own citizens and ,then, falsely blaming some other group for it, only shows how far is the MSM under the complete influence of Globalists.
    It also shows a complete ignorance, indifference and a total lack of honour and dignity ,
    which an average American exibits by still watching and believing the MSM, the willing accomplice of the mega- crime og 9/11 that was orchestrated against ‘the people’.

  3. I agree with everything marta15 said except the implication that 9/11 was THE coup d’etat. It was the n’th stage of a series. Not sure of the value of n. Let’s say n = 3. Then the JFK assassination would be stage 2, and setting up the Federal Reserve would be stage 1. The warning that new atrocities are being planned is apt. They won’t give up – ever! We are long since living a life where – to quote Eric Blair:
    Ignorance is Strength;
    Freedom is Slavery; and
    War is Peace.
    The longer this goes on, the worse it’s going to get.

  4. On the art of making an illusion into reality. And to that degree that many, ( in spite of contradictory evidence) STILL believe in it, and many are just AFRAID OF NOt believing in it.
    The illusion, for many, is far MORE comforting than the truth.
    The truth disturbs our status quo, our apparent ‘peace of mind’. It requires further research, deeper reflections and oftentimes a complete change of values, lifestyle and more.
    So many don’t like the truth, actually many HATE the truth , because it makes us uncomfortable and makes some demands on us that we don’t want fulfil. we don’ t love the truth,
    We don’t have a PASSION for it, we are not willing to do any sacrifice for it ,that’s why we have what we have, and see what we see.
    “America’s War on Terrorism” was launched at 9.30pm on September 11, 2001

    At eleven o’clock, on the morning of September 11, the Bush
    administration had already announced that Al Qaeda was responsible for
    the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon. This
    assertion was made prior to the conduct of an indepth police
    That same evening at 9:30 pm, a “War Cabinet” was formed integrated by
    a select number of top intelligence and military advisors. And at
    11:00 pm, at the end of that historic meeting at the White House, the
    “War on Terrorism” was officially launched.
    The decision was announced to wage war against the Taliban and Al
    Qaeda in retribution for the 9/11 attacks. The following morning on
    September 12th, the news headlines indelibly pointed to “state
    sponsorship” of the 9/11 attacks. In chorus, the US media was calling
    for a military intervention against Afghanistan.

  5. All the more reason to expose these coward bastard and the truth about 911. Arrest all involved and hang them. This poor innocent man is still paying the price for yet another jewish deception and outright lie. How do they sleep at night, or do they?

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