The NRG piece also quoted former leading Mossad official Haim Tomer as saying that the period leading up to July is the best time to increase sanctions on Iran, and not to reduce them. “The sanctions are being very effective, especially because of the drop in oil prices, and the economic collapse of Iran will force Iran to give up her dream,” Tomer said.
OCDG : Notice the word dream… most people reading that might think it is the dream of having nuclear weapons… but in that context, dream is not a very suitable word. The real meaning of dream, as has been stated here on TUT many times, is the economic/technological/societal/military advancement of Iran as a nation… something that scares the hell out of israhell and her worthless vermin “arab” zionist (crypto-jew) partners like saudi, uae, bahrain, qatar, etc. The recent price drop in oil, that is being celebrated across the USA is thanks to the opec scum collaborating with the judaic state to undermine Iran (also Russia). The Godless satanic state of israel has bombed the reactors of Iraq and Syria but if they try this with Iran, it’s going to go over like kosher pork at a bar mitzvah.
Love your Editor’s Notes: “it’s going to go over like kosher pork at a bar mitzvah.” 🙂
I really dislike wishy-washy editorial notes from which one can’t tell at all what the editorialist position on the issue is. Come on, OCDG, get off the fence and say it!
Sorry, unfortunately I’m not so good with words. I’ll try harder next time.
I like the editorial notes, kind of summarizes the article. And love the They Live pic of nutty up there. Priceless.
Keep up the good work that you do.
Algemeiner is a militant Jewish rag out of Brooklyn New York. Like all Jewish rags, it trots out the “imminent Israeli strike” rhetoric whenever there is a slow news day.
Jewish rags have been saying this since the 1979 Revolution. After all, they have to fill up the spaces around the advertisements with something.
Actually it is a good thing when Jews threaten to strike Iran. Such threats legitimize the Republican Guard in Iran, and politically weaken the oligarchs and the upper classes in Iran who want to impose more neo-liberalism.
Sanctions, however, are always bad for Iran, since the oligarchs and the Republican Guard blame each other for “causing” them.
Why shouldn’t Iran have nuclear weapons as well as any other nation? Each nation has a right to self protection….
One of our early Presidents said: To insure peace, be prepared for war.
“The Ugly Truth — Come for the Editorial Notes, Stay for the Information, and Enjoy the Graphics!”
Otherwise there’s not much to this site…
Hace sesenta años las instalaciones de Dimona en Negueved tenían la capacidad de producir veinte ojivas nucleares por año y ya tenían almacenadas 200 ojivas. Dimona, ha incrementado la producción de ojivas, año con año, se calcula que hasta hoy ha producido mas de tres mil ojivas nucleares; y por si fuera poco puede saquear a su antojo el armamento nuclear de USA y la UE; LO CUAL REPRESENTA LA MAYOR AMENAZA QUE ENFRENTA LA HUMANIDAD, DEBIDO A LA PERVERSIDAD Y FALTA DE ESCRÚPULOS DEL ESTADO TERRORISTA DE ISRAEL, PARA BOMBARDEAR CON OJIVAS NUCLEARES A SUS HOY ALIADOS Y BENEFACTORES
Yes Adolfo Plata Lopez. you are absolutely right. these diabolical beings in that illegal entity called Israel all they want is the destruction of the human race and have the survivors as slaves of their Satanic cabal. As you said: Israel represents the mayor menace for humanity due to the perversity of this unscrupulous terrorist entity. they will nuke the very people who are helping them now.
But or elected officials will never learn.