Ed-note (Sabba) This quote is from that jew who lives in England, an MP and former member of Tony Blair’s cabinet: Jack Straw.
We should all know by now that there is no such thing as an English jew or a French jew or a German jew etc. but only jews who live in England, France, Germany etc. And so it should come as no surprise at all that, while most of the UK Muslims are in-deeds very loyal to the kingdom, almost none of the jews are.
‘Next year in Jerusalem’ had been their mantra for 2 millennia – thus showing the world where their allegiance has always been, bearing witness against themselves that they can never EVER be trusted by any host nation and, in the process, vindicating all those host European nations which kicked them out at the time when Europe was living under the guidance of a triumphant Christianity.
There is no English race nor is there a Jewish race or Christian race
Another example of jewish ‘loyalty’ is that to Germany. After having received equal rights in the nineteen century one would expect them to be on the side of their host nations struggle in WW1 and initially this seemed the case until the parole came down to switch sides in order to receive Palestine. Btw the German emperor Wilhelm II was a devout Christian. Eventually they will sell out nominally Christian US also. But I doubt they are overly concerned about being kicked out since they are always let back in again under Judeo-Christian morals.
The Jews have absolutely ZERO loyalty to the nations where they reside,or people,who support them. They only go by:”What is good for the Jews. The British Empire was a Jewish Enterpize from the victory of their protege Puritan Oliver Cromwell, in the 1600’s. It was known as :”The New Israel”, at one time. It fought for International Jewish Banking,and conquered the world for them. NM Rothschilds sits atop the planets banking system ,on the backs of British blood,and resource. The Jews commited terrorist acts against British Troops in Palestine,in 1948,who had just fought for them in WW2 ! juswt as the Jewish Spys;the Rosenbergs ,handed the atom bomb secrets to their beloved Soviet Uniion after the USA,had helped hand the world to them,by defeating the Axis. This is why they are known as ; THE INTERNATIONAL JEW !
It bears repeating often and as many venues as possible: there are no hyphenated Jews:
[Meanwhile … Jewish women were 29% more likely to be in work than their British white Christian peers, and men 15% more likely than white Christian counterparts.] !!!!!!!!!!!!
“Judge Eliana Marengo is heard telling Rania El-Alloul courtroom is a SECULAR place in audio obtained by CBC.”
“‘The judge should have known better. It’s not the first time somebody walks into a courtroom with a religious dress!” (~ Sameer Zuberi, Canadian Muslim Forum)”
— CHINA and INDIA are NO Different — the LEAST being the former’s banning of Ramadan, and the latter’s employment policies forcing Muslims to fake Hindu I.D. to get a survival job!
There is no English race nor is there a Jewish race or Christian race
Another example of jewish ‘loyalty’ is that to Germany. After having received equal rights in the nineteen century one would expect them to be on the side of their host nations struggle in WW1 and initially this seemed the case until the parole came down to switch sides in order to receive Palestine. Btw the German emperor Wilhelm II was a devout Christian. Eventually they will sell out nominally Christian US also. But I doubt they are overly concerned about being kicked out since they are always let back in again under Judeo-Christian morals.
The Jews have absolutely ZERO loyalty to the nations where they reside,or people,who support them. They only go by:”What is good for the Jews. The British Empire was a Jewish Enterpize from the victory of their protege Puritan Oliver Cromwell, in the 1600’s. It was known as :”The New Israel”, at one time. It fought for International Jewish Banking,and conquered the world for them. NM Rothschilds sits atop the planets banking system ,on the backs of British blood,and resource. The Jews commited terrorist acts against British Troops in Palestine,in 1948,who had just fought for them in WW2 ! juswt as the Jewish Spys;the Rosenbergs ,handed the atom bomb secrets to their beloved Soviet Uniion after the USA,had helped hand the world to them,by defeating the Axis. This is why they are known as ; THE INTERNATIONAL JEW !
It bears repeating often and as many venues as possible: there are no hyphenated Jews:
The Eternal Alienists.
Expel them forever from every host country. Send them to Jewpiter!
Muslims have ALWAYS been loyal, WHEREVER they went!
AND it must be remembered that … their Loyalty to UK (as in the featured article) … is DESPITE the following:
— “UK Muslims 75% less likely to land job than Christians” http://rt.com/uk/210179-british-muslims-job-employment/
— “British Muslims Face Worst Job Discrimination Of Any Group, Research Finds” http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/11/30/muslims-job-descrimination-christians_n_6243802.html
[Meanwhile … Jewish women were 29% more likely to be in work than their British white Christian peers, and men 15% more likely than white Christian counterparts.] !!!!!!!!!!!!
MEANWHILE: JEW-funded Hate-Sites are STILL spewing VENOM against Islam:
— “Awwww….Muslims face worst job discrimination of any minority group in Britain…BUT it’s their OWN FAULT!” http://www.barenakedislam.com/2014/11/30/awwww-muslims-face-worst-job-discrimination-of-any-minority-group-in-britainbut-its-their-own-fault/
“Judge Eliana Marengo is heard telling Rania El-Alloul courtroom is a SECULAR place in audio obtained by CBC.”
“‘The judge should have known better. It’s not the first time somebody walks into a courtroom with a religious dress!” (~ Sameer Zuberi, Canadian Muslim Forum)”
— “Muslim Americans are victims of discrimination: Poll”
— “Nearly half of British Muslims say it is difficult to be a Muslim in Britain due to prejudice against Islam”
— “Nearly half of AUSTRALIANS are anti-Muslim: study”
— It’s been that way in EUROPE http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/10/26/331408/muslims-facing-discrimination-in-europe/ …. and EVEN “moderate/ secular” Muslim States like TURKEY have been doing it (to please Europe by licking its arse) http://www.todayszaman.com/national_amnesty-says-turkey-violates-freedom-of-religion-with-headscarf-ban_278420.html
— RUSSIA had its share too!
— CHINA and INDIA are NO Different — the LEAST being the former’s banning of Ramadan, and the latter’s employment policies forcing Muslims to fake Hindu I.D. to get a survival job!
Despite ALL this … … … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Muslims
Muslims are STILL loyal to wherever they go!
[The first video displays the whole playlist! … Please see the very first (RT) article, instead, for the video link.]
Side effect of imperial bullying ~ a Palestinian or Syrian family photo