ed note–as always, a tsunami of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, a cursory and HONEST examination of the millions of billions of trillions of instances where they, i.e. the Hebrews, Shebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, Jews, whatever we want to call them, engaged in some violent and/or criminal action against Gentiles, going all the way back to the book of ‘Jenesis’ and the scheme on the part of Abraham and Sarah to get Sarah into Pharaoh’s harem as a prostitute (and likely as a spy as well) reveals the fact there is always some ‘justification’ used in doing so that is distanced from the real underlying motive itself.
The Jews began their invasion of Palestine in the 20th century under the pretext of ‘escaping persecution’ and avoiding the ‘chronic violence’ that has always, SOMEHOW, SOMEHOW, YAHWEH ONLY KNOWS WHY, IT WILL FOREVER REMAIN A MYSTERY, found its way into their existence.
But yet, despite the fact the resources existed for them to buy some peaceful, uninhabited island someplace where there would be no disruption, no turmoil and no need for war, theft, or overt violence against the original and RIGHTFUL owners of that piece of real estate (as they KNEW would be the inevitable result of their unholy invasion of Arab lands) nevertheless, they opted for the route that was sure to be violent, as much for them as it has been for the Palestinians.
Meaning, ladies and Gentile-men, that whenever the Jews offer some ‘reason’ or excuse for what it is that they intend to do, remember, there is always a ‘back story’ to it all where the truth is to be found and where the original ‘reason’ has little-to-no connection with reality whatsoever, yet another manifestation of the tried-and-true fact that–
Now, having said this, let us move on to the Satanic black mass known as ‘Operation Swords of Iron’ and the diabolical Genocide that has taken place since its inception.
Firsto, L&G, despite what has been a 24/7/365 intelligence disinfo operation aimed at presenting poor, lil’ Israel as the helpless victim of Oct. 7th, and with poor, lil’ Israel being attacked without reason, justification, or warning, nevertheless, the Jews knew what was coming that day, and having known what was headed their way, made sure to do what they do best, which is to apply all the background scenery needed in exaggerating the event to their advantage.
Thus, all the ‘Jrama’ involving rapes, beheadings, babies in ovens, murders of old people, etc, courtesy of the Mista’arvim spies that were deeply embedded within Hamas and PIJ.
And therefore, what has been the real reason for the Gentile-cide that has taken place since Oct 7th that has moved far beyond Gaza and has now included Lebanon and Syria?
A simple 2-word incantation that has within it the occultic power to bring about WWIII and Armageddon–
Now, as for some of the particulars contained in the news piece below, nota bene the following–
The Jews are intent, come hell or high water, upon seeing the ‘finished product’ of this occultic, 2-word incantation ‘Greater Israel’ made into reality. That was the reason for Oct 7th and the reason for whatever is to materialize in the very near future, whether it is nuclear terrorism via all the mini-nukes that were smuggled into every world capital decades ago, the emergence of a new killer virus such as a lab-concocted mutation of H5N1 or the assassination of POTUS DJT that would then (of course) be blamed on Iran, Russia, or whoever it is that the Jews have ‘chosen’ for that starring role.
And the comments on the part of our murder-for-hire Mossad agent make this very clear…
His choice of the phrase ‘fall from the 14th floor’ wasn’t just picked randomly, but rather was a very subtle way of saying that anyone–including POTUS DJT–who forces through any ‘alternative’ to continuing the present Ju-hadist war in Gaza which the terrorists of Torah Judah-ism believe has been sanctioned, sanctified and commanded by ‘yahweh’, the violent deity they worship, will be murdered by the hired killers of La Kosher Nostra.
Israel National News
Former senior Mossad agent Oded Eilam spoke about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, as well as the possibility of a return to fighting in the Gaza Strip, in an interview he held on Sunday morning with Radio 103FM.
Eilam commented on the decision to agree to the hostage deal and stated: ‘The responsibility ultimately falls on the Prime Minister – the decision is his decision, the decision is ultimately the captain’s decision.’
He also pointed an accusing finger at the Biden administration regarding the extension of the war and said that, ‘if there is a central factor responsible for the extension of the war and the method of fighting, it is the mistakes made by the previous administration.’
‘Even so,’ said Eilam, ‘we must remember one thing: the current administration is an internal US isolationist administration. It is first and foremost interested in a tariff war with China and Canada. Trump wants to end the war, and he says so.’
He added: ‘We have a sympathetic Congress with a sympathetic Republican majority. I think this is an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and reach a defense alliance with the US.’
On the most important question after the war in Gaza, Eilam said, ‘We should not allow a single shekel to enter Gaza as long as Hamas remains a ruling body.’
‘We have no choice but to continue the military operation that we started and any other alternative will fall from the 14th floor.’