But does it also predict his demise?
ed note–Trump speaking before AIPAC was a tactical maneuver. Had he not done it they would have accused him of the usual biz of being ‘anti-Israel’ and would have continued on with their shrill, hysterical, screeching that he is the ‘new Hitler’.
Having said this then, his having gone there and engaged in all the formalities means NOTHING to them, and as soon as they start comparing him to Haman who was executed in the book of Esther, it is time to start being concerned.
“One of the lessons of Purim is that miracles these days are performed by individuals doing the right thing.” Insert finger down throat and gag.
One woman’s treachery and the ensuing slaughter of 75,000 Persians is, according to Talmudic values, “the right thing.” Many of us beg to differ.
“And yet, here too, the Purim story may offer a valuable lesson. It’s a story of how concerned people, by making shrewd and courageous decisions, were able to put the ship of state back on course and preserve diversity of thought, belief, and practice.”
They really cannot help themselves with all this back-washing blather they spew so consistently. The need to jabber incessantly is part of their DNA makeup.