17 thoughts on “‘The Paris Massacre: They had it coming’ by Lasha Darkmoon”
Awesome post!
Je ne suis pas Charlie.
5 hours after the Hebdo attack, I was looking at his twitter page, the most recent picture mocking ISIL, something of a political comparison of “Baghdadi” claiming to care about our health. I scrolled down to see his icon picture, of the Flintstone-looking virgin Mary, giving birth to baby Jesus (as). It could just as easily have been a Christian who marched in there and killed the whole lot of them, but why wasn’t it?
Though I agree that they proverbially “had it coming”, I vehemently disagree with murdering people for being rude. There will always be disagreements in the world, but cold-blooded murder is not in defense of anything — it is revenge, and they screamed it out loud to prove it, while they were killing.
The problem arises when people want to fight, get revenge, and to be insulted. Rather than just look the other way, choosing not even to wipe their butts with a Hebdo cartoon page — they blow it way out of proportion, and blame all the world’s ills on their bull-like focus of anger and hatred. Free speech is not free speech, unless we are allowed to speak our minds, and Charlie Hebdo was an obvious atheist, speaking his mind through art, for profit.
Considering that there are approximately 666 French Muslims fighting on the wrong side in Syria, that is only 0.03175% of the French Muslim population of 2.1 million people, or 1/33 of 1%, it would take 33 Syrian-sized conflicts, for 1% of the French Muslim population to be terrorists abroad.
😉 Can you just imagine, were you in a big family of 100 people, and 1 turned out to be a murderer — if the establishment and people came down to lynch, imprison or deport the other 99, including you?
There will probably be Jews on both sides of the rabble-rousing, the left-side touting German National Socialist flags crossed out, rather than American, GCC and NATO countries — and the other side screaming for revenge against the 99.9% of innocent Muslims.
As much as the Hebdo cartoons disgusted me, they had every right to publish their work in a free society, and to not fear for their little atheist infidel lives, from religious lunatics. In France, you cannot question the 6 million lie, but Hebdo still did some cartoons of Jews, though sparse and not quite so funny or controversial. It’s classic, Jew tells Jew joke, but it’s not funny. Though the Intouchables 2 was alright, mafia bastards…
Post is excellent………kindly get rid of them.
the cartoons.
That’s a good post by Lasha Darkmoon, but I have a quibble. She says the motive for the attack was the magazine’s “scurrilous depictions of the prophet Muhammad.”
Really? What about the countless Muslims murdered and maimed by years of imperialist aggression?
If we claim that the attack was only carried out because the magazine ridiculed Muhammad, then we make Muslims seem insane and intolerant. In this way we support the imperialist murderers.
In reality we don’t know what the motive was, or even if the attackers were really Muslims.
No matter. The cattle are stampeding. Even if it turns out that the attack was staged, or that the motive was some inside financial dealings at the magazine, or was connected to some drug deal gone sour, or whatever…the masses will howl for more war and more genocides.
Lasha Darkmoon writes, “The remaining staff of Charlie Hebdo announced that publication was to continue as usual, with plans for a print run of one million copies for the next week’s issue, rather than its typical 60,000.”
“This is how one survives in a police state: by pretending that one’s indoctrination by the state has been successful. I am a zombie . . . please don’t kill me!”
“At the risk of getting myself hated for exercising my freedom of speech, I would like to add a few points to the Saker’s courageous analysis.”
”The French cartoonists who died never satirized Auschwitz. They would never have dared to expose “The Diary of Anne Frank” as a fake, by pointing out that much of it had been written with a ballpoint pen, invented only in 1951…”
The Wikipedia Jews claim that the ball point pen was first patented in 1888.
@ ABRAHAM:</strong “Though I agree that they proverbially ‘had it coming,’ I vehemently disagree with murdering people for being rude. There will always be disagreements in the world, but cold-blooded murder is not in defense of anything — it is revenge, and they screamed it out loud to prove it, while they were killing.”
We do not yet have enough information to reach conclusions. We only have claims by the corporate media which may be true, or they may be lies. We may never know what the true motives were. The corporate media outlets claim that the perpetrators are dead.
I meant 5 hours after the last twitter post, and during the attack.
Also, Hebdo is obviously not a person, but a group.
I may not agree with what you say or believe, but you still have the right to do so.
I agree 100 % with freedom of speech,because if truth is presented it will ‘roar like a lion’,as St Thomas Aquinis said… however,the Jews will not allow ,true discourse,as they control the mass media,and all major institutions;including organized,and popular ‘Christianity”. People are ruined,for opposing them. Mr David Irving (who often post articles from this site,do to yours truly) has been harrased since 1964, with publication of his fantasic book: THE DESTRUCTION OF DRESDEN…his research 100 %,direct,and beyond reproach. A world wide best selling author;theJews finally had him banished from mainstream publishers ,about 10 years ago. They pulled his Visa from the USA,and he cannot travel to Australia to se his own grandchild ! Enter Canada,or Germany,(Overturned recently)and was arrested in Austria,for NO CRIME,but writing. As I write this his website is down. JEWS… Hebro was protected,and employed beacuse of that ,and that alone. We must face it.. the Jews rule,and all is subjected to them.
Were the Hebdo group to satirize Auschwitz directly, they’d be thrown in jail under French law.
The massacre was conducted by fundie Muslims that were aided and abetted by NATO/GCC/Zionist powers in the first place, but whom most likely did this on their own accord, because they sacrificed their lives in so doing, and made damn sure that everyone heard why they did it.
It’s revenge, blowback, plain and simple, with suspicion that French authorities allowed it to happen.
BEHOLD! … “A woman hunted by French police as a suspect in the attacks on [Hebdo] left France several days before the killings and is believed to be in SYRIA, Turkish and French sources said on Saturday!” http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFKBN0KG0XT20150110
Re: what Konrad and Abraham were discussing … my humble opinion is this: [based on what I had discerned from false flags in South Asia, e.g., in 2009] … ALL details [of what really happened] on Hebdo are in the precious custody of some men in the French Government, incl. (e.g.): Manuel Valls (Interior Minister), and Jean-Yves Le Drian (Defense Minister) and the French Police.
@ MJ … I agree with your assertion that the cartoons should be removed. They used to get removed in those days of revolt against the Danish cartoonist and the like. Right now, some people might even consider our post-facto assertion for removal differently after this “Je Sui Soleil” virus has already started an epidemic!
The best way for Muslims to deal with this spiritual/ emotional rape, abuse and insult from the filthy Jews is to refer to “the Story of Muzammam” and the lesson Prophet Muhammad (saas) left behind for us. … Those drawing are not ‘him’ … those drawings are caricatures of all heads/ Rabbis of Israel, Al-C.I.A.DA, ISIS, etc.
From that article: ”Australian cartoonists say the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo will not dictate what they draw.”
Brave words from pip-squeaks.
Jews dictate what they draw. The rich owners of newspapers dictate what they draw. The chief editor dictates what they draw. Political correctness dictates what they draw.
@ Konrad … I’m completely with you. And that’s exactly what I thought : that when, in reality, they’re ‘owned’, in the false reality they act like victims who are revolting against Islam!! This is just continued Jewish drama that angers the straightforward person. But then if 9/11/2001 worked with sheeple, it seems this one might work too, unfortunately.
@ OCDG … Exactly my sentiments.
Update : Just as planned by the Jews, the false fire continues :
“German paper attacked after publishing Charlie Hebdo cartoons”
Awesome post!
Je ne suis pas Charlie.
5 hours after the Hebdo attack, I was looking at his twitter page, the most recent picture mocking ISIL, something of a political comparison of “Baghdadi” claiming to care about our health. I scrolled down to see his icon picture, of the Flintstone-looking virgin Mary, giving birth to baby Jesus (as). It could just as easily have been a Christian who marched in there and killed the whole lot of them, but why wasn’t it?
Though I agree that they proverbially “had it coming”, I vehemently disagree with murdering people for being rude. There will always be disagreements in the world, but cold-blooded murder is not in defense of anything — it is revenge, and they screamed it out loud to prove it, while they were killing.
The problem arises when people want to fight, get revenge, and to be insulted. Rather than just look the other way, choosing not even to wipe their butts with a Hebdo cartoon page — they blow it way out of proportion, and blame all the world’s ills on their bull-like focus of anger and hatred. Free speech is not free speech, unless we are allowed to speak our minds, and Charlie Hebdo was an obvious atheist, speaking his mind through art, for profit.
Considering that there are approximately 666 French Muslims fighting on the wrong side in Syria, that is only 0.03175% of the French Muslim population of 2.1 million people, or 1/33 of 1%, it would take 33 Syrian-sized conflicts, for 1% of the French Muslim population to be terrorists abroad.
😉 Can you just imagine, were you in a big family of 100 people, and 1 turned out to be a murderer — if the establishment and people came down to lynch, imprison or deport the other 99, including you?
There will probably be Jews on both sides of the rabble-rousing, the left-side touting German National Socialist flags crossed out, rather than American, GCC and NATO countries — and the other side screaming for revenge against the 99.9% of innocent Muslims.
As much as the Hebdo cartoons disgusted me, they had every right to publish their work in a free society, and to not fear for their little atheist infidel lives, from religious lunatics. In France, you cannot question the 6 million lie, but Hebdo still did some cartoons of Jews, though sparse and not quite so funny or controversial. It’s classic, Jew tells Jew joke, but it’s not funny. Though the Intouchables 2 was alright, mafia bastards…
Post is excellent………kindly get rid of them.
the cartoons.
That’s a good post by Lasha Darkmoon, but I have a quibble. She says the motive for the attack was the magazine’s “scurrilous depictions of the prophet Muhammad.”
Really? What about the countless Muslims murdered and maimed by years of imperialist aggression?
If we claim that the attack was only carried out because the magazine ridiculed Muhammad, then we make Muslims seem insane and intolerant. In this way we support the imperialist murderers.
In reality we don’t know what the motive was, or even if the attackers were really Muslims.
No matter. The cattle are stampeding. Even if it turns out that the attack was staged, or that the motive was some inside financial dealings at the magazine, or was connected to some drug deal gone sour, or whatever…the masses will howl for more war and more genocides.
Lasha Darkmoon writes, “The remaining staff of Charlie Hebdo announced that publication was to continue as usual, with plans for a print run of one million copies for the next week’s issue, rather than its typical 60,000.”
Some good lines…
“This is how one survives in a police state: by pretending that one’s indoctrination by the state has been successful. I am a zombie . . . please don’t kill me!”
“At the risk of getting myself hated for exercising my freedom of speech, I would like to add a few points to the Saker’s courageous analysis.”
”The French cartoonists who died never satirized Auschwitz. They would never have dared to expose “The Diary of Anne Frank” as a fake, by pointing out that much of it had been written with a ballpoint pen, invented only in 1951…”
The Wikipedia Jews claim that the ball point pen was first patented in 1888.
@ ABRAHAM:</strong “Though I agree that they proverbially ‘had it coming,’ I vehemently disagree with murdering people for being rude. There will always be disagreements in the world, but cold-blooded murder is not in defense of anything — it is revenge, and they screamed it out loud to prove it, while they were killing.”
We do not yet have enough information to reach conclusions. We only have claims by the corporate media which may be true, or they may be lies. We may never know what the true motives were. The corporate media outlets claim that the perpetrators are dead.
I meant 5 hours after the last twitter post, and during the attack.
Also, Hebdo is obviously not a person, but a group.
I may not agree with what you say or believe, but you still have the right to do so.
I agree 100 % with freedom of speech,because if truth is presented it will ‘roar like a lion’,as St Thomas Aquinis said… however,the Jews will not allow ,true discourse,as they control the mass media,and all major institutions;including organized,and popular ‘Christianity”. People are ruined,for opposing them. Mr David Irving (who often post articles from this site,do to yours truly) has been harrased since 1964, with publication of his fantasic book: THE DESTRUCTION OF DRESDEN…his research 100 %,direct,and beyond reproach. A world wide best selling author;theJews finally had him banished from mainstream publishers ,about 10 years ago. They pulled his Visa from the USA,and he cannot travel to Australia to se his own grandchild ! Enter Canada,or Germany,(Overturned recently)and was arrested in Austria,for NO CRIME,but writing. As I write this his website is down. JEWS… Hebro was protected,and employed beacuse of that ,and that alone. We must face it.. the Jews rule,and all is subjected to them.
Were the Hebdo group to satirize Auschwitz directly, they’d be thrown in jail under French law.
The massacre was conducted by fundie Muslims that were aided and abetted by NATO/GCC/Zionist powers in the first place, but whom most likely did this on their own accord, because they sacrificed their lives in so doing, and made damn sure that everyone heard why they did it.
It’s revenge, blowback, plain and simple, with suspicion that French authorities allowed it to happen.
In related news :
Australian cartoonists are apparently [and conveniently] using the Hebdo incident to “never give up, never give in” (as to WHAT, though, I wonder) … http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-01-11/cartoonists-stand-their-ground-in-the-wake-of-charlie-hebdo/6010840
BEHOLD! … “A woman hunted by French police as a suspect in the attacks on [Hebdo] left France several days before the killings and is believed to be in SYRIA, Turkish and French sources said on Saturday!” http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFKBN0KG0XT20150110
Re: what Konrad and Abraham were discussing … my humble opinion is this: [based on what I had discerned from false flags in South Asia, e.g., in 2009] … ALL details [of what really happened] on Hebdo are in the precious custody of some men in the French Government, incl. (e.g.): Manuel Valls (Interior Minister), and Jean-Yves Le Drian (Defense Minister) and the French Police.
@ MJ … I agree with your assertion that the cartoons should be removed. They used to get removed in those days of revolt against the Danish cartoonist and the like. Right now, some people might even consider our post-facto assertion for removal differently after this “Je Sui Soleil” virus has already started an epidemic!
The best way for Muslims to deal with this spiritual/ emotional rape, abuse and insult from the filthy Jews is to refer to “the Story of Muzammam” and the lesson Prophet Muhammad (saas) left behind for us. … Those drawing are not ‘him’ … those drawings are caricatures of all heads/ Rabbis of Israel, Al-C.I.A.DA, ISIS, etc.
From that article: ”Australian cartoonists say the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo will not dictate what they draw.”
Brave words from pip-squeaks.
Jews dictate what they draw. The rich owners of newspapers dictate what they draw. The chief editor dictates what they draw. Political correctness dictates what they draw.
Give me justice or give me death.
@ Konrad … I’m completely with you. And that’s exactly what I thought : that when, in reality, they’re ‘owned’, in the false reality they act like victims who are revolting against Islam!! This is just continued Jewish drama that angers the straightforward person. But then if 9/11/2001 worked with sheeple, it seems this one might work too, unfortunately.
@ OCDG … Exactly my sentiments.
Update : Just as planned by the Jews, the false fire continues :
“German paper attacked after publishing Charlie Hebdo cartoons”