
SPUTNIK – The Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli warplane and hit another one after four aircraft had breached the war-torn country’s airspace and attacked government troops near Palmyra, the Syrian Army said on Friday. CONTINUE READING

4 thoughts on “Syrian Air Defense Shoots Down Israeli Warplane, Hits Another One”
  1. If Al Assad continues to NOT take down Israhell planes (of any kind) as he has FAILED to do over the last 5 years then it’s time for a leader with backbone. Joo planes should have been downed day in and day out starting years ago.
    If he’s worried ’bout repercussions then he needs to step down.
    ed note–what if this is part of a coordinated agreement on the part of the Russians, Iranians, etc? Its easy for us sitting in our very comfortable perches located n wherever to make judgment calls such as this without all the necessary info.

  2. These Jews have some nerve to attack another country’s troops on their territory. They did the same to Iraq in the 80’s. Such Chutzpah.

  3. Its up to the Syrian people & their leadership to make their own decisions, not Israel or America.

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