ed note–please pay attention to those sections highlighted in red and reprinted here below–
‘American Jews reached a pinnacle of social and cultural acceptance…Being American Jews was hip. It was cool. It was the thing to be. From Jon Stewart to Jerry Seinfeld, Jews seemed to be more entrenched than ever before in the American mainstream…The election of Donald Trump has shattered the Jewish idyll, all across the board…Under his wings, America has seen an unprecedented outburst of blunt and naked hatred of Jews, which has only gotten worse since his election…Trump’s triumph has unleashed the pent up resentment against Jews...If he and his advisers don’t take assertive steps soon, anti-Jewish agitators will feel they have a license from the White House to do as they please. They will get bolder, grow stronger, recruit new adherents and increasingly resort to violence: we’ve seen it before…
‘There is no denying that Jews have transformed virtually overnight from insiders to outsiders. ..Prominent conservative Jews are the ones who have distanced themselves from Trump over the course of the campaign and will play no role in his administration…’
‘Most of the values, goals and policy objectives of the Trump administration, even if they turn out to be a paler and more palatable version of his campaign rhetoric, are diametrically opposed to those of most American Jews.’
And with all this (and more), what more can be said, other than ‘Yeah, we can see why so many ‘experts’ in this ‘movement’ kept chirping the line that Trump was ‘owned by the Jews’.
They destroyed America-I hope they are hounded and hunted down relentlessly. Let them not have a moments peace. Maybe they will start to realize they’re no longer welcome.
I’m really not able to take this seriously. The image of an innocent Jew passively awaiting the hateful throngs emerging from is in SHARP contrast to the obscevely rich Jew George Sor
Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog Below are two very important entries from the "Jewish Encyclopedia". Read them VERY CLOSELY..
Move to Israel, live in the “settlements”. Enjoy no other company than your fellow jews & tribe members. I hear Hezbollah has real rockets; not the bottle rockets Hamas fires with a ratio of hits about 1,000:1. The Hezbollah rockets will hit the Knesset.
“Most of the values, goals and policy objectives of the Trump administration … are diametrically opposed to those of most American Jews.”
How so?
“They [Jews] support immigration, pluralism, multiculturalism, social reform, government intervention, separation of church and state, gay marriage, abortion rights and on and on.”
But, but … I don’t understand. Jews DON’T support these things. No way!
Leastways, notsofar as the Jewzone State is concerned. I’m talking, of course, about Palestein. They are, in fact, very much OPPOSED to immigration, pluralism, multiculturalism, separation of church and state, gay marriage, abortion, yada, yada, yada. Is Chemi Shalev living in a parallel universe or what?!
“And if worse comes to worst, to paraphrase Casablanca, liberal American Jews will always have Israel itself.”
Well what good is that gonna do them? American Jews adore multiculturalism, separation of church and state, gay marriage, and abortions. How the hell are they gonna tolerate life in Israel?!
Obama was very good to the chosenites yet they always had a reason to complain.In conjunction with Jewish blood in the family and business relationships, he must also maintain a balanced relationship with israel in order keep the loby groups at bay and try to build a working relationship with the Zionists in Congress . I don’t see Trump bowing down to the Jews and therefore I expect a constant barrage of anti Trump rhetoric from American Jews . America will be great again when Congress is purged of Israel firsters and Jewish lobby groups become politically obsolete.
What part of “Put America first” do you not understand?
It’s not that Americans are specifically targeting Jews because they say to themselves, “Oh, look, it’s a Jew, I’m angry,” it’s that, collectively, the Jews have been at the forefront of this campaign to destroy Trump–Jewish faces, Jewish-owned goyim (like Deniro), and Jew after Jew after Jew on every major news outlet has spewed out a torrent of lies, trying to distort reality, smear Trump and even destroy him and his family. Just look at Big Jew Soros funding mayhem to overthrow the president-elect in the American streets! Thank God America still has an infrastructure to withstand this kind of thing. It’s the fault of the JEWS for exposing THEMSELVES by simply misusing their JEWISH POWER.
read bullshit
discover a dew
stir a bucket of vomit
find a jew
God’s self-chosen moving from being insiders to outsiders is a quantum leap in the right direction.