haredim rabbis


More than half of British Jews will be haredi by 2032, according to a study of the UK’s Jewish community released Thursday. 

In a study entitled “Strictly Orthodox rising: What the demography of British Jews tells us about the future of the Jewish community,” the Institute for Jewish Policy Research revealed that some 50% of Jewish children and 30% of young Jewish adults in the UK will be haredi by 2031. 

IJPR used census data from 2011 and other, more recent, studies to examine the birthrate and overall growth of various Jewish communities in the UK, as well as the Muslim, Hindu, and Christian communities

Among the findings: haredi Judaism in the UK is growing by 4.8% per year – as the rest of the UK’s Jewry follows a steady 0.3% decline. 

Haredi Jews also have the highest fertility rate of any group in the UK, at six children per woman. By contrast, the Muslim fertility rate stands at 3.25 children per woman; 1.98 for the “mainstream” Jewish community; 1.8 children in the Hindu community; and 1.53 in the Christian community. Theoverall British fertility rate is a mere 1.96. 

IJPR concludes that “the British Jewish population is undergoing a powerful compositional change,” growing “more strictly religious” by demographic means alone.

However, it also qualifies that the trend is not set in stone; mass aliyah to Israel – or assimilation – could derail haredi dominance in UK Jewish society. 

3 thoughts on “Study: Half of UK Jews to Be Haredi By 2031”
  1. UK=England -get it right ! The last Scottish census-2001 had 6000 jews living in Scotland as of today its down to 5000 and thats the jews OWN figures .They dont have that guy that does circumcisions –he left for Israel so one is sent from Manchester most jews head south we are taking at the present population of Scotland at 5,5 million its less than -0.1 % .Most Jews live in Glasgow but so do Muslims who vastly outnumber them and support both Hamas and the SNP ..Going -going– GONE -nearly !(thank God )

  2. “Haredi Jews also have the highest fertility rate of any group in the UK, at six children per woman.”

    Looks like these people deliberately screw a lot to produce more children, in order to eventually undermine democracy by eventually outnumbering all other voters (haha). Sooner or later, if the world is still here, with those huge fertility rates, the Jews will be the predominant racial and religious group in the country. Maybe some sneaky Haredi Jewish doctors are somehow restricting the fertility rates of other groups (they probably really are).

    By strange coincidence, fertility rates of native white Germans and native Japanese in former Axis power countries are dwindling away at such a rate that the peoples of Germany and Japan will soon die out.

    Japanese, strangely, seem to be strangely smitten with odd tendencies like locking themselves away for several years in one room, no longer wishing to get married, or even displaying no interest whatsoever in the opposite sex, in ever increasing numbers.



    Fluoride? Mind control weapons? Simple suicidal urge due to shame of military defeat in WWII? Social conditioning by TPTB?

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