‘It is unacceptable how they have been talking about us and everybody else,’ Margot Wallstrom said in an interview in daily Dagens Nyheter, adding that Israeli rhetoric had ‘crossed all limits.’
REUTERS – Sweden’s foreign minister said on Friday Israel had irritated close allies by overreacting to Stockholm recognizing the state of Palestine, saying its rhetoric over the issue had “crossed all limits.”
“It is unacceptable how they have been talking about us and everybody else,” Margot Wallstrom said in an interview in daily Dagens Nyheter. “It has irritated not only us, but the Americans and everyone who has anything to do with them right now.”
Relations between Israel and Sweden have nose-dived since Social Democrat Prime Minister Stefan Lofven used his inaugural address in parliament last year to announce that his country would recognize a Palestinian state.
Israeli said the move was ill-considered, would not contribute to peace and called its ambassador back to Jerusalem for discussions.
The United States said recognition was premature.
In the interview, Wallstrom said Sweden supported Israel, Palestine and peace, but was sharply critical of Israel’s policies. “Israel has been extremely aggressive,” she said.
“They have continued with their settlement policies, they have continued demolitions, they have continued with their occupation policies which entail a humiliation of Palestinians, which makes the (peace) process difficult.”
Wallstrom had been due to go to Israel this week, but postponed her trip. The Swedish government said the decision was due to scheduling difficulties, but Swedish radio quoted an official at the Israeli foreign ministry saying Wallstrom would not have been extended an official welcome by Israel.
“We said that it is difficult to put these meetings together, diplomatic meetings of any kind, as we approach the elections,” Paul Hirschson, spokesman for Israel’s Foreign Ministry, told Reuters.
“I would add that the atmosphere between Israel and Sweden is not exactly the best right now and that factors into the decision. But the primary issue is the timing, more than anything else.”
Reblogged this on News for the Blind and commented:
It seems like Israel overplayed their hand here lol
The Jewish claim is based on the Taurât (Torah) of 916 AD* and so we examine to see if this claim is valid or not. We look forward to an alternate viewpoint that is factual and provable, and not based on unfounded information, and which cannot be substantiated with genuine proof.
*MANUSCRIPTS. There are no very ancient MMS of the Hebrew Bible, and of such as have come down to us all belong to the same family or recension. The earliest dated Hebrew manuscript known was written in 9.16 A.D. [The Holy Bible.1959 Edition. Virtue & Company Limited, London. Edited by: Reverend John P. Connell. (M.A.; S.T.D). Published with the approbation of HIS EMINENCE SAMUEL CARDINAL STRITCH, Archbishop of Chicago]*
Christians have overlooked the fact that Jesus was born and lived in PALESTINE! He was a PALESTINIAN! The Jews hated Jesus and tried their utmost to kill him! That is why they want to eliminate all Palestinians by killing them off only because of their hatred of Jesus who exposed their evil deeds and cursed them!
It is claimed by the Jews that they have a lineage with the Prophet Abraham and the covenant was made between God and Abraham that his children from Isaac, which will inherit the land of Palestine. The Jews very conveniently overlook the fact that Abraham and his children were not Jews, nor were there Jews in existence during his lifetime, and Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, as there were no Jews born yet!
The Arabic Glorious Quran states:
3/65. “Ye people of the Book! (Jews and Christians), why dispute ye about Abraham, when the Law and the Gospel were not revealed till after him? Have ye no understanding?”
3/67. “Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allâh ’s (submitted his will to Allâh , -in Arabic means Islam), and he joined not gods with Allâh .”
The Jews cite the following verse from their Old Testament in support of their claim:
Genesis17:8: “And I will give unto thee, (Abraham) and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”
That in a nut shell is the claim. The facts are as follows:
1. Prophet Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian. Judaism and Christianity came centuries after him. The name Israel was given to Jacob by God, Abraham’s son Isaac, according to the Bible, and his direct descendants were called as the Children of Israel.
2. The Taurât (Jews call it Torah) which was revealed to Prophet Moses in the Egyptian Arabic Language is not what was created in 916 AD in a language – Hebrew – which is foreign to Moses, and which is followed today by the Jews and Christians; although the Christians adhere more to the New than the Old Testament. The Jews and Christians claim that the original language that Moses spoke, and in which he received the Taurât was in Hebrew – this fact alone nullifies the Jewish and Christian claim.
3. According to the Jews they are the only ones to have the right to the land, as they claim that the Arabs are not the true children of Abraham. This is not true, as one father’s children cannot comprise two different nations. A man having two or more wives bearing his children will keep the name and nationality of the father, as the sperm of the father determines the lineage, and the tribe will remain one. So the claim of two separate nations is not true.
4. For anyone/ or group to put forth any claim; evidence is required, and in support of the Jewish claim the Taurât (Torah) is submitted as their evidence and so it must be examined.
a. It is accepted by all three religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) that Prophet Moses was cast into the river by his mother to save him from being killed by Pharaoh. (Muslims call him by Mûsâ). He was rescued and brought up in the household of his enemy, Pharaoh, the monarch of Egypt. His mother was then employed to breast feed him. That is not disputed by any of the three religious groups.
b. The Children of Israel were in bondage of the Egyptians for many centuries before the time of Moses. Remember that they had come to Egypt since the time of Prophet Joseph with his brothers andparents.
c. Now the fact they were in bondage for so long, (historical evidence suggests four centuries) and being a minority group in Egypt, they must have adopted many of the traits of the Egyptians, and most of all they must have been speaking the Egyptian language, by which they communicated with their masters.
d. This is evident even today in South America where the Spanish colonized; in Africa where the Italians, French and English colonized. E.g. in Cape Town we see that the Afrikaans language spoken here is a dialect of the Dutch Indonesians. Moses must have learnt and spoken the Egyptian language in Pharaoh’s palace where he grew up from a baby, as Pharaoh would never have spoken a slave language in his house. That is a fact that cannot be disputed by anyone. It is also known from history that the Children of Israel had to switch languages many times. Therefore, they did not speak “Hebrew” during the time of Moses which was only completed as a language in the 10th century AD. Furthermore, God’s revelation could not have been in a language that was incomplete! That also cannot be disputed!
The Arabic Glorious Quran states:
14/4. “Allâh sent not an apostle except (to teach) in the language of his own people, in order to make (things) clear to them. Allâh leaves straying those whom He pleases (because they refuse the guidance) and guides whom He pleases (those who wish to be guided): and Allâh is Exalted in power, full of Wisdom.”
14/5. “We sent Moses with Our Signs (and the command).”Bring out thy people from the depths of darkness into light, and teach them to remember the days of Allâh . Verily in this there are signs for such as are firmly patient and constant, – grateful and appreciative.”
So Moses must have spoken the Egyptian Arabic Language, as he was brought up in Pharaoh’s house and the Taurat was revealed in the Egyptian Arabic language. Even today, more than 6,000 years later all Egyptians, Christians and Muslims speak Arabic.
‘Global War I: geopolitical battle where oil is key’
The Jewish Supremacists will defend their petro- dollar order by any means necessary from false flags to nuclear war.
Despite all the the political and economic ramifications between Israel and Sweden.
It is just a matter of plain human decency,to at least turn ones back on Israel figuratively!
And ones moral imperative (If they have any morals?)to take actions to destroy the Jewish Zionists regime literally!
Every nation, except the US & Britain, hate Israel! Where would the terrorist state of Israel be without the jew Rothchilds? Is that why the west grovels to the vile jews?
On 11 September 2003, Mossad assassinated Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh.
Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom could be next.
Anna Lindh was pro-Palestinian, and had called for a European boycott of Israel.
On 3 April 2022 Ms. Lindh called upon the European Union to cut ties with Israel.
Anna Lindh called on US President George W. Bush to deny unconditional support to Ariel Sharon.
She insisted that the only solution in the Middle East rested in ending the Israeli occupation
She played an important role in shaping the EU’s decision to adopt a policy toward Palestinian President Yasser Arafat that was different from that of the USA. (Arafat was later assassinated by Mossad on 11 Nov 2004.)
She confirmed the importance of Arafat as a partner in the peace process, rejecting Washington’s claims that Arafat supported “terrorism”
She strongly opposed the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan
She warned of the dangers of changing another country’s regime without the support of international law.
She called for the creation of a Middle East free of such WMDs, including Israel.
In addition, Anna Lindh was a rising star in Sweden’s ruling Social Democrat Party (SDP). At age 46 she was an intelligent and articulate politician with more than 20 years’ experience in government. An outspoken and attractive foreign minister, Lindh was expected to be Sweden’s next prime minister — until the Jews eliminated her. She had two young sons, 8 and 13.
The Mossad hit was pinned on one Mijailo Mijailović (born in Sweden to Serb parents), who “confessed” to it, and was sentenced to life.
On 17 Sep 1948, the Jewish Stern Gang of terrorists assassinated Folke Bernadotte of Sweden. Mr. Folke Bernadotte had been the United Nation’s Mediator on Palestine.
Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme had sought recognition for the PLO, and called on the Jews to withdraw from the Occupied Territories. Mr. Palm was assassinated on 28 Feb 1986.
Is Margot Wallstrom on the list?
Uh oh, Sweden better watch out for “Islamic Terrorists” pulling another Charlie Heebdo in Stockholm.
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Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.
The Mossad, CIA have done a lot of murders all over including here in the US. Any one who speaks for the Palestinian people is a target for these diabolical beings.
The whole world is waking up now and many do not believe the government account any more.
How is it possible that the Hebrew Jews never said any thing about the land of Palestine and most of them were living all over the world. When these satanic Jews from Khazaria started the Zionism is when all the troubles started. You do not have to be a historian or a scientist to see the absurd of this claim. They claim that the land was given to them by their God 5,000 years ago. The claim falls down to the ground by its own weight. It is absurd, it is based only on religious believes which do not substantiate any historical facts.
But the irritate everybody and we must just be happy for that. They under the impression that the rest of the people is as amnesiac as the Americans.
Konrad … that was an excellent, informative post/ analysis. Thank you.
Also … as per increasing expositions in that direction, I wonder if these murderers and Mossad are ultimately harvested/ linked with NATO’s hidden mercenary arm — “Gladio”.