Ed-note (Sabba) – It is not just the Shia and the Sunni who agree that the jews have no place in the Middle East: even they agree! This is why they take part to all European events, from the Eurovision to the European basket ball championship, the European football championship etc. etc. etc. If you consider yourselves as Europeans, then follow Helen Thomas’ advice and get the hell out of Palestine… But Europe does not want you… BIROBIDZHAN?
The Jews are contrary to all men. Geee, where do I read that? Oh, that’s right. THE NEW TESTAMENT.
“Sunnis, Shi’ites fight each other, but they agree Israel has no place in Mideast, sighed Netanyahu, “and we’ve done more than anybody to get them to fight each other and all for nothing!” he lamented.
Thank you Sabba, for adding your voice to the cause I support: the one and only Jewish state: Birobidjan!