Sabba – This article comes from one of the best website on aryanism/national socialism.
It should be read in conjunction with the post below, “Jews and the Global Tilt Towards Conservativism and Populism”.
It provides a very good explanation on our political landscape and system. The paragraph about the fake ‘far right’ western european parties and especially the part about Marine Le Pen, who disgraces and dishonors her father, her people and her country is particularly worth pondering over.
Excellent !
The only way out is to break the Left/Right system
Adolf Hitler did this ,and was neither ideology.
Real NS is not either ,but National unity ( community ) V International Jews.
I second that Dante.
This is a fantastic article.
Dante, I just finished reading ‘Hezbollah, An Outsider’s Inside View’,
by Brenda Heard. She (an American) spent 8 years inside
Hezbollah talking and learning from all ranks in Hezbollah. Even
though Hezbollah has a Shia base, they have among their members
and supporters Sunni and Christian and Druze because the foundation
and fabric is Hezbollah’s defense of the inherent value and nobility of
all Lebanese land and history and culture and has a value that must be
defended at all cost.
They wish not to die. But would rather as a country and culture die
defending their values than to live as a slave under the Western/Israeli
It is truly a National Socialism in our time which the Judaic puppet masters
are as always trying to divide and destroy.
I was not able to find a copy in America. But I did find it from a source in
Italy. I did a cursory search online yesterday and found no results.
I was able to find the ebook edition (though I like book in hand).
I think you will appreciate this book. It shows a truly United defense
against the same liars that create a false divide between us.
I apologize to you specifically Dante. I have taken stances that I
should have never taken and fell into the trap that this article describes
perfectly. My fault and it is my remorse.
Again Dante, I believe you will appreciate this book I just mentioned.
Merry Christmas everyone.
I also would like to mention to my brother
Alan Kerns whom I have respectfully debated with on monetary policy for
longer than I am sure most here are aware.
I would like to reference Example 2, “Debt Currency vs Gold Currency”.
“This has produced a wrong headed debate between credit bugs who
support money as debt, and goldbugs who support money by gold
(or other precious metals). This hides the position that truly threatens
Jewish power that money should be backed by labour of a citizen of the
country inside which alone the money has purchasing power.”
I recommended a book originally written in 1917, by Charles A. Lindbergh,
‘Your Country At War, And What Happens To You After The War’
that stated this very thing early in our debate.
“Money” represents only earned and stored earned value.
That is money’s only responsibility.
It represents exchange value in surplus as well as naturally compromised production
vs demand.
It’s exchange value must be independent of any artificial surplus or reduction
of the value or access to these notes.
Just sayin
Peace brother Alan
I don’t know what Kevin MacDonald has lied about. I know he doesn’t agree with some of what I write. He deleted one too many comments I posted to his website so I don’t comment on his website anymore, but I read most of the articles on his website. I think they’re fascinating and I think he is very close to the truth on many things. In my opinion, his website does a great service by exposing the Jews ways and it’s done with intelligent writing. I don’t think anyone else even comes close with this. Kevin MacDonald is a scientist and a PHD. He is controversial, but he is not a “liar.”
Where he and some white nationalists may veer off the path of what many may want is they are willing to support a candidate that isn’t ideal (someone that has good relations with Jews). MacDonald and some others think whites and white countries (most notably Europe) are in danger of extinction if the present policies continue. In 50 years Europe could be destroyed beyond repair. I agree. The damage done is already significant. That is why the writers on his website support Marine Le Pen and Trump.
His opinions on race are controversial. He does not believe that all peoples innate intelligence levels are the same and this is extremely controversial. The Nobel Prize winning scientist James Watson (who co discovered DNA) and some others agree with him and Watson was fired from his prestigious position for what he wrote.
I believe MacDonald’s website is or may be wrong about certain things and MacDonald himself appears to contradict himself, but he may have an explanation. He believes Jews may have an average intelligence above others but also says Palestinians and Jews are very closely related with very similar genes. At the same time some of the writers on his website have written some unflattering things about Pakistanis and Arabs and I think they might be painting a broad brush where it should not be applied. Some immigrants to England have done some nasty things and in my opinion this might be because some low lifes that exist in all societies have been let in and this should not reflect on the whole society. His website (like most other people) also ignores that Americans with European support have been attacking and murdering Muslims for decades and it’s natural for people to want to strike back (a Muslim “terrorist” attack), just as a German atrocity against Jews or others is no big surprise after the British and Americans murdered 50,000 in Hamburg in five days, 40,000 in Pforzheim a few weeks later and did this all over Germany for several years. Don’t expect me to shed any tears for 9/11 when your greatest generation helped carry those murders out.
That said, there is no one else that identifies Jewish group methods of advancing themselves as MacDonald does and you could probably count the number of people on one hand who even discuss some of the vitally important topics he discusses such as the Ivy League controversy where whites are now a minority in America’s top schools and Jews with inferior scholastic records now outnumber whites in these schools.
Dr. MacDonald has also established without a doubt that Jews were the leading force behind the 1965 immigration act that changed the US from a primarily European people to a multi-cultural country. The congressional records, which MacDonald dug out show without a doubt Jews led this effort. Before reading his website I hadn’t even heard of the 1965 immigration act and definitely did not know of it’s profound implications for the US.
Kevin MacDonald and his website is one of the most informative and important on these subjects. They may have some flaws, but that doesn’t change that fact.
Thank you Todd for always your kind support of me.
It is very affirming,and builds my moral .
The Left/Right system is literally the ,” Left Right ” march to Jewish rule .
They created this divide ,which is so natural to them to keep society divided ,and manipulated.
One unnatural construct ,bucking against the another unnatural foundation.
One Judaic system pressuring the other Judaic system keeping their progressive control.
This is why the Jews detest the Greco Roman system of the Hellenes.
It seems balance and ” truth”.
It goes to the light ,and does not manipulate the shadows.
Hezbollah is such a system ,down to the ” Roman Salute ” ,which means ,” I come without arms”.
The gesture affirming ,and powerful. Something Jews do not want any Gentile to be.
” We march against the Reds,and REACTION. “….Horst Wessel Song.
” We are arresting the Right ,and the Left “.
President of the Reichstag ,German Goring broadcast nationwide in February 1933.
The ” Black Orchestra “, Conservatives ,and ” Red Orchestra ” , Communists ,conspired against Adolf Hitler.
Both Judaic .
Both divide society against creating natural ” Community “.
Marina Le Pen FAILED.
Denouncing her father and becoming ” pro Israel ” , did not take her to power.
Harassing the law abiding Muslim population of France did not give her a pass.
Appealing to ” Conservatives ” did nothing ,as the real ” Conservatives ” bested her as their other Jew run Wing withdrew ” Socialists ” assuring Jewish victory !
See how one wing is used as leverage or ballast against the other?
She stayed inside the Matrix ,and it drestroyrd her.
Even if victorious ,she would of achieved little.
Her denouncing of ” German Occupation ” ( France declared war on Germany twice), or Petains very honorable Vichy ( no sell outs ) , did nothing but make her a liar.
The other European Nationalists have this problem too.
Only by breaking the ” Right Wing ” label and promoting ” tradition ,unity ,Revolution ” ,can anything worthy be achieved.