(Sabba) And their collapse, just like the imminent collapse of the US of A is a controlled demolition.
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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Do any of you agree with Lord Acton that:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
If you do agree then it follows that ordinary people should never allow anyone the extreme privilege of exerting power.
Sound extreme? Yes it does. That’s because Lord Acton’s rule is extreme. Only extreme action can prevent power taking root and moving towards absolute corruption as autonomically as a sunflower turns towards the sun.
There exists a word which refers to government without power.
The meaning of that word has been crucified.
The crucified word is “anarchy” – from the Greek an-archy = no-ruler = government without a ruler.
The modern meaning of that crucified word is something like ‘chaotic violence’ – essentially the opposite of its original meaning. Government implies order, not chaos, not violence.
Can we resurrect that forlorn crucified word?
Or will we have to invent a new one? If we do that, the mainstream media will crucify the new one too.
Anyone think Lord Acton was wrong?
If so please present your argument.
InshaAllah (God Willing) soon.