Hamas is Amalek. Realize that, and then do what Hashem commanded us to do about Amalek.


ed note–as we say often, ladies and Gentile-men, a tidal wave of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know about this.


Firsto, in neutralizing what will be the chorus of paralyzingly-stupid contra-commentary and ‘expert analysis’ on the part of all the ‘usual suspects’, which is that this religious commandment to mercilessly murder every man, woman and child in Gaza is not a ‘Jewish’ thing but rather a ‘Zionist’ one, remember that the term ‘Amalek’ comes from the ‘holy of holies’, meaning the Torah, which is the basis for the religion of the Jews known as Judah-ism. The term Amalek did not begin with Theodor Herzl, Moses Hess, Bibi Netanyahu or Ben Gvir, but rather with Moses as found in the various books of the Torah (Old testament) which he is credited with writing.


Nexto, ladies and Gentile-men, a ‘protocol’ associated with this that needs to be given HEAVY consideration is the fact that the deranged Judah-ite who penned this piece is not some lone street crazy with ‘fringe’ beliefs that fall outside of the mainstream of the Jewish substratum.


Not only does 90+% of the world’s Jewish community, both in the Jypsy state and in the diaspora, support what has been done in ‘slaughtering Amalek’ in Gaza as part of the religious commandment to do so, but as well, for the last 3,000 years, the Hebrews, Shebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, Jews, whatever we want to call them, have coagulated yearly at blood festivals such as Passover, H’Nookah and Purim and celebrated in the most garish and gaudy fashion those ‘high holy days’ where the destruction of Gentiles in Egypt, Greece, and Persia was the fete of the day.


The point is, L&G, they have hated Gentiles since the days of Cain murdering his brother Abel, and all Hebraic behavior since that time, including what is taking place right now in Gaza and elsewhere, is part of that ‘appetite’ that is the direct result of what Torah Judah-ism teaches and commands its adherent to do.


And remember something else, L&G, that as far as the ‘children of Israel’ are concerned, the term ‘Amalek’ is extremely elastic and can be used for anyone and everyone as the Pirates of Judea see fit.


Today it is the Arabs, Persians, Turks, etc, and tomorrow, via, the agency of WWIII/Armageddon (or else a new virus cooked up in the bioweapons lab in Ness Ziyyona) it will be the Europeans, Americans, or whoever else it is that the Jews have decided need to be exterminated in making good on the campaign of murder and mayhem that the ‘protocols’ of Torah Judah-ism command be done.



Leonie Ben-Simon for Israel National News


Say it how it is. Don’t be afraid to come out and use the word: ‘Amalek’.


We know that Hamas is Amalek, and Hamas, like Amalek, is evil incarnate.


Who were the Amalekites? They lived in the vicinity of Gaza. When the Children of Israel left Egypt (the Exodus: 13th Century BCE) Amalek attacked them for no other reason than hate. G‑d commanded us to completely wipe out the memory of Amalek from the earth, and to wage an eternal war with Amalek in every generation.


The Torah lists two mitzvot (commandments) regarding Amalek:


1. To obliterate the nation of Amalek (timcheh et zecher Amalek).


2. To never forget the evil deeds Amalek (zechor al tishkach).


Amalek are not people as we know people. They are murderers incarnate, backed by their women, teaching every child to hate us and destroy us so that it continues generation by generation. We are not allowed to have feelings of mercy and are instructed: ‘He who comes to kill you rise up and kill him first.’ (Sanhedrin72a).


We know how to deal with Amalek, and if we don’t, we know what the results will be. Not a ping-pong game following the niceties of international bodies who would be glad to see the end of us. Not warning the Hamas stone-throwers to be careful whilst the world watches on TV, and we hope that one of their stones will not mortally wound one of our young soldiers. Now that the US has provided Israel with sufficient military materiel there is no reason to play games with this enemy.


Just bomb the hell out of them and flatten their buildings wherever they are.Their refugee camps are really just modern buildings hiding tunnels with lethal warmongering purposes, as are their hospitals and schools with murderers inside.


What about the hostages in Gaza, you say?


The only hope to get them out is through sheer force, killing each and every one of Hamas, who will eventually beg us to stop and we insist on their freeing our hostages first, Then the hostages will be our trump card not theirs, as they are now.


Most of the world does not care about us, like they did not care during the Holocaust. When G-d instructed us to obliterate Amalek, He meant that it is what needs to be done. Now.

2 thoughts on “The Jewish Brain–‘Gaza is Amalek and every man, woman and child in it must be killed for the good of Israel’”
  1. People who love and praise Israel truly have no idea where this is all going, and know not how Israel feels about THEM.

    “An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. Now, it is a person Jews dislike” ~ Dr. Hajo Meyer

  2. “…like they did not care during the Holocaust.”
    Which one? Six million were allegedly done in at least twice in the 20th century alone. That would mean 12 million in total, just in the last century. With that many killed, how were there enough to populate Isn’treal? Just as more Jews claimed reparations, post war, than there were Jews in all of the German occupied territories, they show their incredible skill in marketing and accounting. I, for one, don’t buy the story that 100 people were made to stand on a metal plate/grid then lowered into water so they could be electrocuted or that people were masturbated to death, but hey! judicial notice of this was given at Nuremberg so it be so!

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