
Sabba – I am not anti-Germany, nor am I pro-Germany: I am pro Truth. Whenever a ZOG Western/Arabic/Asian country needs exposing, we do it and no one seems to have a problem with that. And so when Germany needs exposing, we do it too and no one should have a problem with that either. She has no special place and the fact that she did suffer many great injustice does not exempt her from scrutiny nor is she forgiven any misdeeds/crimes on account of that suffering.

Those who claim otherwise are no different from the jews: the latter do not allow any criticism of israel because of the ‘suffering’ of the jews during WWII and the former do not allow any criticism of Germany because of the suffering of the german people since WWII… How very judaic of them.

Germany is not the new Golgotha and the Germans are not the new Christ crucified. 

The Ugly Truth is that Germany has been set up for destruction but the German people, in their blind arrogance and their so very judaic belief in their ‘superiority’ and ‘choseness’ can not seem to see it.

With all the ‘white nationalists’ (sic) and Germany-idolaters out there, they think their economic success is only due to a ‘God given superiority’, to a ‘God given’ special role for them to be ‘a Light upon the nations of Europe’… How very judaic of them.

Germany is being fattened up at the same time as the civilizing nations of Europe are being made to starve, so that she may be sacrificed even more easily when she will no longer be needed. Germany must perish: that has always been the plan.  

The destruction of Europe (the Fourth Beast of Daniel) has also always been the plan: and what better and more symbolic way to do that than to destroy the civilizing nations of Europe, namely, Greece, Italy and France. Fat and drunken Germany has been chosen for the job – which she is doing to the perfection. 

Sadly, it is this simple fact that the Germans and German-idolaters are unable to comprehend, blinded as they are in their deep belief of their so called German superiority. Again… how very judaic of them.  

If we look at the historical process, over the last 2 to 3 thousands year, Germans’ contribution to Europe and her Civilization is almost meaningless. If we look at that same historical process over the same period of time, the one nation/people/country who have contributed the most to European culture and civilization is… Italy. From Ancient Rome, to Medieval History and Modern History: Italy has the most glorious and majestic History of Europe and none has given more to Europe than her. (And no, I am not Italian). 

Germany’s greatest ‘contributions’ to Europe did not really start until after she shot the first bullet against Christian European Civilization – the Reformation.  


8 thoughts on “The German iron fist is smashing Europe apart”
  1. Thanks Sabba for this input. I myself believe the khazars choose/exploit Europe to achieve the return of the jewish golden age. When muslims came to Europe, they found it in dark age. It raised the question ”where did the all the sudden powers in Europe?, answre the khazars, its the count down. The dumb europeans misunderstod this and believed it was some kind of superiority over others and went to conquer the world on behalf of the khazar (gog and magog making carbon copies of themselves as prophecized). As you said they have used europe they dont need it any more, the golden age is around the corner. The sad thing is the european is left to blame the muslim whom they believe (as they are told by the zionist media) to be an invader, to islamize europe to islamize the western world. Clash of civilisation is here.

  2. I agree and then disagree as well. As much as I agree with the point made and recognize that the deification of the German people and nation by White Nationalist types who cling to Hitler and the 3rd Reich as a replacement of sorts for personal vacancies in their own lives, I disagree that Germany’s contribution to civilization has been small. It was the Germans who filled the vacancy after the fall of the Roman Empire and who were the beating heart of Christendom throughout that entire period known as the Middle Ages. Their contribution to the arts, music, science, philosophy, etc cannot be ignored. However, to say that they in some way predominate in terms of contributions to European culture is a fallacy that unfortunately is the main course at all WN banquets, leaving out–as Sabba listed–powerhouses in their own right, including Italy, France, Spain, etc.

    Unfortunately however, due entirely to the overly-emotional and at times irrational attachment that some persons within this ‘movement’ have towards Germany, we are prevented from having any kind of honest, productive, intelligent, adult-level discussion about this because–as Sabba noted–the deification of the German nation and people is in many respects similar to the same type of deification that exists amongst Jews, where no one is allowed to discuss them, their history, and their collective characteristics except in a completely reverential tone.

    I would say that the balanced view of this is to list and applaud those things which the Germanic peoples have done that has contributed to civilization, but to recognize as well that just like all peoples, they are not perfect, have made mistakes and therefore putting them on some sort of pedestal where they are beyond criticism or reproach is completely out of line with anything realistic or practical.

  3. @ Harold: Protestantism in all its forms is nothing but judaism with a Christian mask. You should read Luther’s “On the bondage of the Will’.

    The concept of choseness / election etc. are in total conflict with the teachings of Jesus (PBUH). And it that concept which is the main difference between Catholicism and Protestantism.

  4. @Mark – I did not say that Germany did not contribute in anything: her contribution in terms of art, music, science really started after the Reformation.
    But in terms length, of centuries, her contribution is dwarfed by Italy’s who has contributed to European civilization since Ancient Times.
    Second to Italy is France. .

    In terms of politics, ‘Germany’ did not fill up any vacuum: the ‘holy German Empire’ was not holy nor was it Roman nor was it truly an Empire.
    That state was comprised of hundreds of very independent states which elected an ’emperor’ whose power was almost null. There was no real central power, there was no unified policy. The real founder of the first German Empire is Otton I and not Charlemagne/Carolus Magnus as many claim.

    In terms of politics, the country which gave us the model upon which Christian Europe was then built is France.

    It was during the baptism of King Clovis in 496 that the King of France was hailed Lieutenant of Christ and that the blessed Virgin Mary (PBUH) was hailed as the sole and supreme Queen of France and the Franks. Hence France’s title as the Church’s eldest daughter.
    In terms of politics, no country weighed heavier than France during the Middle Ages to the point where France, especially under the reign of St Louis (Louis IX) was often asked to act as the ‘arbitrator’ among European nations.
    The beating heart of Christendom during the Middle Ages was France. And she remained its beating heart until 1789.
    In terms of Art & Culture, France took over from Italy in the XVIIth century and remained Europe’s beating heart until the 1914.

    To cut a long story short, my point is that while Germany’s contribution to European Art and Culture is absolutely undeniable, it comes much later when compared to Italy or France.

    Also, another interesting point: Germany’s contribution to the world of Art, Culture and Philosophy started to slow down at the exact time when Teutonic Prussia united under her iron fist all the other Germanic states.
    Parallel to that decline in the world of the Art and Culture, her contribution to the world of science just shot through the roof also after the unification of the German states under the Prussian military fist in 1871.

    Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

  5. Almost everything technical that is modern in the modern world was invented by Germany in the 1930’s. Space travel, HD television, etc. The iron fist smashing Europe/Greece is Goldman Sachs. Merkel is not even German anyway, she is a Jew from Poland. She’s always been an oppressor of the Germans, since her days leading Communist Youth League in East Germany. I read all your reports, keep up the good work.

  6. I think madame “Sabba” forgets the golden century of Spain, after the jews were expelled from her, France was not match for the spanish empire. It was after Spain lost much blood in the wars against the perfidious Albion and the treachery France and Holland (the three nations commanded by the black hand of the yids), besides the loss of 3/4 of her population in Ibero America, Philippines, Guam, etc. that Spain was executed. In that time France has 50-60 millions people, Britain 50 millions inhabitants, and Spain lost his people, only had 11 millions remain in the motherland, it was an easy praey for the yids’ puppets wolves: french, brits and orange people, and after that time, Spain was an easy meat for their cups in 1898, the gringos, whom besides stole 3 million M2 from Mexico-New Spain (1846), in all these loses the satanic hand of the jew was behind. You owe much to the satanics too. And now the devils’ sons are destroying your puppet countries and the world. Our puppet latin american countries are destroyed since much time ago, by the gringos and their masters.

  7. Wow! Man…, What an exquisite rant. Are you stating (postulating) that Germans are superior to the rest of us? Isn’t that part of the British WWII propaganda to get the peaceful, laid back Englishman to join the army?

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