Even Republicans may be deciding that the president has become too great a burden to their party or too great a danger to the country.
ed note–as like to say here often, by all means, all yuuz out there who believe Trump is the ‘chosen son’ of Judea, Inc and that all the hullahballoo is all ‘an act’, pay no mind whatsoever to glaringly important pieces such as this coming out of the JMSM in America in getting a better picture as to what is really going at a deeper-than-surface-level manner.
After all, it’s not as if WWIII is on the line.
Since the actual future of the country is at stake, it’s also likely he will fight all the way.
People have fought to the death for a lot less.
If are still considering the NY Times as a objective source of information. Search for how many times 6 million Jews appear in the NY Times before 1939.
Do some research, don’t believe what they tell you.
On the topic of impeachment: Bill Clinton is a sexual predator and he was so stupid to have his way with personal in the White House, he deserved impeachment.
Trump on the other hand is not yet accused of anything that sticks. You can imagine that the Dems would use anything that only resembles of evidence. Yet they did not find anything so they have ordered the fake Steel dossier to have a backup plan.
The deep state is in a battle for survival and cling onto this dream of impeachment.
I on the other hand look forward to January 2019 and the implementation of the EU regarding human trafficking and so forth.