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A little more than 50 years ago, the idea that a woman could have intercourse for fun, and without worrying that nine months later she’d give birth, was a radical proposition. Then the birth control pill arrived. It was an innovation that changed how families expand, how women see themselves at home and at work, and how we as a species interact. Margaret Sanger, a reluctant wife and mother, made the creation of the pill her lifelong pursuit. But she didn’t work alone. She toiled alongside three other vital missionaries, including a brilliant and off-beat Jewish doctor named Gregory Pincus. What drove Sanger, Pincus, and their colleagues John Rock and Katherine McCormick? What challenges did they face in their work? These are the questions writer Jonathan Eig set out to answer in The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution.
Eig joins Vox Tablet host Sara Ivry to discuss the questionable methods the team used to convince women to take early versions of the pill, the particular prejudices Pincus (a Jew) and Rock (a Catholic) faced in their careers, and whether the pill has liberated women or led to the destruction of the family unit.
Well, what can I say? I was a young single man post birth control pill and pre Aids. I graduated high school in 1970. It was an awesome time. I could hardly keep up with the demand of women in San Francisco, who commonly lamented; “All the men are either married or gay”. I was neither. It was a time of free love and the women went wild. They really did. I was used! LOL! Unlike today, it was a very tolerant time.
I married at 30 and we never had kids; figured there were more than enough people in the world already. Overpopulation was once a big issue and it hit home with us. Besides, the thought of having kids was terrifying. We both came from big families and were more than familiar with the trials, tribulations and struggles our parents went through. Cats, not kids, is how it worked out.
Life, especially today, is hard enough, so we were careful, even after she stopped using the pill.
Imagine how many more people would be crowding the world today had there been no birth control pill! Imagine how much more child abuse and hardship there would’ve been. And abortions. Isn’t all that too much as it is? There’s no shortage of human suffering. Life is cheap today.
It absolutely astonishes me that anyone would bring kids into this world today. To do so is myopic, to put it lightly. What future do they have? Kids born today are guaranteed to experience hardship and may witness the end of the human mammal, who shows no sign of saving himself. The earth won’t tolerate 10 Billion people. Births are beyond exponential now…
The world will probably be destroyed by Jew supremacism. Their NWO and their two thousand year quest to rule the world will never happen. The earth will be consumed by nuclear Armageddon; sooner rather than later, because the Jews won’t stop pushing. I feel fortunate to have been born in 1952, and I’m glad I won’t be around much longer….The meek shall indeed inherit the earth.
Greed, stupidity and religion will bring an end to man’s reign.
I never wanted children,and did not consider it. I am an only child,and not used to a big family. I do not want the responsiblity,of bringing someone into a Jew ruled world. if it not so;a healthy,natural free place:Hellinistic,Gentile,peaceful-yes. Do I have regrets? 10 %. I look around,and see sloppy,cruel,empty Jew drones. Struggle,decay,mendaciousnes.A prison. Unless one is very rich,than children are great,and if one has a beautiful partner. If my culture was NS,than Iwould go for it;No traces of that. An unwanted child is not a good thing,and abortion worse. I cannot pick on ‘the pill’. This sounds terrible,and not life affirming. It is very sad-for life is so precious,and such a wonder of beauty. But the Jews wrcked all of natural orders-as they are an artificial people. Do not blame ‘the pill’. That is a sympton. Blame the Jews.
I pity Jim’s attitude with regards to children. True… the world today (thanks to the machinations of the Jews) is a sewer in every respect and not the most idyllic place to raise children. But still… there is no greater purpose in life than to have and raise children. It is utterly unnatural to do or think otherwise. The selfish attitude of people like Jim astonishes me – as though all of the great history and sacrifices of our ancestors were laid down so that HE and those like him could live the good (decadent) life and leave no progeny behind. To me, the lifetime of a man or woman is like that of an ever-climbing ladder. It is our DUTY in our short lives to create rungs for that ladder so that our children and their ensuing children can climb ever higher to whatever end the Creator has planned for us. Contrarians destroy existing rungs, thus making it all the more difficult for our descendants to “climb”. Obey the laws of nature… they’re all we’ve got.
Unfortunately, the world has always been this way… if everyone thought the same way, there would never be any children.
It’s not “picking on the pill”… in the interview, if you listen closely and analyze, you’d see their goal was not to help mankind but to make sure it was destroyed. The pill in this case was merely the instrument of their machinations.
An article (and audio recording) on birth control – REALLY???
I guess you figured it was relevant because ONE of the four people involved was a Jew – and that obviously makes it something evil! Anything which has any Jewish involvement must be sinister and wicked, right?
(I was a fundamentalist Christian at the time.) Nevertheless, we wound up with only two, and they were 7 years apart. Did we somehow fall short in achieving life’s “greatest purpose” because we didn’t have 10 or 15 children? And perhaps after our two sons were on their own, we should have figured we had fulfilled our purpose in life, and just dropped dead??
Of course that means the Civil Rights Movement was sinister and wicked, because there were Jews who supported it. “Jim Crow” must have been the ideal situation – or even slavery – because the evil Jews supported Civil Rights! What nonsense! The Jews have their hands in virtually everything – and perhaps with ulterior motives even when the ‘thing’ is good – but that doesn’t mean everything in which Jews are involved must be ‘evil’.
So far as the 4 comments which are currently up while I’m writing this, my viewpoint is different from all of them. My wife and I wanted children, and never used any form of birth control. I used to tease my wife about having 12 children – one for each of the ‘apostles’.
My older son is 40 years old now, and still unmarried and childless. He must be vile and wicked, huh, since he ‘refuses’ to ‘obey the laws of nature’ and produce children. What a bunch of hogwash!
My younger son and his wife, though, are wonderfully fulfilling “life’s greatest purpose”, though they’re doing so in a planned way. I don’t know if they’re using “the pill’ or not – I’ve never figured it’s my place to stick my nose into their private business. Nevertheless, they wanted to space their children out at between 2 and 3 year intervals, and they’re being very successful. There was about 2 1/2 years between the first and second, and they’re expecting their third – which will also be about 2 1/2 years since the second. I think they’re hoping for a total of 4 – they’re not really interested in having a dozen.
So far as the comment that the purpose of the four people involved in coming up with “the pill” was not to help mankind but to destroy it: I don’t know how you came to that conclusion. I listened to the recording, and I fail to see how any amount of close listening and analyzing can come to that conclusion. True, one of the intents was to hopefully address the “overpopulation problem”; but REDUCING the number of children being born is not at all the same as “destroying” humanity. Again, that’s pure hogwash.
My wife was the first in a family of 10 children. By the time she was six years old, her mother was approaching a nervous breakdown, having 5 children already (one set of twins) and my wife was having to help take care of the younger ones. My parents-in-law tried ‘natural’ forms of birth control, but obviously it didn’t work for them. They were fundamentalist Protestants, not Catholics, but I don’t believe they ever tried “the pill”. Their family situation might have been better if they had!
My suggestion is: leave some of these controversial issues (such as birth control) alone. They don’t really have anything to do with the agenda of TUT so far as I can see – even though a Jew might be involved in them. And you’re going to have a lot of differing opinions among your readers (as is already obvious).
You obviously haven’t been paying attention mystic444, in general or to this particular story.
It’s not the pill per se but the intent behind it. Now it’s far more than 1 jew involved, margaret sanger, a notorious jew advocate of eugenics, racism, etc. seems to be the ring leader here but jewry throughout the ages have had the same goals.
The reason I asked people to analyze and scrutinize this interview, is because very rarely in this world do people come right out and say exactly what’s in their minds… so you have to deduce and extract the meaning. Even here, there are several outright admissions that are quite noteworthy. Not only do they say they wanted “women to have sex for fun” which is another way of saying the destruction of the family, and by extension, society but the nefarious means by which they deceived women to test the drug. If these kinds of attacks aren’t jewish in origin, I don’t know what is.
Divorce rates are sky high, men and women no longer wanting to have any families, focused on “careers” aka consumerism, so-called sexual liberation, and all that those things imply.
It’s alright to have differing opinions, I simply wanted to bring this issue into the light. People think the world is the way it is by natural means… they aren’t aware of the schemes of those who wish to do us harm.
As a regular reader of this site and similar ones, these things should be second nature to you…
organizedcrime.gov (#7) – Oh, I pay attention alright; but that doesn’t mean I agree with every viewpoint expressed by any of the editors. This is one of the times I strongly disagree, and wish that TUT would not get involved (as it does not get involved in controversies about UFOs and extraterrestrials, for instance).
I admit that all I know about Margaret Sanger and the others involved in this issue is what I heard in the audio recording – and I just really don’t have the desire to spend a lot of time researching about her. She may be a Jew as you say – which would make 2 Jews rather than 1 among the 4 talked about here. That doesn’t change the point.
Your assertion that because people don’t “come right out and say exactly what’s in their minds”, we should be able to “deduce and extract their meaning” is as absurd as the contention by some defenders of “the Holocaust” that because there is no record of any communication between the German leaders about exterminating the Jews, that communication must have been “mind-to-mind” (I believe that’s how they expressed it)! Those ‘vile’ Germans must have been highly psychic, and communicated by telepathy! So you claim to be able to read the minds of Margaret Sanger and the others to know what their ‘REAL’ meaning was, and expect others to do the same?? I say what you’re actually doing is reading your preconceived notions into what they said, and wrongly calling that “deduc[ing] and extract[ing] the meaning”.
To say that having sex for fun is equivalent to seeking to destroy the family is just more hogwash. I know that as a man, I have always had a great deal of ‘fun’ when making love with my wife – and I believe I can say the same for my wife. And having and giving the ‘fun’ was among the uppermost things in my mind. Although we never sought to prevent the conception of children, I can say with honesty that ‘creating a child’ was never what was uppermost in our minds when we ‘had sex’.
Whatever may be the pros and cons of eugenics, the creation of “the pill” and its presence in the market has not resulted in compulsory use by anyone. It is there for those who wish to exercise some control on if and when they conceive; but no one is compelled to use it (to the best of my knowledge, at any rate).
The “nefarious” ways the scientists deceived women when experimenting with the drug were indeed reprehensible. However, as pointed out in the interview, such practices were common at that time (and still are to some extent, I imagine). I’m not at all convinced, though, that there is anything peculiarly “Jewish” in such reprehensible practices, or that the Jews ‘originated’ that kind of thing. That they have no qualms about using such deception and vile practices, though, I have no doubt.
It is also true that the scientists would not have found such means necessary if religious oppression and intolerance did not exist. It was religious tyranny that put them in the position of having to resort to such deception and cruelty. I have absolutely no use for religious tyranny which stands in the way of science and human freedom. The imposition of rules and regulations about human behavior which are derived from liars who claim to speak in the name of “God” I find intolerable. In my youth I believed that “God” alone had the ‘sovereign’ right to decide when and if conception would occur; for ‘ungodly’ humans to seek to usurp God’s ‘sovereignty’ OUGHT to be criminalized. I rejected such notions many years ago, and consider that I was stupid and foolish in my younger days.
While I certainly do not advocate “doing evil that good may come”, I nevertheless recognize that good things have indeed arisen from evil means. Many good things have come about from practices by scientists which are properly labeled “cruelty to animals”. I repudiate the cruelty to animals, without also repudiating the knowledge and medications which have arisen from those reprehensible practices. I also acknowledge that those scientists practicing the cruelty no doubt had good intentions in what they did – even though I repudiate the cruel experimentation. I advocate finding other means to produce the same (or better) results.
I certainly do not demonize “the pill” itself, nor the human freedom to enjoy sex without the ‘worry’ of possible conception for those who do not desire to have a child (at least at that time). If people wish to use it to have ‘worry-free’ sex prior to and outside of marriage, more power to them; that’s their choice to make. If there is a “God” who will “send them to hell” for doing so, so be it; but leave it to “God” to be the judge. If they don’t want a family, fine; that’s their choice to make. If they don’t even agree with the man-made rules about marriage, adultery, and fornication (rules which liars claim to bring from “God”), that also is their right. TUT should keep out of these religious controversies, in my opinion. It should be enough to expose and repudiate the religious pretensions of Judaism, and the atrocities they commit and advocate in the name of their idiotic religion.
Then we’ll have to agree to disagree.
I strongly believe that when we deviate from God’s plan for us, we suffer the consequences… There’s a right way to conduct a society and many wrong ways.
Nowhere did I say that we should “judge” people… only that if enough people go off course, they take everyone else with them, eventually leading to an out of control dive that cannot be reversed. The world in which we live, people think thoughts, ideas, expressions are their own… they don’t know about the hidden hands manipulating them from behind the scenes. If someone knows they are being lied to and tricked, they have a vastly different view of the subject. If they knew the wonderful “pill” was part of a scheme to undermine society, along with other jewish machinations, such as the “sexual revolution”, they would take action to prevent their own downfall.
The pill here is not merely a contraceptive… it changed society’s attitude about sex and relationships, especially the view about having a family and the stability and comfort that provides. The pill, was just one more instrument in the arsenal of the world wreckers… Take a look at what has happened in the last 100 years in regards to sexuality… I’m obviously not talking about a married couple deciding not to have children.
After having learned all of this, I am in no way inclined to continue giving these creatures the benefit of the doubt. The fact that there were “goyim” on their team, is a wonderful cover… they can point and say “see, it’s not solely a jewish operation”. Same reasons there are token goys in hollywood… they’d want it to be 100% kosher but that would alert even the most uninformed to their practices. Do a little bit of research on margaret sanger… even a few minutes would change your mind about her.
As I said earlier, we may never see eye to eye on this.
You guys are funny. I did my part; I didn’t have kids. I’m more responsible than you. As I said, there’s more than enough people. I didn’t need to inseminate my sperm. The vast majority of humanity don’t contribute to the well-being of the Earth; they’re destroying it exponentially. Mother Earth will be glad to get rid of humans. Then life can once again thrive as it was meant to, once it shakes off the nuclear fallout.
My points were;
1) The world is grossly overpopulated as it is.
2) The end of the human mammal is near.
3) Bringing kids into today’s world is insane.
4) If you do, suffering for your progeny is most likely guaranteed.
6) This isn’t the 1950’s and you’re not Ozzie & Harriet or Ward & June Cleaver. It’s 2015.
7) What makes your DNA worth preserving?
8) Religion, stupidity & greed will destroy the human mammal.
Also, it is not I who is selfish, but you animals who can’t resist procreating, no matter what! What does it matter if you have descendants? They’ll be consumed in a nuclear conflagration anyway.
I’m so glad I never had children. Survival in today’s Jew rat race is Hell on earth. It is you who are selfish. I laugh at fools who talk about 100 years into the future; human mammals are incapable of saving themselves from themselves. There is no future you’d want to live in, and it surely won’t last 100 years. You’ll be lucky to see 10 years! Wake up to reality.
There is no Heaven and there is no Hell. Remember what it was like before you were born? That’s what it’s like after you’re Dead. Silly mammal. We are all insignificant. The sun is setting on man’s reign on earth as we know it. Perhaps some stone age tribes will survive in the depths of the Amazon basin or Borneo. Depends on the amount of radiation fallout. War is coming. Big war, and it won’t last long.
If there’s no heaven or hell, then the jews have won. Thus we could correctly conclude they are in fact quite successful…
I honestly don’t know how people can live that way… what do you look forward to? I mean other than corporeal pleasures… everything is in perpetual decay… you can’t even enjoy anything for long, as your brain readily adapts to ALL stimuli…
What is the point then?
Well if it makes you sleep better at night, go ahead and invest in fairy tales. I don’t need to believe in the absurd to live my life. I fight against the Jew control daily. After I’m dead, I’m done; so are you.
Hey boys and gals, whether we wish to procreate or not, the pill is very harmful to a woman’s body. Ever heard of the rhythm method? This is the best form of birth control.
I am so against the pill because it is against nature. I know so many wormen who have been on the pill and still on it having tremendous problems with their endocrine glands and their over all health.
The man must not be selfish and expect his wife to be on the pill for health reasons. Both of them could use the rhythm method. If the woman (or man) wants to sleep around indiscriminately, that is another story.
It is not my business what other people do. I am only saying when when go against nature by taking the pill and messing up our ovaries, there shall be consequences.
I was thinking like Jim when i was young. I knew the world was messed up, but i did not know why. Sure i learnt about God and satan, but i still did not get it.
I know of a family with eleven children here. They are so fantastic and gorgeous children. I was on the streets with them distributing our/their ( does not belong to me) own newspaper and letting people know about the lies of the media and telling them about the organization. There is also the tv channel. We are busy with DVDs etc. Couples are encouraged to have many children. Yes Jim is right, it is an awfully difficult life. When i look at this very happy family with these fabulous children, i think i should have followed their example. Even the youngest of the children are fighting zionism. Their mother is super healthy, super beautiful, super slim and super young looking. Bet she was never on the pill. They have grandchildren now. The group is expanding. It is very slow and frustrating but we are getting somewhere.
We could be resigned like Jim but i prefer to fight it out, even it means getting killed. My children feel the same way. It is a very painful life on the planet caused by the chosen ones but i do not want them to get away with it. It is alright Jim when you think the way you do. You are the way you are and i am the way i am. I happen to believe in heaven and hell.
I don’t think that i done when i am dead, Jim. It is not so simple. You may think that you are done, but that is okay.
Sounds like a plan
This is hilarious, and just goes to show; religion has been an anchor for the human mammal. You’d think we would’ve progressed further than we have, but it’s hard to gain traction with an aircraft carrier anchor behind you! LOL!! This isn’t far off the flat-earthers! Or the sun revolves around the earth crowd! Wow! In 2015. I notice none of you acknowledged over-population as a foundational problem.
Like I said; religion, stupidity and greed will be the end of the human mammal. It’s a done deal. Humans are like lemmings, or jellyfish, drifting with the current. A herd of zebras has it more together. Modern man is an anomaly. He screwed up the world, which means “God” really screwed up. Don’t you know that the world’s oceans will no longer yield fish for human consumption in 20 years? Extinction occurs daily. Man has been a blight on this once pristine, beautiful, formerly perfect earth. Man is fatally self-centered. The west coast of the US is fried from Alaska to Baja, thanks to Fukushima. Need I review the steady descent of the earth’s natural resources and species? Mankind is very good at embracing his own ignorance and wishful thinking, while dancing down the yellow brick road in their glass shoes to extinction.
Humans are utterly incapable of saving themselves. In the end, the dinosaurs will have been a much more successful species. If not for that 5km wide meteorite, they’d still be in charge and humans would never have appeared, much less evolved.
The future is abjectly hopeless. Life on earth, thanks to the human mammal, could become extinct within 5 years, thanks to the Jews and their control over the west, driving us to a nuclear confrontation. War breaks out over Ukraine, a couple of nuclear carriers go to the bottom, things escalate within days and boom; show over. The Jews are the anti-Christ. At least Russia has a dozen nukes aimed at Israel….too bad it’ll be too late.
I don’t expect to change anyone’s minds, because like I said, you’re hopeless. Heaven? LOL!! Incredible how something so patently absurd governs the minds of so many human mammals.
Just WHO was it that told you the Earth is “overpopulated”?
jewsnews?I would take anything I hear from the chosen that be, with a grain of salt the size of Pluto.
I also don’t comprehend why people who don’t believe in an afterlife, get so worked up about the future… like you said, you simply disappear when you die. Why do you care about future generations? As soon as you’re gone, nothing will matter and by extension, anyone who doesn’t like things the way they are, can simply end it all. I mean you’re going to die in a few minutes (cosmic time) anyway… what’s the big deal?
I would wager quite a large sum that I have thought about and analyzed atheism far more than you’ve ever given God/religion/etc a fair shake.
Though as you keep saying, the entire purpose of our existence is that we don’t change our minds,
Goddarwin forbid.Wack job….see what I mean?
Yeah, I see what you mean
The contraceptive pill
I do not call Jim a whack job. He is entitled to his opinion.
I am a whack job because i say that the contraceptive pill goes against a woman’s natural .bodily function.
I am a whack Job because eleven childeren in that family are absolutelyl fantastic.
I am a whack Job because i believe in after life,
I do not believe that the world is over populated,
I see that Jim has such contempt for humanity.
I may dislike many people, but there are many great people on this planet.
Who have ruined people’s minds and the planet?
I am not from the sun revolves around the earth crowd.
“Humans are like lemmings ” – are you one of them?
Mark Glenn from TUT believes in heaven. Are you laughing at him as well? Or at Mark Dankhof?
or Jonathan Azaziah and all the great people here at TUT?
Jim you are the smartest person in the world, the rest of us are fools.
I have to agree with Jim; he made many valid points. You “don’t believe the world is over-populated?? I think that says it all. Some people are delusional.
The fact that people readily accept whatever the media/popular sentiment says without any personal critical analysis, is the entire reason the world is in peril.
Here, these people agree with you and others that the world is overpopulated :
Check out inscription #1… that’s what our “benevolent friends” have in mind to fix this problem.
What’s revealing, is that is also the same plan the jewish world order has.
I can no longer in good conscience swallow any and all things that I encounter without resistance. The burden of proof has shifted.
Why do you folks misunderstand?
I do not call you a whack job or delusional. Can we not treat one another here with respect? Do you know the meaning of the word?
The issue here is about the pill. ocdg has already explained. It messes up a woman’s body. There are other ways of birth control. Whether one wants to get married or not, to have children or not, this is your choice. Nobody here is being judgemental. The families i know here with so many children are responsible people.
When you think the world is so messed up —– never put children in this world – this is also your choice.
For those who make the children to help in the betterment of the world – it is also their choice.
You shall be in the ground and gone soon Jim, so you shall have nothing more to say.
To solve the “over-population” is not to kill people.
There are many places in the world that are over populated and many places that are uninhabited.