VOLTAIRE NET – Over the past few weeks, several member states of the International Coalition against the Syrian Arab Republic began secret negotiations with it with a view to withdrawing from the war. These states include members of the European Union and the Commonwealth.


4 thoughts on “SYRIA – Anti-Syria Coalition Soon To Be Dissolved?”
  1. The tribe never give up even it it takes a hundred more years to reach their goal. We must never forget this. Never believe anything they say. We must learn that they speak with forked tongues. Or we must know by now that they speak with forked tongues. We must always be on our guard.

    They are “giving up” only for the moment because they are losing. But they are actually not giving up. I hope the syrian arab army ynd hezbollah are always on their guard. Hope also that they makwe many children……….Poor children.

  2. Good news. Nothing is forever in this world. The tribe have controlled humanity for long time. Things are changing now that we enter a new era. We are leaving the Pisces era and entering the Aquarius Era. People start waking up and realize all the lies we have been told for so long time for the benefit of the Diabolical Tribe.
    Things are changing now.

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