ed note–a few things worth considering here–
The basis upon which the ‘good rabbis’ justify their ‘holy work’ is Jewish religious law, also known as halacha. It is the judaic equivalent (in only a few respects) to the same Islamic ‘sharia’ law which organized Jewish interests in control of the media in the West are constantly warning about in high-pitched decibels is gonna ‘take over’ in the West and force everyone to conform to its dictates, or else.
And yet, these same organized Jewish interests in control of the media in the West who are constantly warning in high-pitched decibels that ‘sharia law’ is gonna ‘take over’ in the West and force everyone to conform to its dictates, or else have no problem whatsoever with judaic Halacha taking over in the West and forcing everyone to conform to its dictates, or else.
Next–please notice how the entire operation from top to bottom as described in this piece reads like an episode of the Sopranos, when in fact it is not the Sopranos as much as it is the Shapiros. Organized Crime is as much a Jewish outfit as Chinese restaurants in America are owned and run by guys with names like Wang, and truly it is not Cosa Nostra that people need to worry about but rather Kosher Nostra.
Note as well the defense that the ‘good rabbis’ use in trying to wrench themselves free from the long arm of the law–‘freedom of religion’, in other words, it is part of their religious practice to inflict violence against people for monetary gain.
And finally, we can all imagine what kind of dirty business is involved at the much higher levels involving groups and organizations such as ADL, APAIC, Amreican Jewish Congress, etc, when the stakes are much higher than simply a divorce but rather when a nutcase, nuclear-armed, messianic theocracy such as the Jewish state is involved.
Suppose the husband shoots the Rabbis with his .32 auto? That’s be funny! It would also open up a real can of worms. Stand your ground? Self protection? Didn’t NY jews lobby the city to let them pack guns for protection? I’ve never set foot in NYC or anywhere up there on the east coast and I never will! There’s no jews around here where I am!
I grew up on the east coast. The more I read about stuff like this, the more I am convinced that a majority of Jews are insane.
“Uh, is there some Jewish crazy stuff here?’ ”
What ya doin’ rabbi?
P.S. @ Matthew (above)…you THINK there aren’t any Jews around where you are. Don’t be so sure. They ain’t called ‘cryptos’ for nothing.
Matthew, unless you live in the middle of nowhere on private land (whatever that means nowadays with the tiered levels of modern ownership) you know Jews. You are just lucky to have great Jewdar and they are as invisible to you. Lucky feller.