OCDG : Ah, the loveable tribe is at it again, showing the world their true nature… if only the majority could put 2 and 2 together and see that it equals kosher. The other things said by the h✡llyw✡✡d “elites” about others also show what degenerate, low life vermin they really are. That’s the corrupting, degrading power of supremacism, for those paying attention.
Voz Iz Neias
Los Angeles – Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal apologized on Thursday for “insensitive” jokes she made about President Obama in emails that were stolen by hackers who recently attacked the studio’s computer network.

Well I hope Angie and Brad are paying attention to what their ‘friends & masters’ have to say about them and really think of them – “spoiled, difficult, untalented”, etc. After all the Jolie-Pitts have zealously followed the Jewish-Zionist-new world order-fake history script in all of their increasingly wackier and wackier movies for the past ten years as they fill the screen with images of Nazis and black slaves. Of course one is not allowed to make movies or star in movies unless they drink of the tainted Kool-Aid, and worship at the alter of Yahweh. So we get German soldiers being beaten to death with base ball bats and little ole slave girls saying things like “I pick 500 pounds of cotton for you master – every day 500 pounds of cotton” (how impossible is that???) I would imagine Sony has been carrying these two and falsifying the attendance records for their movies for a long time now – cause really – who wants to pay money to see any of this crap?
The Ham Sham garbage myth appeared in history only after Babylon. The real Jews/ Israelites were rabble slaves upon whom God had Mercy … which they couldn’t live up to. … The ones who forged the Ham Sham myths … are Gog and Magog (albinos) … In Surah Kahf, decent humans were begging Zul-Qarnayn to “seal up” these Albinos! …
And while these albinos had migrated and mixed with other races (to now have various features and shades) … you could still tell them by their nasty racial arrogance, cruelty, immorality, depravity and WICKEDNESS supreme — which ALL stem from internal deficiencies and insecurities (within the spirit and consciousness)! In other words, they are the ones who hate themselves, and never feel good enough … and, hence, want to bring down, degrade, torture and destroy others (esp. those who are wealthy within the soul)!
On yahoo, they’re not calling them Jew, for a tribe that uses it in daily use like its their calling card. Then when it’s unflattering, all of a sudden Jew talk shuts up. That’s because they run the Media… Same for sister media in Mexico and Telemundo and Univision. Talk about demeaning the Gentile, it’s worse in their media. Grew up in Los Angeles, Mexican Americans were the ones who told me “U know its a box, so everything is exaggerated. Less is better, otherwise U chew the furniture. Meaning over act.” They told me “U don’t think we really are like that?” Meaning, they thought Jew Hispanic Media was even more insulting. These people taught me cool and savvy comedy. You see it’s not just here they demean the masses in media to create a Jew False Aristocracy. It’s happening everywhere. Int’l Jewry and their finance Usury debt enslavement creates tribe traitors around the globe.
I must say the UGLY TRUTH,has the best commentators ! Thank you all above ! Here they are;the nasty Jews who OWN HOLLYWOOD;fully exposed as the haters they are I assure you all,this is how that smiling Jew ,you might know-the one who, perhaps give you an extra cookie,in the bag at the bakery ,talks in private about every Gentile ! The Jews are the most reactionary people on earth. Do not be fooled that they are “LIBERALS”. The Jew is wholly CONSERVATIVE,and to them;that means preserving there power:Prejudice,discrimination ,explotation,insult,allowed for them alone…..the “Left”,part of them is entirely tactical. A way to divide,and attack the Gentiles worlds culture/money. There tribal diety;Yahweh,is dualist; GOD/SATAN. Thesis-Anti-Thesis-Synthasis. Marx;the son of Rabbis revealed this:This allowed Jew International banking/Rothschilds to back the Reds in Russia,Tories,and Conservative Churchill without contradiction. Jews hate people of al other races-with black ,and brown,and Asian people,targeted for enslavment. White Europeans,of Aryan background;Nordics ;the Jew targets for extermination ! They consider an aroused Blonde type;there greatest foes:”The best of the Goyim must be killed “.And please,that is not a supremicst comment-just the facts,as THEY teach it,amongs themselves. This is why the Jew backed slavery;Financing the slave trade,and supporting the South,in the US Civil War:Rothschilds Agent Judah Benjimen ran the CSA! Jefferson Davis,a mere front. The former was Secretary of State ,Treasury,and War,all at the same time,and died rich,and protected in London. The Jews of London ran the British Empire,which exploited various races across the globe. During WW1,the Jews kept the slaughter on all sides going (see :Ben Freedman Warns America about The Jew 1961- You Tube), In the 1930’s Churchill advocated mass attacks on German Civilians in ‘the coming war’ See: HUMAN SMOKE:Baker,CHURCHILLS WAR:David Irving Action Report.Com. One must not forget how :”White Russians’,were targeted for extermination,by the Jewish Reds .. the population of Russia altered forever. During WW2-the Jews running theAllied War effort shut down ALL chances for peace,be demonizing Germany,and Japan,in total… ‘they are 20 million to many-Jew stooge Churchill said: “I am blood thirsty against Germans ” Masonic Jew lover ;FDR. UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER did the trick- SEE :HITLERS WAR:david Irving Action report.com, HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO – YT. HITLERS WAR:What Historians Negleft To Answer- YT… Today the Arab People,are their open targets. The comments by these nasty Jews;who OWN HOLLYWOOD,despite the lies of the ADL,Zio-Christian Ministers,and Alex Jones- are typical of who they are.. the masters of hate. “The Jews sow hatred among people,and make them go to war-they give them no peace” Adolf Hitler.
What ? Jews saying hateful things and running a powerful studio in Hollywood! This must all be lies ,by ‘conspitacy theorists!’. Jews are just nice,victims of hate,and prejudice ! My priest,and Minister says they are:”Gods Chosen People’. I heard this nice man,named Glenn Beck,who crys alot,tell me to support them no matter what ,and Obama is the new:”Hitler”. Didn’t that madman kill 6 billion Jews,,and make soap out of them ? There is this guy, named Alex Jones,who has short wave radio program,and my local Tea Party group told ,me to listen;he says “Arabs own Hollywood,and the dear, Jews are under threat by secret NAZIS,who own the world ! ” That must be true,because Grand daddy who was one of the’Greatest Generation’,and saw the flame pits the Germans put Jews in,belongs to the John Birch Society,which says the Rothschilds are not Jews,but Germans ! Plus the Jews ,are at the forefront ,of human rights,like in Israel,who treat the Palestinians with kindness,at all times ! Rev Haggee told me that ! So this story is, false-planted by the Arab-German-NAZI-Commie-Muslim -Marxist-Death Cult ! Let the Jews alone !