The Gang of Four, as they dubbed themselves, were among the founders of Chicago’s Women’s Liberation Union but in their fight for equal rights, one subject remained taboo
ed note–The most basic unit of political energy and of political relationship, reduced down to the cellular level, is that between a man and a woman coming together for the purpose of forming a family. Once the family is created, thus is created ‘civilization’ at the micro-cellular level, and as other families are created and join suit, that which began as a singular man and a singular woman then becomes a community, state, etc.
Therefore, anyone seeking to destabilize civilization at the macro level understands that the very first place this destabilization must begin is at the micro-cellular level, meaning between man and woman, and thus why ‘feminism’ was created–as the means by which a wedge is driven between the two opposite units in preventing social cohesion and stability. And, given that it is indeed organized Jewish interests who profit the most off of destabilization of Gentile societies, it is no surprise then that indeed it is those of the Hebraic persuasion who were the Godmothers and Godfathers of this toxic influence that has all but destroyed Western (Greco-Roman) civilization.
The Jewish historian Josephus writing in his book The Jewish Wars recounts an episode where the men of Syria, upon learning of the Jewish revolt against Rome and how the Romans were moving militarily against the Zealots and Sicarii, made plans of utilizing the upheaval to ‘deal’ with those Jews in their midst whom they hated. Interestingly, Josephus writes that the Syrian men did this in secret without letting their wives/women know about it, due to the fact that the Syrian womenfolk had become ‘infected’ with Judaism.
As far as it being a ‘taboo’ subject, i.e. the secret role that Jews disproportionately played/play in the feminist movement, this is very telling as well. Everyone knows the Greeks brought democracy and philosophy, the Romans brought order, the Arabs brought math, astronomy, and other modern sciences, that the Wright brothers invented the airplane, that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, that Beethoven wrote his 5th Symphony, that Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, etc. All of these facts are known, welcomed with open arms and celebrated for the benefits they have brought to mankind.
However, bring up feminism, communism, control of the mainstream media, control of banking, AIPAC, and an entire arsenal of other items that were/are the brainchild of Jewish religious/political activism and whose ownership/control remain firmly fixed within the tight clutches of Judea, Inc and experience a hurricane of howling and screeching that would wake the demons of hell, the obvious question to all of which is–‘Why, if such things are such a benefit to humanity?’
Please note the following–
‘Jewish identity (to feminism) countered the universalist vision and the broad social and political causes embraced by their movement.’
In other words, the Judaic subversives did not want the rest of the Gentile herds knowing that they had signed onto a suicide pact as a result of drinking the kool-aid that had been mixed and offered to them by Jews who were hiding their identities.
Also, note the comments of Judith Rosenbaum, executive director of the Boston-based Jewish Women’s Archive, to wit–
‘The book creates the context for understanding Jewish women’s activism in secular American feminism,” she wrote in an email. “It also provides important historical context for current struggles around feminism and antisemitism.’
The obvious reaction/response to which is ‘How, in the name of yahweh, do the seemingly disparate/unrelated issues of Feminism and ‘Anti-Shemitism’ go hand in hand?’
Again, refer to the ed notes at the top and the war of destabilization against Gentile societies in which organized Jewry is engaged. Feminism is a weapon utilized to bring Gentile societies down from within at the micro-cellular level.
And finally, as expressed by our unesteemed Hebraic author, the ‘elasticity of Jewish identity’, to wit–
‘This (Jewish) tradition. It can go in so many different directions. It works so well.’
Truly a mouthful in understanding the manner in which Jews as an organized group have been able to shape-shift from right to left/religious to atheist/friend to foe as the necessary precursor in affording them the opportunity of jumping into the driver’s seat and veering the civilizational ship of state into that immovable, deadly iceberg whose catastrophic results are on full display today.
“This tradition. It can go in so many different directions. It serves so well,” she [Joyce Antler] said.
Serves so well?
Serves whom so well? Serves so well how?
I confess, I too had never heard of Heather Booth, Amy Kesselman, Vivian Rothstein, Naomi Weisstein. More’s the pity. What about Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem? THE leading lights of the women’s liberation (sic) movement of the 1960s?
On the one hand you’ve got yer Jeweish pornographers phukcing up the male of the species. And on the other, yer ‘radical’ femonazis phukcing up the women. That’s why there is NO contradiction between Jeweish porn and Jeweish feminism. It all serves the same purpose … psychological enslavement of the target population.
Of course, as in matters of nationalism and ethnic self-interest, the Jewes apply one set of rules to ‘gentiles’ and one to themselves. Preferring traditional fambly values, religio-ethnic self-interest, and nationalist fervor above all else and all others. Whilst the rest of the world – the white European world in particular – can experience the ‘liberation’ of total miscegenation and deracination. ‘Diversity is (((our))) strength’, dincha know.
‘Interestingly, Josephus writes that the Syrian men did this [ridding their society of Zealots and Sicarii] in secret without letting their wives/women know about it, due to the fact that the Syrian womenfolk had become ‘infected’ with Judaism.’
Sadly, the wimmin of the Zest have been similarly infected. Why, just this weekend I was talking to an old family friend about Flaubert’s famous 19th century novel Madame Bovary. All about a provincial doctor’s wife who attempts to escape the emptiness of her life by taking up with a wealthy local potentate who seduces her as just another in a long string of mistresses. No doubt something our Jeweish ‘feminists’ would heartily approve of. To my dismay, my friend regaled me with a feminist critique, turning Madame Bovary into a sad victim of men’s oppression. Groan. It would all have turned out completely different if Madame Bovary had been allowed to go out and work. When I pointed out that birth rates right across the Zestern world are plummeting, she countered that this was a woman’s choice. With ideas like this, the Zest is indeed doomed.
The question remains dangling in the air … what force drives the Jeweish hive mind? What is it that makes them as intent upon ‘gentile’ destruction as they are? E Michael Jones talks about the ‘Jeweish Revolutionary Spirit’. Because of their ‘rejection of Logos’. Logos being ‘the order of the universe’. But any way you look at it, it really does elude rational explanation.
Just that sweet little mystery that’s in your heart
Just that sweet little mystery makes me cry
Oh that sweet little mystery that’s in your heart
It’s just that sweet little mystery that makes me try
– John Martyn
i will mention just a few random snippets:
• The prevalence of Jews in leftist groups and the women’s liberation movement was embarrassing and something to hide
so what is so embarrassing and must be hidden, the judaism or feminism – presumably one of these attributes is toxic.
i suppose the phrase “women’s liberation movement” could be easily replaced with “pornography” or “organ harvesting” or “mass murder of russian christians” or “incitement of wars” or “ritual christian child murder”, to name just a few.
• the men of Syria, … , made plans of utilizing the upheaval to ‘deal’ with those Jews in their midst whom they hated.
… the Syrian men did this in secret without letting their wives/women know about it, due to the fact that the Syrian womenfolk had become ‘infected’ with Judaism.
the truth of the matter is that for whatever reason, women everywhere always had a predisposition to betrayal of their own kind, starting with genesis, easily subverted to mischief and treason.
look at the sabine women, helen of troy, all the retarded suffragettes (wonder who financed them), nordic european women rapturously welcoming savage migrants,
is there any wonder that so many disparate cultures barred women from participating in politics, from arabia to switzerland, given their inclination to destroying the prevalent social compact?
it would have been better for everyone, men and women, not to mention children, had the wise old ways been adhered to.
consider hitler’s perceptive and very respectful commentary on the role of women
trust the jew to destroy the bigger world by poisoning the smaller but underpinning one – not without reason is he called the well poisoner.
on the final note, consider this one, corinthians 13:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches.
too late to shut the pandora’s box now.
Permitting women to ‘exercise’ their vote and granting women that privilege as a “right” was probably the biggest mistake the U.S. ever made. The majority of women are simply not logical or clear thinking and they’re emotional and easily swayed. That is often a benefit when raising children because a mother must roll with the punches, and be able to constantly switch gears, even when it doesn’t necessarily make sense to do so. But those qualities are a detriment for society at large.
After over 100 years of Jewish brainwashing, we now have emotional women who don’t want to and don’t know how to raise children but are completely miserable. They are primarily capable of performing menial and thankless tasks outside of the home which could have and had always been handled by men when those tasks, in the past, had netted enough income to support a family, albeit perhaps without a 2nd car and electronic gadgets in every room. We now have “two (or more) income” homes that can’t make rent payments, with fewer and fewer children who are often abandoned in day care and pre-school programs, and divorce rates that are criminal …all because women were incessantly told their lives were worthless unless they had jobs outside the home and fewer children because a family would encumber their fulfillment as women. That’s what Jewish women had most often done with their lives and they wanted all non-Jews to be just as miserable as they are.
Talk about shooting ourselves in the foot.