ed note–the furor over the ‘Russian’ angle to the recent elections may seem to have died down, but it hasn’t. Come Jan. 20th after Trump is sworn in, there will be talk of investigation and impeachment on everything from Trump being a ‘spy’ for Vladimir Putin to the ‘conflicts of interest’ involving him and his business activities.
Please note as well how the author of this piece–Dr. Petras, certainly no fool and no ‘secret Zionist disinfo agent’–has basically painted a mirrored picture of what we have theorized now over the course of the last year concerning the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the entire ‘Trump phenomenon’, and in particular the internal power struggle taking place between various interests/elements within the intelligence/military/financial communities, divided between those who are actively attempting to raise up a New World Order headquartered in Jerusalem vs those actively trying to keep today’s Roman Empire–America and the West–the dominant player in world affairs.
An attempt at coup will fail.
It may start a civil war, with all of the bolsheviks positioned in major cities to their detriment (have you seen their meek control of coastal areas?), but a coup will be off the table because people have somewhat woken up.
At least 70+% of the population doesn’t believe the BS Russian hacker story.
Moreover, the Trump win was actually far more of a landslide than he is given credit for- to provide ballast against any claim of mandate. That was evidenced by the Jill Stein recount which showed that the major cities evidenced absolutely rampant fraud.
The likely approach will be to discredit, but it will be far more difficult to discredit Trump given the absence of credibility which those who wish to neuter Trump have.
Trump must be aware of all of this.
We shall have interesting times.
Research the panic of 1837 for perhaps some insight into this next period.
This will be a ride.
Yep, I have said the same thing about impeachment. That is why “all of the Russia bashing”.
The gap-tooths are being marinated with it, 24/7.
I have said it before and will say it again.
The ‘powers that be’ are just getting started. They started with one side, the GOP.
They will continue ‘the plan’ with the Dems in 2020. Control both sides.
Its like Brexit in the UK,the elites in both US and the UK must except they lost ,in Britain if brexit was thwarted i would fear the very real possibility of civil war..p.s. Excellent article
Seems to me that, after reading this excellent piece by the esteemed Mr. Petras, a man who knows politics well, that he has been routinely visiting TUT because he seems to be in lock step with many sentiments expressed here for quite some time.
This is important information to get out there. No doubt about it. This coup must not be allowed to succeed as they have in other societies. Breaking things down and broadcasting them far and wide is one of the best things we can do right now especially with the surge of people looking for truth (such as it is) at this time… and coming to the “alternative” media (and I don’t consider AJ to be alternative .. he is as mainstream as they come nowadays.)…
Indeed we live in interesting times but for once those interesting times are not dripping with thick black soul-sucking goo….