The only thing I disagree with is his reference to the man from Galilee aka ‘Jesus’ being a jew. He wasn’t. But everything else rings true! Enjoy!
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Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
The only thing I disagree with is his reference to the man from Galilee aka ‘Jesus’ being a jew. He wasn’t. But everything else rings true! Enjoy!
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remember he said they worship in the synagoge of satan and satan is thier god ,also he got bapized and nothin else no circumsicion ect
GILAD ATZMON SAYS: “For some bizarre reason, a number of major institutions of the Left agree that Jewish culture and politics are not open to evaluation. I guess this affirms that, at least in the eyes of the Left and the Jews, the chosen people are actually chosen for real.”
I divide Leftist Jew-worshippers into two main groups: [1] PEP-types, which are ruled by emotion, and [2] snobs, which are ruled by vanity. Both are psychotic.
PEP Leftists (Progressive-Except-for-Palestine) whine about the plight of blacks, or gays, or immigrant children, and so on, but when it comes to Jews, they switch from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. They see Jews as eternally righteous and superior “victims.” And the more Satanic Jews become, the more saintly they seem. If you question this madness, the PEP sicko becomes so enraged that he verges on having a heart attack. It’s surreal.
He justifies his perversity by simply repeating Jewish talking points, over and over. Everything from the “holocaust” to “Hamas rockets” to “human shields” to “eternal victims.” This is his response to every question and every fact. He simply chants the talking points. Over and over, like magic mantras.
For all his righteous inveighing against racism and bigotry, the PEP-type is an ultra-bigot when it comes to whoever the Jews hate (e.g. Muslims). He is not not simply hypocritical. He is psychotic, just like the Jews he adores.
If you think I exaggerate about PEP types, then you have not met one. They appear before you whenever the Jews invade Lebanon, or bomb Gaza, or commit some other atrocity. As the Jew rampage continues, you mention it to your acquaintance, or your neighbor, or your good friend (or spouse!), and by his reaction you suddenly realize that he is a deformed psychopath, and you didn’t know him at all. It’s quite shocking.
As I said, this happens whenever Jews commit an atrocity. Because of the PEP syndrome, Jews don’t only slaughter the people within their reach. They cause relationships to break apart around the world. Perhaps that is the function of Jews in the universe: to separate true humanitarians from sub-humans.
After your friend or acquaintance is exposed as a PEP, you will never speak to him or her again. Not because you are angry or upset, but because you know that communication is quite impossible. He worships Jew atrocities. Period. Therefore everything else he says is dishonest bullshit.
If you ever meet a PEP-type, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. One day you will realize that your good friend is not just pro-Jew, but pathologically pro-Jew.
THE OTHER GROUP of Leftist Jew-worshippers consists of narcissistic intellectual snobs. Communists often fall into this group. Communists rarely care about workers. They just want power for themselves. They want to dethrone the oligarchs, and take their place as rulers. There is a Communist Party in Venezuela, and they despise Hugo Chavez’ United Socialist Party (PSUV). Most communists in Europe support imperialist war, in order to share power with the oligarchs.
These Leftist snobs are “above” racism and bigotry. They are also “above” anti-Semitism as defined by Jews. They use the “holocaust” lie for their own snobbish ends. In worshipping the lie, they are “more refined” than you are. They are “better” than you.
The Leftist intellectual snob condemns racism and misogyny and “homophobia,” but only as part of a stupid little dance. He is a sociopath with no empathy for others, as confirmed by his worship of Jews. Whereas the PEP type worships Jews from emotion, the Leftist snob does it because he is a megalomaniac. He is always ready to label you (in knee-jerk fashion) an “anti-Semite” or “holocaust denier” or “conspiracy theorist” so he can be “better” than you.
The Leftist snob hates others because he is a super-narcissist, just like Jews. By standing with Jews, he legitimizes his hate and his “superiority,” since Jews are “special.” Everyone is “beneath” both him and Jews alike.
Gilad Atzmon mentions the case of French comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala whose mother is French, and whose father is from Cameroon, Africa. This forced Dieudonné to grapple with racist issues, which led him to the company of Leftist intellectuals. All was fine until Dieudonné started questioning Jewish supremacy, at which point his Leftist intellectual friends suddenly revealed themselves to be elitist, Jew-loving snobs.
Bang on the money!!
@Konrad.. you are FASCINATING! You’re so true!!
@Bigcree… I thought Jesus (PBUH) was Palestinian…?
The man from Galilee was a Palestinian. From Galilee just as the name. His real name was Jmmauel not ‘Jesus’. But that’s another story!
OOWW.. That’s fascinating I never knew Jmmauel is the real name of Jesus… Thank youu Bigcree <3
You’re welcomed. Many like to claim he was a jew. He was NOT one of them. He spoke Aramaic. I made a typo in Jmmanuel. Left out the n, in the name!
It just does not make any sense too if he was a jew…I’m just saying…
No it wouldn’t. But leave it to the jew to lie and lie and lie. They do it to get what they want and if called out for lying, they will will compound their problem with more lies. They used their lies of being ‘chosen’ to steal Palestine and spread out over the entire region. Nothing the jew says can be taken on face value. Nothing!
@Bigcree… RIIIGGHHHTTT!! NOT A CHANCE IN HELL Bigcree Sir! That would be a disaster to trust jeewwss just becoz of based on what they say or come out of their mouth!! I stand by that! I’m just being honest :))