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0 thoughts on “Something truly amazing happened today In Russia”
  1. “Today will go down in Russian history, as a truly historical celebration of the victory over Nazi Germany.”

    This statement belies the facts as they are today concerning events following the end of WW2.

    The conundrum that presently exists with respect to Russia and the West succinctly illustrates the fact that Russia (in 1945, and under the Bolshevik/Soviet/Jew-controlled system) was instrumental in aiding and abetting the West (also then, as now, controlled by Zionist Jewish interests) in its ultimate destruction of National Socialist Germany thus precipitating all future events that now places the Russian federation in the predicament that it finds itself.

    I see nothing to celebrate here with respect to Russia other than the gesture of Defense Minister Shoigu making the sign of the Cross.

    The Truth is that Russia is still in denial as to its former culpability with respect to the Zionist controlled West.

  2. Outrageous. No separation between state and church and not a single rabbi on the premises to balance this clear albeit subtle veering into anti-semitism. No speech mentioned the great contribution of Russian Jews to the war effort, like Ilyia Ehrenburg’s successful urging of the Soviet Army to leave a lasting memory to the German people.
    Russia is soon to become a hotbed of anti-semitism and my sincere advice to the Israeli Jews is to leave Palestine asap and move to Birobidjan, the one and only true, and the oldest, State for Jews. It is ideally situated between Russia and China from where the tireless champions of peace, anti-racism and anti-semitism could wage their campaign.

  3. Its not amazing if you watch the international news on RT/PressTV/TASS/Sputnik/Fort Russ /Moscow Times . Putin and his predecessor re-instituted the Russian Orthodox Church and to stop Jews/Catholics from interfering made it part of the Russian Constitution. The problem is if you live in the US Jew TV will never show anything that doesnt make look Russia evil . Fox “news” for breakfast-dinner and coffee break. CNN-ABC-and so on have brainwashed the US 99 % (except for posters here and Rebel and other truth telling websites). The US is wakening up going by the emails I get from US freedom organisations but watch out ! Some have been “got at ” so that they are put straight into the trash this is recent event by the Jews=G-Mail -Yahoo and 90 % of US email services this was told to me by one US organisation on checking up on the web I was shown a whole list on one investigative website .

  4. A multi-polar world just like a multi-culti society serves Jewry’s divisionary tactics. Why does Russian socierty does not have a healthy debate about the sixty-plus millions Christians killed by the western money lenders supported communist jew commissars ?

  5. I agree with Webmin, 100%.

    This is a problem for the absolute majority of people in the REAL truth-movement, and while some/many of us can understand why President Putin does and says what he does, it simply does not change the FACT that the defeat of “the evil empire” has created the situation that the entire planet, and the human-race, at-large, find themselves.

    It can not be said any more succinctly than that.


  6. Ostmann -what you are saying that the USA worked like a glove puppet by Israel is right in wanting only the US to rule everything Dont you realise the US is owned by Jews ?? What you are suggesting is totalitarianism is good when applied to Americans but not any other nation or people ?-aka US exceptionism 65 million Christians killed in Russia by jews okay then what about the same amount of American Native Indians totaling up to 80 or more million killed by Americans Many females raped . Dont-wont -ever accept that type of non-logic Freedom for the US but nobody else ? Obommer -Bush -Blair would be proud of you.

  7. I must concur with Ostmann,and Webmin. Soviet Russia was a Judiac Construct,and spread the Left side of their poison,killing millions. Russian Nationalists like the General,and Putin himself,where their victims! Making the sign of the cross was forbidden,in “Glorious 1945 USSR”,and the Russians doing it now is meaningless….Over 1 million Russians volunteered for National Socialst Germany…..”I have no POWS,only traitors”. FDR,Churchill buddy said,when send two million Russians “liberated”,from German POW camps in 45,to to the Gulag. Today’s Russian leadership,are trying to resist the Jews NWO,with the shacky foundation of old WW Soviiet underpinnings….this will fail,I am sad to say. Only total truth,can beat the International Jews. SeeThe Greatest Story Never Told ,You Tube. BLACK NAZIS,Victoria Clark,You Tube.

  8. To whom it may concern,
    Russians, Ukrainians etc, were raised and taught that they won WWII.
    They are taught that they played a deciding role in defeating Nazi Germany,
    not National Socialist Germany.
    Regardless of the good in Germany then, and also regardless of the bad in
    Soviet Bolshevik Russia then, this is what the men, women, and children in
    are taught now.
    This is a day of victory for Russia over a power that sought their destruction,
    National Socialist Germany was definitely seeking the destruction of Marxist
    Soviet Russia.
    No matter what your thoughts are on this subject, you have to deal with this
    multi-generational fact.
    The people, the indigenous people of Russia, fought and played an important
    role in beating an invader that sought to destroy them forever.
    This is what they know and believe they understand.
    Now, just consider what the average American believes as Gods holy truth
    Do you think it is better than what the average Russians believe about themselves
    This is the credit that I give Putin.
    He knows Russian history. He understands the Russian heart and minds and the
    propaganda that has shaped them both.
    He also knows a song or two from the American/Euro soundtrack that shaped
    our own hearts and minds and who wrote the script for these productions.
    I like that Putin keeps the cards to his chest.
    I like that Putin has slowed the game down some.
    This is a celebration of victory for the Russians.
    I hope America and all of the West will join them in their next celebration.

    ed note–AMEN Todd. Those well-intentioned but nevertheless shortsighted individuals who have made the rehabilitation of Hitler, the 3rd Reich and denial of the Holocaust the litmus test by which they measure all political events simply aren’t seeing the whole picture. If Putin & co were to jump on the bandwagon that folks such as these advocate, his mission in saving not only Russia but the world would be OVER, as the powers-that-be would use this as a wedge to marginalize him with his own people, and then what would the world be left with? There is such a thing as winning the battle but losing the war and unfortunately there are too many armchair generals in this movement who simply don’t have what it takes to understand that–as Benjamin Franklin once stated–‘when you’re in a low place, oftentimes you have to stoop’.

  9. Russia was a long time ally before the Jewish revolution there.
    Jewish power here tried to get Taft to break alliance. Taft said,”They are good trading partners and pay all of their bills”. Say goodbye to Mr Taft.
    Imagined we stayed friends with Russia.
    Imagine no Fed Reserve act of 1912/13.
    Imagine no Bolshevik and communist revolution for Jewish controlled American
    monies to finance.
    “Imagine all the people, living life in peace”, as John Lennon once said.
    Russia is a natural ally for peace loving people.
    So is Africa.
    So is Asia.
    Jews are the enemy of all nature.
    Where would the world be now if not for the Jews?
    Definitely more physically and mentally spiritually free. And probably more in peace with our neighbors and much
    less blood on our hands.
    Imagine there’s no jews. I wonder if you can.
    No hell below us.
    A brotherhood of man.

  10. The real reason Russian leadership and society cant discuss their past is that it is the foundation of their society, even more than Christianity. With out the ‘patriotic war’ circus, their higher ideal (defining society) it would collapse. It would be like telling Americans: “Well folks, freedom don’t exist and Your are debt-enslaved by high-finance who owns You, the government, media, society itself.” Effectively destroying their higher ideal. Imagen the mayhem it would cause. Btw never have I defended American policies, past or present. I simply realize that at the highest levels jewry, thru all means but especially thru usury high-finance upholds the multi-polar construct in order to prevent a synchronous coordinated anti-usury anti-zio action. Such is impossible as long the ‘poles’ aim their WMD’s at each other and mistrust each other. Even role reversals are possible like the ‘good’ US, used to be adored by the world as a ‘light of freedom’ and Russia was seen as an evil. Remember the ‘tower of Babel’ story- Which shows what jews fear the most: Unity.

  11. To all who boo or have negative comments on this article, whatever your reasons, Todd Raine NAILS it! Thanks Todd. I am tired of Putin being slammed. He is a human being and a politician. Vulnerable no matter what. You do not undo what he is working on overnight. It takes time and sometimes methods folks don’t approve of. Nothing is black and white in this game, just some are darker than others.

    We can pick pick pick and deduce from our distant perches, all edderkated about world politics and all, but in the end, is all nothing more than guesswork. That is the nature of the beast. There is NO ESCAPING the warped history we are left working with and so we are all prone to misinterpretations, no matter how hard we try.


    Once again, thanks Todd.

    Now, if you have not already, please go watch Hellstorm.

  12. @ Ostmann. Yes, if Putin were to come clean about the role Russia had in WW2, he would probably be lynched. He best keep those skeletons tucked way back in Russia’s closet.

    Part of Russia’s huge military build up (which he may had ambitions to role right thru all of Europe ) came from the United State’s Frank Roosevelt. He supplied Russia with the financing and the raw materials. More accurately would be to say that it was jew financing actually.

    Ukraine also paid heavily as Russia needed to sell their wheat which killed off many Ukraines. That’s is one reason many Ukraines greeted the Germans that came in, with cheers and flowers., as they moved closer in towards Moscow.

  13. Obommer -Putin is aggressive /warmonger – Fox News journalist =Yes he is massing troops at Russia,s border . Putin- But the USA has invaded umpteen countries killed in Iraq alone 1.5 million (latest US figures ) Used DU missiles -cluster bombs killed 100000,s of World Citizens tortured 1000 with impunity -imprisoned 1000,s who were innocent -used chemical warfare in Vietnam causing 10,s of 1000,s of deformed babies . supports that blood soaked country called Israel -has bombed its way all over the world and so on -Obommer- AH!!! but we are EXCEPTIONAL !! that means it doesnt count if we kill and maim babies and women – Putin -cant we be exceptional ? Obommer NO ! Only the US/EU/UK/ISRAEL are World class HYPOCRITES -so there . IF it was me and not Putin I you do to the US/Israel everything they did to me -an eye for an eye -a tooth for a tooth and by God ! If you want adverse propaganda I will certainly give it .

  14. @ Imhotep, the so called ‘cold war’ was a giant subterfuge to justify huge spending on militaries. And its not much different today, does not matter who is the ‘good guy’ or the ‘bad’ : Who makes profits, lending money, and owning the armament industries, who profits from division? Its the overarching JWO. What’s in conflict now is the ‘Eurasianism’ doctrine of the likes of Aleksandr Dugin clashing with Anglo-American Imperialism. Preventing unity. “I have made a whole series of such concrete proposals for the purpose of eliminating that poison with which public opinion has been infected in the various countries, and to abandon those more atrocious features of modern warfare, with the ultimate purpose of reaching a condition of practical disarmament.” – AH

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