Almost all IDF units were investigated following the 10/7 massacre, except COGAT, the unit that shaped Israel’s policy in Gaza.


ed note–For those who have been paying attention as of late, it is obvious that Netanyahu and his Torah Terrorist government are in panic mode over the possibility that the evidence trail concerning Israeli foreknowledge of/complicity in the Oct. 7th attacks will not only lead back to the political level, i.e. individuals with the most to gain from the events of Oct. 7 such as Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, etc, but that an even DEEPER conspiracy surrounding it all exists, which is the role which deeply embedded agents of the Mista’arvim played in the ‘atrocities’ of that day i.e. the sexual assaults, beheaded women and children, babies thrown into ovens, etc.


Every day within the Hebrew press for the last month or so have appeared news stories implicating IDF, Shin Bet and others for ‘sleeping on the job’ and ‘not seeing the signs’ of the impending attack and of the forced resignations of the various heads of those entities, when in fact, all of this has been done to protect Netanyahu and the political echelons who were/are the primary conspirators that not only facilitated the events of that day, but aggrandized and exaggerated them in order to achieve ‘maximum yield’ vis world sympathy.


Why now? Why suddenly, 17 months after the fact, are heads beginning to roll with regards to this event?


A simple 10 words, ladies and Gentile-men–




POTUS 47 has maintained FROM THE VERY BEGINNING that Netanyahu was to blame for Oct. 7th, going so far as to say that he should be impeached for it, and while not coming out and stating that Netanyahu was personally involved in pulling it off, nevertheless, DJT knows this to be the case and, in making good on his ‘F*CK HIM’ statement during the interview with Israeli journalist Barack Ravid, DJT is coming after Netanyahu and Netanyahu knows it.


Now, as it relates to the story below, it is entirely possible that COGAT was a directly-involved player in all of this, i.e. in the facilitation of the Oct. 7th attacks, or it could be yet another of the many red herrings that have been set loose in the last month meant to drive attention AWAY from the political individuals involved in it, not the least of which is Netanyahu himself.


As we counsel the readers of this website on a regular basis, of the many uncomplimentary things that can be said about ‘them’, the ‘children of Israel’, the one thing that CANNOT be said about them is that they are stupid, because as they have proven on a regular basis over the many millenia in which their presence has upended the peace and quiet here God’s green earth, they most certainly ARE NOT.




Israel National News


Almost every IDF unit has undergone an in-depth investigation following the Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023. But there is one unit that has not been investigated, i.e. the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), as reported by Doron Kadosh on IDF Radio.


COGAT, headed by Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian, has played a central role in shaping Israel’s policy toward Gaza in recent years. Senior defense officials note, ‘Maj. Gen. Alian is one of the only generals in the IDF who not only implements policy, but also shapes it.’


In the years preceding the massacre, COGAT led moves to promote an arrangement with Hamas, including increasing the number of Gazan workers entering Israel, establishing an industrial zone at the Erez Crossing, promoting the ‘Gas for Gaza’ project, and approving the development of the marine gas field off the coast of the Gaza Strip. COGAT was also responsible for bringing goods into Gaza, including ‘dual-use’ materials used in Hamas’ terrorist activities.


Kadosh adds that one of the most prominent examples of this is the exceptional approval given by COGAT in June 2023, four months before the attack, to bring motorcycle tires into Gaza, after about a decade during which no such authorization was granted, due to a fear of them being used by terrorists. On October 7th, motorcycles were used extensively during the Hamas massacre on communities near the Gaza Strip.


However, despite COGAT’s centrality in shaping policy vis-à-vis Gaza, the unit was not interrogated. Results of the extensive investigations that were recently presented to the public also did not include the role of the body responsible for promoting civilian and economic policy vis-à-vis the Gaza Strip.


A COGAT spokesperson said: ‘Contrary to what was claimed, the unit was included in the operational debriefings, some of which were presented to the public. We emphasize that COGAT acted before and after October 7 to implement the policy set by the Israeli governments in the Gaza Strip.’


On the other hand, the IDF Spokesperson confirmed the publication and added: ‘COGAT was never interrogated after the massacre.’

One thought on “The only IDF unit not investigated after Oct.7th”
  1. Why is it that every mainstream media outlet calls October 7 a “massacre” while at the same time ignoring genocide in Gaza? October 7 was meant to be a “hostage-taking” operation and turned into a massacre when Israel, after standing down for 7 hours, opened fire on hostages AND hostage takers. They were mainly instrumental in making O7 a “massacre”. Since then, Israel’s actions are the same as they were on that date, indiscriminate slaughter.

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