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0 thoughts on “The Mind of Mr. Putin”
  1. A good article, but misleading because there is something Pat is not willing to say, probably fearing the backlash. He was already fired from MSNBC. Neo-Con Jews concocted the policies of end-less war (almost all in the Mideast) to destroy their enemies and empower Israel. They also want to empower the USA because they completely control it and can use that power as they wish. But if their policies hurt the US in the long run, that is of secondary importance as long as Jews and Israel’s power is enhanced.

    As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations. If allowed to do so they would unquestionably exploit this power for their own ends — inevitably at the expense of the majority non-Jewish population:

  2. Like Peter, I rather like Pat Buchanan’s writing.
    His concluding sentence, however, is astounding:
    “Perhaps it is time to climb down off our ideological high horse and start respecting the vital interests of other sovereign nations, even as we protect and defend our own.”
    “Climb down off our ideological high horse”?
    Come off it, Pat, we all need to climb up out of the deep abyss of depravity we are trapped in!
    Has the US military ever engaged in actual defence of the USA?

  3. Does Pat Buchanan wrote his latest columns or an aide ? His incompetent sister Bay perhaps.

    Of late,he pulls punches,and sometimes sounds like a warmer over Neoconservative, or Ex False Flag John Bircher.He ,or they have even been quoting war criminal King Churchill of late ?
    Is he auditioning for FOX ?

    The column is very good,but the man pulls his punches of late. I have news for sanctimonious Pat.
    You have crossed the Rubican with the Jews,and there is no turning back.

    The USA,and mutual parasite, Israel have no ” ideological high horse “.
    Never did or never will
    The last time we where the ” Last great hope on earth,”, as Lincoln put it,was before the Rothschild’s US Fed, was created.

    The USA has zero right to have attacked a sovereign nation,Syria by setting up terrorists.
    Russia is in full right to defend their long time Ally and their own national interest.

    It’s that simple.

    Americas original ” ideology ” was as a neutral powerful republic.
    Remember Pat,or whoever ?

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