Trump is being portrayed as a zero with no coherent worldview. But what can you do? He actually presented a very coherent worldview, whose title is ‘America first.’
ed note–please pay close attention to the last section in red and keep in mind that Jews as a group micro-analyze everything in divining whatever possible direction something may go and how it will affect them and therefore that this specific paragraph concerning Trump putting the muscle on Netanyahu didn’t make its way into the essay because they needed filler but rather because they see this as a very real possibility/likelihood.
Ha! That last part would get him killed for sure.
The creepy Jews will do everything to turn things their way. I hope they are fighting a lost battle and this is the beginning of THEIR end at last. 5000 years of creepy domination is enough. Out with them , thrive them into the sea everywhere. One cannot convict others to “adopt “them. Keep them aboard they will start up things again to regain domination. It is all lined out in their UNdevine talmud. A script intended for worlddomination by these parasites.