THE DURAN – But where were their tears when Saddam was illegally removed from power and executed like an animal? Where were they when Crooked Hillary’s Islamist terrorists waged a war against the government of Libya and murdered Gaddafi as he begged for mercy? Where were they when President Yanukovych was forced to run for his life from fascist mobs? Where are they now that President Assad is trying to destroy ISIS and Al Qaeda?
The answer is that they were making millions, peddling obscenity, destroying people’s minds with inane nonsense. These people are not the cause but are instead, symptomatic of a broader western malaise of normative relativism. According to this sick hypocritical relativism, if Donald Trump proposes a trade policy that they don’t like – they shout hysterically, but when a million Iraqis die because of US and UK foreign policy, ‘life goes on’. CONTINUE READING
One thought on “The perversity of Western values: Celebrities cry over election results, but not over war victims (VIDEO)”
Not one of these neoliberal hypocrites shed a tear for the millions that were killed due to the US and NATO. Theyre all serving jewish Zionist interests.
Not one of these neoliberal hypocrites shed a tear for the millions that were killed due to the US and NATO. Theyre all serving jewish Zionist interests.