
ed note–as referenced on tonight’s TUT Broadcast.

For those wishing to know more about the ‘Fiscus Judaicus’ discussed on tonight’s program they can find the info here

3 thoughts on “The Jewish-Roman War, 66 -70 A D”
  1. In the docudrama, over and over again, they try to hammer the point (the lie) that the Jews wanted the Romans out because they were “corrupt,” when in fact the Jews just wanted them gone because they were not Jews. But, if the docudrama was filled with Jews saying things like, “God gave us this land” and “who are these goyim to rule over God’s Chosen people?” then people would see way too many parallels with what’s now going on in the Jewish state. Also, the Jews would be praying for God to send the Messiah (this is taking place not long at all after they murdered Christ). And this would be another thing that would not sit well with anyone with half a brain, because it would raise some very, very interesting questions (and connections). The Romans could have wiped out Judaism once and for all; but they made a deal with a Pharisee, allowing him to escape and basically create Rabbinical Judaism. If only Rome had finished the job. Just think of the peace there’d be on this planet.

  2. God gave us this land says the jews.
    So why don’t the people of Germany,Sweden,USA,Canada,Australia and all the other occupied Countries by the parasitic jews in their mids placing their stuges in top positions and do not stand up and say to the jewish opressors “GOD GAVE US THIS LAND WE DO NOT WANT TO BE ANOTHER PALESTINE” ? I just cannot understand it.

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