An open letter to Dave Chappelle from the great-granddaughter of a Hollywood pioneer

ed note–we’ll start off this little discussion with a quote that is/has been brought up somewhere between a million and a billion times and despite the enormous amount of discussion it has generated–particularly in the last 50-60 years–barely a handful of people understand how it is playing out right now before the eyes of the world, and this despite the absolutely APOCALYPTIC implications associated with it–

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have suffered a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?’

The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, to slander His name and His dwelling place and those who live in heaven…The beast was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All the inhabitants of the earth will be forced to worship the beast, all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world…

…Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven in full view of the people. The beast was given power to perform miracles and to deceive the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name…

For those unfamiliar with all of this, it is the infamous ‘Revelations, ch. 13’ that features as ‘THE MAIN EVENT’ in virtually ALL mainstream Protestant evangelical Christian churches, particularly in those English-speaking countries such as America, the UK, Australia and NZ.

To anyone with eyes to see and who pays attention to the very serious and dangerous events taking place these days, it does not take a lot of imagination in figuring out just ‘who’ this ‘beast’ is today, and especially after viewing/weighing the reaction on the part of this ‘beast’ and its ‘children’ when someone DARES to not bow down before it and receive his ‘mark’ of approval.

The beast is Judah-ism, and its headquarters, standing on the ‘shore of the sea’ is the Jewish state.

Now, as much as there is LOTS AND LOTS of discussion in these same churches ostensibly devoted to the person of Jesus Christ and particularly how this ‘mystery’ of just WHO this ‘beast’ is, discussions where the obvious dots somehow do not get connected in fleshing out the OBVIOUS person/persons who are being described in this very cryptic religious prophecy, there is one thing however, found within that same infamous ‘Book of Revelations’ that leaves NO DOUBT WHAT-SO-FREAKING-EVER as to just ‘who’ this monster in human form actually is–


I know thy works, thy tribulation and thy poverty, and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are truly the synagogue of Satan…


as well as–


Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are liars come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee…


SO, as far as any follower of Jesus calling himself/herself a Christian is concerned, any confusion, murkiness or ambiguity that they may maintain with regards to just WHO this ‘beast’ is, all they need to know is 2 things–


1. It is Jewish in its nature…


2. It is controlled by the Devil…


Now, as far as the mad scribblings on the part of our Shebrew, one Sharon Rosen Leib reprinted below, nota bene the following items–

1. The absolute CHOKING hypocrisy/double standard that comes as a ‘sine qua non’ in any situation where one of the followers of Judah-ism is involved and has the podium.


On the one hand she asks rhetorically–


Why did you feel the need to echo Ye’s antisemitic tropes about Jews and Hollywood?


But then, in the very next breath, she says–


Yes, there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood…Pioneer Hollywood Jews like my great-grandfather Sol M. Wurtzel created a new form of popular entertainment and ran with it…


And ending that thought by saying she ‘takes pride’ in the ‘Jewish invention’ of America’s ‘entertainment industry’.

So on the one hand, it is a ‘trope’–her words–that Jews predominate in Hollywood, but then CONTRADICTS HER OWN STATEMENT by stating that there are ‘a lot of Jews in Hollywood’ and that Hollywood is ‘their creation’.

Lesson to be learned–if a follower of Judah-ism is talking, then he/she is to some degree lying.

As Jesus Christ Himself warned, they are masters at utilizing the black magic of linguistics and of confusing/consternating the Gentile mind and of rendering it defenseless against their will, wiles and whatever evil deeds they are planning to inflict in attaining whatever-the-hell it is they want, or, as we have coined here at this humble little informational endeavor–






‘I can say ‘There are a lot of Jews in Hollywood’ without repercussion because my whole being screams ‘Jewish’…


In other words, the CHOKING HYPOCRISY that runs like an electrical current through everything that comes out of the ‘Sin-a-gogue of Satan’. 




–but ‘We’ Gentiles cannot…



There have been a lot of Jews in Hollywood for over 100 years, and disturbingly, a ton of antisemitism has resurfaced around that truth…

In other words, America–at one time a very decent, moral, conservative and family-based nation–saw the GARBAGE coming out of Jewish-owned Hollywood and deduced from all of this the FACT that there was an open conspiracy on the part of the ‘Sin-a-gogue of Satan’ to destroy Christian values in America, and that the Gentiles who arrived QUITE LOGICALLY at this inescapable conclusion reacted with what we refer to here on this humble little informational endeavor as–




–Otherwise known by its more common/colloquial name–





Nazi death squads were fueled by crackpot conspiracy theories about greedy, parasitic Jews who controlled international banking, financed wars, and poisoned young minds with their nefarious movies. As Hollywood filmmakers during the rise of Nazism, my American family continued grinding out movies while sanding down their Jewish identities to avoid being targeted by antisemitic conspiracy theorists…




When I heard whispers of crazy-town conspiracy theories that ‘Jews own Hollywood’…


And in this case, our deceptive Shebrew is correct, those ‘conspiracy theories’ concerning Jews ‘owning Hollywood’ IS INDEED ‘Crazy Town’, because the ugly and inescapable TRUTH to it is that it is no ‘theory’ at all, but indeed–


…And a fact in which they–members of the the ‘Sin-a-gogue of Satan’–would not be forced to do intellectual sommersaults in denying if they were not involved in an open conspiracy to destroy Christian values in America and throughout the world.


Sharon Rosen Leib for the Jewish Daily Forward


Dear Dave Chappelle,

Consider me an admirer. I find your comedy wickedly smart, slyly subversive and generally well-intentioned. I also sense your pain. As the descendant of a Hollywood Jewish family, I’ve seen how the business eats people alive.

That’s why, after watching your monologue on SNL, I woke up at 4 a.m. in a panic-attack state. Why did you feel the need to echo Ye’s antisemitic tropes about Jews and Hollywood?

Yes, there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood. Pioneer Hollywood Jews like my great-grandfather Sol M. Wurtzel, who produced over 700 films for 20th Century Fox, created a new form of popular entertainment and ran with it. I take pride in the Jewish invention of an entertainment industry that gave voice and unprecedented global reach to legions of creative people.

I can say ‘There are a lot of Jews in Hollywood’ without repercussion because my whole being screams ‘Jewish’.

Unfortunately, in these charged Ye ‘going Defcon 3 on the Jewish People’ times, it didn’t land so well when you said it however.

There have been a lot of Jews in Hollywood for over 100 years, and disturbingly, a ton of antisemitism has resurfaced around that truth.

I consider myself a relatively chill Jewish mother. But when anyone says something that could potentially affect my community’s safety or my kids’ pride in their Jewish identities, I go into Defcon 3 Mama Bear mode.

So why exacerbate a charged situation by poking the Jewish bear the way you did? Do you want out of the Hollywood rat race? I totally get why you would. For God’s sake, a crazy guy carrying a knife rushed you at the Hollywood Bowl. You deserve a break.

Reflecting on why your monologue caused a panic attack, I realized it must have been the antisemitic traumas embedded in my psyche from my Eastern European Jewish lineage. That and the fact I watched ‘The U. S. and the Holocaust’ documentary by filmmakers Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein last month. The six-hour horror show depicts Nazis marching through Eastern European towns, and describes how they threw Jewish babies out of windows, incinerated Jewish villagers in their synagogues and gunned them down in forests along the way.

These Nazi death squads were fueled by crackpot conspiracy theories about greedy, parasitic Jews who controlled international banking, financed wars, and poisoned young minds with their nefarious movies. As Hollywood filmmakers during the rise of Nazism, my American family continued grinding out movies while sanding down their Jewish identities to avoid being targeted by antisemitic conspiracy theorists. Family members who remained in Poland died grisly deaths.

But, Mr. Chappelle, you already know all this. You rightly said Black Americans didn’t cause this reign of terror. And American Jews like me know that inflamed nativist European fascists — not Black Americans — conspired to create the biggest death machine in human history to obliterate European Jewry.

So let’s fast-forward to Trump, who came along and issued a get-out-of-the-sewers-free pass to U.S. neo-Nazis. I imagine these racist antisemites get off on seeing Blacks and Jews devolve into Defcon 3 mode tearing each other apart with accusations of antisemitism and racism, becoming increasingly alienated and estranged from each other along the way.

Your monologue ceased being comedic to me when I heard whispers of crazy-town ‘Jews own Hollywood’ conspiracy theories threaded into its narrative subtext. I want to believe you are a better man than the guy who adds a dash of poison to the boiling cauldron of antisemitic hate bubbling over in this country.

Now that Trump and his acolytes appear to be losing their chokehold on America, why did you use your precious monologue time to rehash and reanimate antisemitic rants? Isn’t it time for Blacks and Jews to celebrate shaking off the Trumpian nightmare and join forces to consign his neo-Nazi racist acolytes back into the sewers?

Mr. Chappelle, I’m hoping you use your prodigious comedy chops to continue shining a light on prejudice without sending conspiracy theory chills down Jewish spines.

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