5 thoughts on “The Chosenites”
  1. But but but look its the Muslims – their prophet was a pedophile ….. etc etc.

  2. Should be mandatory in all schools and places of worship to watch and study this video. The people need to be enlightened as to the pure evil that runs in the veins of the parasites. The usa is in deep shit, in that these same parasites are already within the gates, eating and devouring the innocent people alive, and they don’t know it…yet. It’s time for a cool change. Wake from your slumber and deception. It’s right at the point of being too late. It’s time!

  3. Sad to say but I was familiar with all of those. Interesting that the one from Democracy Now about antisemitism was missing. Or Barbara Lerner Specter. But then, they give us so much material to work with you could never get it all…

  4. Absolute pure, unadulterated Judaism. Jesus came 2000 years ago to end it.
    Now, we have so-called ‘christians’ (evangelicals) who worship and embrace it…………….

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