
As promised, we are bringing back the twice-weekly re-broadcast of Mike’s timeless programs. Please pass them around to your lists and please consider as well making a donation to keep these programs on the air, as they cost TUT every month to keep them archived on the podbean website.

The Piper Report Dec 29, 2010


Alex Jones–Honest truth seeker or judas goat? Mike Piper debuts his new program asking the question all need to ask these days–‘Who IS the enemy within?’

Download Here


3 thoughts on “The Piper Report Dec 29, 2010”
  1. Love and miss Michael Collins Piper!
    Also in a strange way just realized, in this era of confusion due to 2016 elections and Donald Trump, who better to clear the confusion than MCP!
    But he is not around, he was a great voice of reason!

  2. Really love and miss Michael Collins Piper!
    He was awesome!
    And I just realized, that in this time of total confusion due to 2016 Elections and Donald Trump , who better to clear the confusion than Michael Collins Piper! He would have cleared the storm!
    He was a voice for reason!

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