OCDG: This is just one in a long line of “so what”.
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One of those videos (above) mentions the 2005 movie “Paradise Now,” which is about two childhood friends being recruited for a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.
The film’s writer and director (Hany Abu-Assad) is a Palestinian who apparently dreams that Jews can be mollified by “seeing their side.”
What a pathetic fantasy.
Jews truly are “Chosen,” meaning that alone among the peoples of the world, Jews cannot be reasoned with, nor lived with.
There can be no reconciliation with Jews; no “walking a mile in their shoes.” It is useless to try and see Jews as “just like us,” or try to “see things from their side.” Any kindness shown to Jews is taken as weakness. Jews have no shame, and therefore no honor. Jews are the embodiment of greed, hate, and envy. Jews are disease.
In the movie “Paradise Now,” one of the would-be suicide bombers tells a woman, “If we can’t live as equals, then we shall die as equals,”
The woman condemns the guy, saying, “Why can’t you find a way to be equal in life?”
Excuse me? Equality for Palestinians under the Jewish boot? Dream on, you self-righteous little bitch.
She says the bombing will give the Israelis another excuse to keep killing Palestinians.
WTF!!! As though Jews need an excuse to murder! As though Jews are “just like us,” and can be reasoned with! As though Jews only kill in response to “terrorism”!
The woman condemns the suicide bomber, saying his act will not be justice, but simply revenge.
This is philosophical garbage fit only for self-centered little twits who live in comfort, and are not starving and freezing in the Gaza death camp. They have not spent their lives in despair and desperation. They were not born into abject poverty with no hope of escape from the cruelty of psychopaths (i.e. Jews). And yet they judge suicide bombers. What self-righteous excrement.
In the movie “Paradise Now,” the female says, “If you kill, then there is no difference between you and the occupiers.”
Again, this is bullshit. The suicide bomber does not seek to “make a point,” nor “be different” from his targets. He is beyond academic debates. Driven mad by poverty and cruelty, his act is a cry of rage and despair, which is quite reasonable under the circumstances. I would do the same thing if I were in his place.
But it gets worse…
Patrick Henry (1736 –1799) was an American attorney and politician who gave speeches in favor of freedom from the British Empire. Patrick Henry is famous for saying, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” These words are considered heroic — but only because the British Empire lost the war. If England had won the war, then Patrick Henry would be considered no better than a suicide bomber.
“Give me liberty or give me death,” says the suicide bomber. I would say the same thing if I were in his place. But unless my side wins the war, I am considered insane.
Later in the movie, one of the two suicide bombers tells the other that the woman was right. “We can’t win this way.”
There it is again: the bullshit of people (i.e. the film makers) who are comfortable. The suicide bomber does not seek to “win.” He knows he cannot win. He seeks to end his agony, and take as many of his tormentors with him as he can.
I clicked on IMDB.com to see what viewers think of “Paradise Now.” Jews can’t stand it, saying that the film “humanizes” Palestinians. All Palestinians, including infants, are “terrorists.”
The National Socialists had the right idea. Collect all Jews and ship them to some island, and ban them from ever returning.
Excellent comment.
Just one minor nitpick in an otherwise great statement.
The jews have already framed the debate, laid out the boundaries of discourse. The alleged mythical “suicide baumer” is taken as a given without proof. In the early days of my search, I ran into article after article about jewish false flags, deceptions, lies etc. I’ve read enough stories about so-called SB’s to cast major doubt on the entire theater of this moronic ideology of the jews.
There are two instances I remember off the top of my head: the one involving a car in Iraq, during the 2nd bush war. An Iraqi was driving through a checkpoint and was stopped by foreign troops (british if I recall). They detained and questioned him for quite a while. While that was going on, these same group of people were hiding a major baum in this man’s vehicle. They then let him go, with the expectation that when it reached its destination, it would be reported in the media as a SB event. Little did they know that God also plans and He is the best of planners. The baum went off before its time…. and this story was spread widely enough so that the world can know how these devils operate.
Another episode I remember is the one where a Palestinian teenager was given a job as a courier; taking a package across town. For a poor kid, this was money in the bank and it was easy. I don’t have to tell you what the contents of that parcel was… we know quite well. This incident was most assuredly NOT isolated, as this was quite a widespread phenomenon. Though I have forgotten the names and specific places, I have learned a valuable lesson.
Analyze again what you’ve written… think how the fact that SB’ers are a fallback position of the so-called “left”… when they’ve done all the damage they can, they then recline to the argument that, desperate people do desperate things. And it sounds good and logical, I mean who wouldn’t believe people, living in despair and poverty with no chance at justice, wouldn’t employ such means to attack their tyrants?
This is how the God cursed jews operate… they are masters of lying and deception. Even those of us who live and breathe this material can become entangled in it. I for one don’t believe it for a second. Even after more than a century of this jewish plague on Palestine, the Palestinians are more human than the jews ever will be. There is more decency in just one Palestinian, than the whole of the jewish race, as distinct from the human race. You don’t spend thousands of years reveling in wickedness and all things unholy and expect to stay human, do you? That’s why they have such grotesque physical features… it is the manifestation of what is in their black hearts and dark souls.
Scumbags like chomsky and other leftist “good” jews wallow in this kind of excrement. They love it more than pigs love filth. Just one more way to tarnish the names and reputations of Palestinians (and Muslims in general).
God damn the jews. I wish them eternal hellfire as a reward for all the hard work they do to further the lusts and desires of their father.
OCDG, thank you for your comment. That film “Paradise Now” annoyed me, and made me overlook some things, which you corrected.
(Incidentally the writer-director is Palestinian, but the production crew included Israelis, which explains a lot.)
You correctly note that Jews frame the debate, and set the limits of discourse, calling every action by their victims a “suicide bombing” (just as every victim of Jewish atrocities is a “human shield”).
If an Arab taxi driver injures a Jewish pedestrian, the Jews call it a “suicide bombing.” If an Arab child throws a stone that injures a Jew, it is a “suicide bombing.” If Jews shoot at Palestinians, and one of the victims shoots back, it is a “suicide bombing.” If an Arab so much as touches a Jew, it is a “suicide bombing.”
The “suicide bomber” is an iconic image, a symbol, a BOGEYMAN that conveys two main ideas.
First, that anyone who questions Jewish supremacy is a “suicide bomber,” and is therefore insane.
Second, “suicide bombers” are behind every tree, around every corner, and under every bed.
Thus, Arabs must be exterminated for the good of all. The movie “Paradise Now” supports this Jewish mind-set with its “suicide bombers” symbolism.
Jews says that, “Palestinians don’t value life as we do,” since all Palestinians are “suicide bombers.”
According to Jews, Palestinians do not act because their children are starved and slaughtered. No, Palestinians act because they want to become martyrs. All of them, including the infants. It’s a genetic thing, you see.
But Jews go further. When Jews slaughter children, they claim that the parents WANT Jews to slaughter their children, so that the parents can score points in the court of world opinion.
Jews claim that Hamas intentionally places its (non-existent) rockets on the grounds of schools and orphanages, so that Jews will retaliate, and kill Palestinian children.
Indeed, Jews not only hate their victims, they claim to hate their victims for making Jews hate their victims. Their madness and their evil is self-contained, and infinite.
Since average Americans are essentially Judaic in their thinking, they too enjoy the “suicide bomber” bogeyman. Every incidence of violence in the Middle East was until recently a “suicide bombing,” regardless of what actually happened, and who did what to whom.
And now, because the series of fake “beheading” videos, the bogeyman has changed from a “suicide bomber” to a “beheader.”
Netanyahu tried out the “Hamas is ISIS” trope, but it didn’t get much traction in the Jewish mind. The lie didn’t “grow legs,” so to speak. Jews prefer their Palestinian victims to be “suicide bombers” and “rocketeers.”
MY POINT HERE is that you are correct in noting that the film “Paradise Now” supports these Jewish tropes and symbols.
Outstanding article, JM. My compliments. Every visitor to T.U.T. should read this.
In order to justify imperialist smash-and-grabs, the corporate media constantly talks about “suicide bombers.” This makes people seem insane, and therefore a “threat.”
Every time I see one of these lies, I think, “WTF? People don’t use timers or remote detonators anymore?”
Konrad I hope you do not mind if I use your imagery on this week’s cartoon page!