[Ariadna: After coping with hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa and the ME (mostly Muslims) who poured with the force of waters off a broken dam into Europe and transformed large parts of many of their cities into “no go” zones, Europeans are less than receptive to arguments like, “This is not what Islam is like at all,” or “These are victims of white colonialism/wars, you owe them restitution.” Barbara Spectre and George Soros must be very pleased with their success in killing two birds with one stone.]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42jpuXJPk0w&w=560&h=315]

2 thoughts on “Somalia in Sweden”
  1. I find this mass migration almost beyond belief ! No set of nations can handle this.
    The public in Europe is not allowed to complain or are to be seen as “racist” just for defending themselves.
    The Left/Right system insists on the refuges coming with no restrictions …the stupid Pope laments “Walls” while he lives behind one and his “elder brothers” in Israel build them on stolen land.
    The Jews’ God Yahweh is at war with Europe. He sought its extermination ever since the Jews’ poision entered its mainstream through organized Christianity and its divisions.
    Europe’s Nordic, Celtic, Aryan, Hellenistic foundations eternally threaten Jew power.
    Its highly organized people are always a threat to the Jews through the “soul race” of their culture, expounded upon by Jung.
    Make no mistake …just as the Jews divide and subdivide the middle East, they have done to Europe.
    Their new phase is by cultural/racial invasion.
    All sides pawns in their devil’s game.

  2. At a certain point, the patience, peacefulness, and kindness of Europeans will come to an end, and national self-defense initiatives will begin. Friends of mine in Europe (and I shall not provide the name of the country) have told me that they are beginning to form large armed self-defense vigilante groups in response to these immigrants’ propensities to gang rape European women, so these violent parasitic immigrants better start watching their asses, because they are going to start looking down the wrong end of loaded shotgun barrels as angry fed-up Europeans start coming into their ghettos and indiscriminately massacring them wherever they happen to be found. Unfortunately, a good number of Europeans do not see the hidden claws of the International Jew behind this continental disaster, but their time will come as well, and the 1930s will make a comeback.

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