ed note–kind of a strange thing for someone who is a ‘crisis actor’ to do…

In all seriousness, ladies and Gentile-men…

In the 6 years that have passed since the massacre of innocents at Sandy Hook elementary and all those copy-cat massacres that have followed, anything and everything that could be conjured up for discussion related to them has been moved to centerstage–Pro-gun control/anti-gun control…Armed teachers/unarmed teachers…Extra police/less police…Increased background checks/decreased background checks, etc, etc, etc..

And then of course, all the nonsense that took off like a pandemic fever courtesy of the ‘Hoaxer’ brigade, i.e. that none of it took place at all and that the NWO–after orchestrating the mass murder of hundreds of millions of innocent people over the course of the last century, suddenly had a change of heart, changed tactics 180° and instead of doing what it does best, i.e. trauma-based mind control arising out of real manufactured terrorist events–decided instead to engage in the very risky, expensive, and logistically impossible strategy of ‘staging’ these events as if all of it were a scene from something out of Hollywood.

WHAT HAS NOT BEEN DISCUSSED HOWEVER IN EVEN THE MOST MINUTE DEGREE is the one thing that–if society had an ounce of its bearings and if the political leadership of America and of the wild, wild West had the brains, guts, and honesty that should accompany such a vocation–is the primary cause of all of these events, which is the DELIBERATE MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING that has been in place on the part of a mainstream media owned lock, stock, and barrel for decades by organized and hostile Jewish interests in turning an entire civilization of people into remorseless killers as the necessary pre-requisite to launching the ‘clash of civilizations’ that Judea, Inc must see take place if she is to attain and achieve her thousands of years old plan known as ‘Greater Israel’.

This young lady wasn’t even THERE that day, but due to the trauma of survivor’s guilt decided to take her own life, and no one should make the mistake of thinking she is somehow an exception or a ‘special case’. There are tens (hundreds?) of millions of young people in America and the West who are–due to the years of deliberate programming they have received from the JMSM–for all intents and purposes real-life manifestations of the walking dead, whose childhood, innocence, compassion, empathy, sense of right vs wrong and connection with the higher power that created them have all been obliterated by a SPECIFIC GROUP OF PEOPLE WORKING IN COLLUSION WITH EACH OTHER FOR A SPECIFIC AGENDA.

What’s worse is that the one place–the alternative media–where such a discussion should be occurring is instead filled with nutcase opportunists and clowns such as Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer, Gordon Duff and others who–rather than performing the important duty of informing the masses of asses out there as to what took place and  IS TAKING PLACE AT THIS VERY MOMENT in destroying the children of the West, instead have decided to pander to the demands of their ‘audience’ by peddling nonsense in return for which they have been made wealthy not only with money but with applause and noteriety.


Sydney Aiello, who survived the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, has died from suicide, people close to the family told CNN.

Her mother, Cara, told CNN affiliate WFOR that Aiello suffered from survivor’s guilt after one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern US history and had recently been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Aiello, a student at Florida Atlantic University, died Sunday. Her funeral was Friday in Davie, Florida.

Aiello had been on campus the day of the mass attack but was not in the building where the shootings took place, her mother said, according to WFOR. Aiello, a cheerleader in high school, graduated just months after a troubled teen gunned down 14 students and three teachers there.

The family of Parkland school shooting victim Meadow Pollack described Aiello as “someone dear to Meadow.”

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this week sent an email of bereavement about Aiello’s death to staff, a teacher told CNN.

A former history teacher described Aiello as “nice and always smiling and talkative.”

“She was always eager to say hello to everyone in the hallway,” the teacher said.

The February 14, 2018 massacre was carried out by former Stoneman Douglas student Nikolas Cruz, then 19, who confessed to being the gunman and was indicted on 17 counts of murder.

In the weeks after the carnage, grieving students launched a nationwide movement calling for public policy changes that would prevent a similar tragedy.

Gun safety advocates credit those efforts for state legislation enacted last year across the country, including 67 new gun laws approved by both Republican and Democratic legislators in 26 states and Washington, DC, according to a year-end report by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

One thought on “Sydney Aiello, a survivor of the Parkland school shooting, dies by suicide”
  1. A correction to the ed note commentary preceding the article–There has been one website on the net that has discussed the ‘king kong in the room’ related to all the shootings and the part which jewish interests have played in turning America and the West into a civilization of violent thugs who will do the Jews bidding in murdering 2 billion muslims around the world.

    It’s a website owned by a guy living on a farm out in idaho with his wife and 10 kids

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