ed note–please note the most important part of this piece–
‘Whoever loses in the battle between President Trump and his detractors from both the Left and the Right will blame the Jews for the defeat and will take vengeance on them. By their own hands, American liberal Jewry is preparing the ground for the demise of Judaism in the US. And by demise, I mean its physical extermination.’
This is the essence of our Hebraic author’s angst–That the ‘impeach Trump’ campaign–being orchestrated by organized Jewish interests–is going to result in serious blowback and that since it is indeed organized Jewry at the center of it all that Jews are going to pay the price.
Unbelievable to me after all of these years, World War Two, the establishment of Israel and the major role that American Jews have in this country, how blind these people are! Like blacks, nothing is ever their fault. And please, this fool of a writer ranting about “self-hating” Jews being solely responsible for why gentiles dislike them and get angry at their actions. Just willing, collective blindness. I know as someone who is half Jewish on my Dad’s side that despite what Christian evangelists fantasize about how Jews one day will have their eyes opened and accept Jesus, that there is no hope for the overwhelming majority of these people. You can not reason with them and say for example, that maybe pre-World War Two Germans had some legitimate reasons for disliking Jews, or that Middle Americans dislike and resent Jews for being behind such movements as gay liberation and feminism. Automatically, you are attacked as “anti Semitic”, etc. I hate having to think like this: but a civil war in this country is possible. And for liberal, oblivious Jews, it may not end well.
Very stupid article. And very racist. Israel owes its very existence to US, and US provides it over $3 billion in aid every year, not to mention massive arms and logistics help every time it decided to needlessly bomb Palestinian children and their families (Yeah, when you bomb from the skies, you can no longer hold the high moral ground and lie about waging a war against Hamas) and so US has every right to criticize Israel and a responsibility as well. Pakistan or Syria do not owe their very existence to US and despite all the aid US has sent Pakistan’s way, Pakistan has served US interests in a huge way, not least by eliminating Soviet empire. Syria is not just condemned routinely by US, but falsely as well, such as when it never gassed its own people. This is a lie by the pro-Israel zionist to get US to start yet another war. Likewise Saudi Arabia sells their oil in USD, thus keeping USD the global currency reserve, and fund many many many CIA terrorist projects. Israel is the only “ally” that just takes and takes and takes and gives nothing back. And proof of how much jews are parasites, one just has to look at you. You can’t even stand criticism.
I agree there are self hating Jews. Look in the mirror. No self respecting Jew would allow his people and nation to sink in the gutter of hatred, tyranny, and sin as you Zionists. Any Jew who has a soul, has respect for all humanity, and wants to break this chain of racism where a Jew can do any evil with impunity and still be worthy of protection and praise.
By the way, Abraham was not a Jew. Nor Joseph. You did not create these people so stop acting like you own them in some way. You own nothing as you yourself are a small itty bitty creation.