ed note–lots of goodies contained in this for the survival-conscious Gentile…

1. The statement on the part of our deranged Hebraic author that she has always been a ‘religious Jew’ and who then qualifies her statement by saying that she has ‘studied and taught Torah for years’.

And, once again, there’s that word–


And–once again–we are forced to point this out due to what is the anchored-in-concrete willingness on the part of various personalities who claim to know a thing or two about how things work these days to continue on with the utterly false and factually bankrupt assertion that Torah plays no part whatsoever in the life of today’s Jews and in the Judaism that they practice. As we point out here on a regular basis, using news stories and OpEds that come from the most authoritative sources there are, this is simply NOT TRUE in even the slightest sense. The Jews are a product of their Torah, and for all those out there–and particularly those of the Christian pedigree of whatever specification–who are uncomfortable with this fact, then perhaps the proper response is not to continue entertaining, coddling, and enriching your delusion but rather to just come clean and accept the ugly truth of it all for what it is and make those adjustments necessary in arriving at some place of mental and spiritual peace.


Remember that Purim is the Judaic religious celebration commemorating what the Jews believe was the mass-massacre of 75,000 Persians by a gang of bloodthirsty Jews on one of their chronic Goy-hating, Gentile-cidal warpaths. If any other members of the ‘Abrahamic’ faiths, be they Christian or Muslim–had an exact carbon copy religious celebration that encompassed the very same parameters as Purim, but instead of those bloodthirsty Jews succeeding in their planned rampage and murdering 75,000 innocent Persians, instead, the soon-to-be massacred Persians rose up and defended themselves and forced the Jews to flee to another country (as they always do) such and such ‘faith’ would be accused, convicted, and sentenced to death by 666 cuts via denigration for its high crime of ‘anti-Shemitism’.

Remember as well, in better understanding and in coming to terms with the more problematic aspects of the Judaic mindset, that as part and parcel of this yearly ‘celebration,’ Jews prepare and eat pastries made to appear like the body parts–including the eyes, ears, and internal organs–of their Persian enemies of ‘yesteryear’. If any other group of people did this, it would be used as prima facie evidence of the inherent barbarism of said religious group and they would be branded as a threat to all civilized peoples worldwide.

But perhaps the most profound statement about the implications associated with this comes from the deranged Hebraic author herself who, in saying that ‘the Jewish people have been shaped by Purim and we can’t give it up, and no one can take it away from us’, is that the Jews are products of their addiction to Goyicide, and indeed, as it is with most addicts, will indeed go to their graves as addicts and more importantly, are destroyed by their addiction.

Yael Unterman for the Times of Israel

I’ve been a religious Jew ever since I can remember. I’ve studied and taught Torah for years. And yet every so often some unlit corner of Judaism will pop up and surprise me, making me feel astoundingly ignorant once again. This year it’s the turn of an interesting creature called Purim Katan.

In a Jewish leap year, falling every 2 to 3 years of a 19-year cycle, we add an extra month, called Adar I. The 14th of Adar I (or 15th for Jerusalem) is known as “Purim Katan” — minor/little Purim.

Now I know what a family Purim is; my family, in fact, hold one annually, celebrating the release of our ancestor Rabbi Yom Tov Lipmann Heller from jail. But Purim Katan has never made the least impression on my Jewish calendar — probably because I don’t regularly attend morning minyan.

If we visit the very last paragraph of the Shulhan Aruch Orah Hayyim, we find that Purim Katan is indeed a thing. The poskim disagree as to how much of a thing, though. Some (Tur and Rif) hold it is a day full of festivities – exactly like Purim, but sans all external mitzvot. Some (Mishna Berura) take a middle position, that we should celebrate a little, and also not say Tahanun, eulogize, or fast. Others permit even the latter, minimizing the import of the day.

Sounds like an excuse for a party… a little party!

What really strikes me about this day, though, is its nature as a kind of “shadow” Purim, a ghostly or hologram Purim.

Science fiction buffs — and I confess myself to be among them — are excited by the idea of alternative universes. What if there were infinite universes, all of them containing different variations or permutations of our collective or individual history? Universes in which Hitler did not exist, Columbus did not discover America, the Zionists agreed to live in Uganda, or my parents decided to name me Jane.

And it’s not only science fiction; there’s actually a respectable sub-field in the study of history termed “alternative history,” “counterfactual history,” or “allohistory,” exploring these types of scenarios (though probably not the final one), including at least one book dedicated to Jewish “What Ifs.”

The movie industry has jumped on the bandwagon, with such parallel universe films as Sliding Doors, exploring the ramifications of catching or missing a train; a TV show named The Man in the High Castle; and, as far back as 1946, It’s a Wonderful Life explored a number of “what if” moments in the life of one depressed man, without whom the world would have been much poorer (try this on yourself — it will cheer you up).

What is the act of teshuva (repentance), if not going backwards in time to a particular point and creating an alternative timeline in which one did not do that sin. The sin is wiped out completely, and one now moves forward in time without it.

Returning now to Purim Katan. I want to imagine for a moment that Adar I functions as an alternate reality to Adar II. It’s still Adar, but without Purim – simply an empty month, falling in the middle of the winter. This is Jewish life as it would be had Purim never happened – this is the alternative Purimless universe.

I would have thought that the shapers of halacha should have left Adar I alone, with no particular rules for a month that was added simply to recalibrate the calendar. Like an alternative universe, it should bear no trace of the parallel timeline. Yet they don’t; they sense that this month might carry impressions of Purim within it, and struggle to ascertain how strong or weak those might be.

Perhaps this is because we cannot be a people who never had Purim, we cannot have a blank Adar — for we would not be the same people. Just as some posit that simultaneous timelines will somehow bleed into each other; just as when one has done teshuva, one becomes a new and elevated person, not simply one’s old self; so too, one cannot simply add Adar I to the calendar without that Adar carrying in it the seeds of Purim. Because Adar was never the same after Purim; because we are a people shaped by Purim, and no one can take that away from us.

And I find it intriguing that this is the final paragraph in the Shulhan Arukh’s section of guidance in how to live our daily lives. Perhaps the message is that just as we will always be a people shaped by Purim, no matter what, so too we will also always be a people shaped by the halacha, no matter who we have become or how far we have departed from it.

A fascinating thought, to be continued in an alternative blogiverse. Happy Purim Katan!

3 thoughts on “The Jewish people have been shaped by Purim…We can’t give it up, and no one can take it away from us”
  1. This may indeed be the root of their evil – if you are Jewish and civilized then you must divorce yourself from this horrific celebration, no matter how symbolic it may be…

  2. Wait a second. Is this “celebration” based on a story from the Holy Bible?

    ed note–INDEED IT IS, the book of ESTHER to be exact.

    And no, as you pointed out, this is not from the Talmud.


  3. ‘I’ve been a religious Jew ever since I can remember. I’ve studied and taught Torah for years. And yet every so often some unlit corner of Judaism will pop up and surprise me, making me feel astoundingly ignorant once again.”

    Yael Unterman, born in Jerusalem, grew up in Manchester, England, returned to Israel at the age of 18. Looks like my cousin. Round, plump, pasty-faced. My cousin is of Irish-Scots extraction. But of course Yael is semitic, as we know. Or should that be semantic? I never know the difference.

    I know how you feel Yael. I too often come across some unlit corner of Judaism that surprises me. Such as the extent of the role played by Jewish merchants in the slave trade … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Aa3Wu6ocV0

    Never gave it up actually. The focus has changed a bit … sex slaves as opposed the black slaves. Particularly white women from the Eastern bloc. And of course children. Let’s not forget the children! I believe a good looking white child can fetch upwards of $40K on the open market.

    In any case, given that the Mysticals have called for open season on Whitey, I think it’s time Whities around the world united, buried their regional, cultural, religious, and linguistic differences, and declared war on their sworn enemies … The Jewes. There can be no doubt about it now. Look at what it happening to Whitey in South Africa. That’s what they got planned for you too White Boy.

    But careful what you say and who you say it to … Pulitzer Prize winner and NYT op-ed columnist, (((Bret Stephens))) is on yer case. Why, Bret has just spoken vociferously on ‘The Rise of Populism, Nationalism, and Hate’. Yeah ‘hate’. Bret should know a thing or two about hate…

    ‘A gifted analyst of the dangerous global trends which are of greater concern with each passing day, Bret Stephens’ talk will interest anyone who wants a clear grasp of the most critical movements at play on today’s world stage.’ … https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/14th-annual-sol-and-florence-kanee-distinguished-lecture-with-bret-stephens-tickets-54096037705

    Already, them Jewes is agitatin’ fer the death penalty for anyone as much as accused of ‘anti … gulp … semanticism’. Jes lark as they did in the good ol’ Soviet Union when they ruled the roost and had theirselves a real good tarm!

    IXXI was the Crossing of the Rubicon for Judea Inc. There can be no turning back for them now. It’s all or nothing…

    Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
    Shiny leather in the dark
    Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
    Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
    Severin, Severin, speak so slightly
    Severin, down on your bended knee
    Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
    Taste the whip, now plead for me

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