3 thoughts on “The network of powerful Israel partisans who are pushing to bomb Iran”
Dracula and the plow-boy.
I was alarmed by “plow boy”Cotton when I first heard of him. To think Arkansas ,threw out ,a senior respectable Senator David Pryor,for this bag of white trash !
Cotton is the archetypical By-Bull Belt nit wit,on a mission to enslave the world,for the Jews. Please remember this-Cotton is what the Tea Party/Conservative/Republicans are today. You vote for them,at you,and the world’s peril….not that D,s are better,but they have a constituency break on them…not so the Zio-FOX,GOP base.
White trash Cotton of Arkansas ,wants to play with the big Jews. The Jews laugh at his kind ,behind there backs! If the Rothschilds fly him to one of their palaces for a bribe/briefing,they will fumigate his rooms ,when he leaves.
Dracula and the plow-boy.
I was alarmed by “plow boy”Cotton when I first heard of him. To think Arkansas ,threw out ,a senior respectable Senator David Pryor,for this bag of white trash !
Cotton is the archetypical By-Bull Belt nit wit,on a mission to enslave the world,for the Jews. Please remember this-Cotton is what the Tea Party/Conservative/Republicans are today. You vote for them,at you,and the world’s peril….not that D,s are better,but they have a constituency break on them…not so the Zio-FOX,GOP base.
White trash Cotton of Arkansas ,wants to play with the big Jews. The Jews laugh at his kind ,behind there backs! If the Rothschilds fly him to one of their palaces for a bribe/briefing,they will fumigate his rooms ,when he leaves.