State Department spokesperson indicates Washington likely to veto text calling for Israeli withdrawal to 1967 lines by end of 2017
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did anybody really think jew ryn America would let this happen?….the caveat was…..”might consider”…iss when I knew dem was lying….America would rather nuke Palestine first…..and then declare it a state…Jimmy Carter was right…God bless his red neck ass…ama buy his book raat-na
This outcome was never in doubt. The United States has been voting Israeli interests (even when it was clearly contrary to US interests) for at least 15 straight years. This vote clearly demonstrates that the entire “peace process” was a complete unadulterated lie from start to finish. The “process” was designed from the outset to delay, delay, delay in order to give Israel the time it needed to steal all of Palestine. A goal which is essentially completed.
The U.S. Senate has already shown us their true colors by voting 100-0 in support of Israel killing 500 innocent children because the rabbi authoring The King’s Torah writes, “it is permissable to kill children if they might grow up to be anti-Semites”
This is actually good that the US Prostitutes of Zionisville will veto. After reading it, France wrote the final resolution and it is deceptive wording and will harm the Palestinians in the long run if it goes through. Abbas is a quisling ass-wipe traitor who is not a leader, why the hell would they allow France to write it? Are they dumb? It mentions no right of return to some 5.5 million Palestinians in exile, it has that later if vote is accepted it can be amended. That is extremely deceptive and actually a lot of it is more in favor of the Zionist than Palestinians. It will completely harm the Palestinians shortly after if it passes. Many many absolute devastation will come if it goes through. When Palestinians actually get a true leader who is not a Nazi collaborator like Abbas and his stooges, who are all puppets as will than they can draft it and send it in. Palestinians have been cursed with traitors for leaders. Until then Palestinian with their true leaders and supports Hamas will resist.
Palestinians via the Jordanian representative should demand that there be a show down vote at the UN Security Council. And if the USA uses its veto power, Palestinians should declare that they no longer have any confidence in the USA as a peace broker!
DUH! What did you expect? Still in Lala Land????
This is a very sad depressing day. i despise the US State Dept more than ever. and i despise all Israeli’s, Illegal Colonizers and Bloodsucking Parasitic Ticks from hell.
The United States is 100 % a Judiac Construct. Number 1# MONEY ! The Jews have total control of it. US Federal Reserve(THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA:Real Jew News.Com.REAL MONEY AND THE POWER OF THE JEWISH DIALECTIC:Real Jew News.Com) ,and all that controls-Media,Academia,Religion,Politics. Every ,and all debate futitle,until first the educated,wake up,and than the masses awake!
The USA,is under rule of Yahweh. Isreal,is he,and he is Israel. It is Satanic,and it is ugly. The Western World,follows suit,and NATO,is the enforcer. See:Yahweh:GOD OFTHE NWO-synagogue Of Saturn YT. Learn how just one Jew can run a kingdom; JUDE SUSS,1940-YT. And how the Matrix controls all sides: OCCULT FORCES,1943.
As long as the US government is controlled by these parasites there will never be a legitimate Palestinian land any more. Despite the fact that the whole world tries to make Israel comply with the UN Security Council Resolutions, the blood suckers will not comply.
Israel will assassinate any “true leaders” that Palestine can produce.
Only in Z.O.S.A. (Zionist Occupied States of America)