MINT PRESS – Syrian Kurds claim to be fighting against terror as they strive for autonomy, a goal that they have yet to achieve even after decades of effort. But their efforts are being co-opted by Western powers that are using them to achieve their own ends in the Middle East. CONTINUE READING

One thought on “The Kurdish Connection: Israel, ISIS And U.S. Efforts To Destabilize Iran”
  1. I always wondered how they (somehow) could fight off the various brands of mercenaries but Assad could not and came close to falling had Russia had not stepped in with air support – i know Iran and Hezbollah are helping but without air support you cannot win a war especially when US and Israel is supporting the scum with air raids.
    Assad will eventually have to deal with the Kurds if they think they are going to carve out a large slice of Syria for themselves so aiding Israels plan.

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