ed note, MG–I received this from Martin Hill, who I interviewed on TUT broadcast this past weekend. The commentary below is his–
MH–Note that this was the same rally I was at. They seemed to cover all of Trump’s derogatory remarks toward the other 11 disruptors, but conveniently neglect to cover how Trump complimented me, and said “he’s on our side, he’s a trump guy, he’s committed, he’s got a lot of energy” when I said ‘Israel did 911’ and that ‘5 Jews, not Muslims, were arrested in NJ on 911’. Trump also stopped speaking and took almost another whole minute out of his 60 minute speech where he watched me being taken out and told the secret service ” be nice to him, don’t hurt him”, no less than 6 times.
By the way I sent the video & Trump’s reply to me to the Times of Israel newspaper with the title TRUMP COMPLIMENTS “Israel did 9/11 Protester”. Pretty provocative, yet they didn’t touch it. Because they don’t want to bring up the topic that Israelis were arrested on 911!
And its not like I haven’t been in Israeli newspapers. Two hears ago HAARETZ featured me & my site, and the day of the Michigan rally I was interviewed by Israeli TV channel 10. I got a pic of me and the interviewer, as well as video of him. Here is the UK paper link.
One thought on “The Donald wins a battle with Michigan protesters – by mocking them”
Again I must say I like the way he stands there ,and tells yrse creeps off !
It’s about time crum bumbs and politically correct ,sanctimonious fools get out in there place.
Rebels without a clue ,I can tell they are only hating Trump because the media told them too ….and motivated by jealousy to.
Again I must say I like the way he stands there ,and tells yrse creeps off !
It’s about time crum bumbs and politically correct ,sanctimonious fools get out in there place.
Rebels without a clue ,I can tell they are only hating Trump because the media told them too ….and motivated by jealousy to.