YNET – The Jewish approach to life is based upon the “middle way.” It is characterized by a constant attempt to strike a balance between two seemingly opposing forces – those of giving and those of restricting the giving – both of which are needed in the proper amount and time. This dialectic manifests itself in numerous ways, be it on an individual level or on a collective and national level.
One of the biggest displays of unadulterated philosophical Jewish BS I have ever read on an anti-Jewish website . A straight forward “apology ” for Jewish actions Worldwide -in the line =if you are intelligent enough you will accept this . WHAT MIDDLE WAY !!! answer me ! by their actions shall they be know and I am not a bible believer but those words apply in spades to the Jews . They run the US causing it to invade kill millions year after year over the past 60 years jewish BB depends on slaughter-slaughter-slaughter -you name it if they disagree with the US Knesset its= sanctions and then war I defy any American to disagree with this its a plain TRUTHFUL FACT ! -vietnam-Iraq-Libia -Afghanistan- country after country -year after year and then we have the above “intellectual “apology ” anybody agreeing with it is therefore accountable for millions of World citizens being blown apart .
If you have taken part in the Koll Nidre ceremony then you have declared (by means of a self-contradictory text,) that ‘all texts are invalid….. So is what Karl Marx wrote, and Siegmund Freud, and, and, —
and also this utterly crappy text…..
Best regards