Sabba – The article is about America but it very much applies to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, in one word, the West.
This is what happens to whoever drinks from the poisonous chalice of judaism. And this is precisely what Muslims reject, detest and fight.
We often hear that the Muslims living in the West refuse to ‘assimilate’, but the question that is never asked is: assimilate to what exactly?
The Muslims living in the West would love nothing more than for the West to get back to its Christian roots, Christian ethics, Christian way of life, Christian Faith.
But do Europeans/Americans want to restore Christianity in their land? Do they want to live a Christian way of life? Or are they ones actually rejecting Christianity and being the most fiercely opposed to a Christian way of life?
An interesting article. The list of psychopathic characteristics is spot on. One would have to include both presidential candidates as they both qualify.
Jews are allergic to Christianity……….