
ed note–MG, I post this only to accentuate the point we have been making for the last few years here on this website, which is that much of what we are witnessing right now in terms of this ‘opposition’ to Netanyahu is rooted in–surprise, surprise–JEWISH SELF-INTEREST. For all of their bluster and their crocodile tears shed for those who find themselves on the receiving end of Jewish power, the left-leaning ‘opposition’ is not concerned with the Palestinians, the Americans, the Brits, the French, or anyone else for that matter except inasmuch as they know that organized Jewish interests and the apocalyptic power they have amassed can only exist as long as a ‘delicate’ balance is maintained with the Gentile world upon whom it is all dependent.

Make no mistake about it–A gang war is in near-full swing and is only going to get uglier as developments occur and it is we 7 billion Gentiles making up the Moral Majority who are caught in the crossfire.

Note as well what the author says about Netanyahu’s perception of himself as some sort of ‘old testament prophet’–almost a perfect transliteration of the very words used on this website (a wannabe King David’) in describing the mania gripping the ‘mind’ of Netanyahu.

By Lisa Goldman, The Forward

On the eve of his departure to Washington this week, Benjamin Netanyahu told the Israeli press assembled on the airport tarmac that he had a “sacred duty” to do everything in his power to protect Israel and the Jewish people from existential threats. As Netanyahu has said nearly every time he’s made a public address over the last decade or so, he believes that Iran is out to destroy the state of Israel. More recently, the Israeli prime minister has amped up his fear message with his frequent insistence that the only safe place for Jews to live is the state of Israel. In reality, Israel is a far more dangerous place for a Jew to live — just look at the relative casualty counts. And Netanyahu has not only made Israel a more dangerous place for Jews, but he has made them more vulnerable in the Diaspora as well.

In fact, you could argue that Netanyahu’s policies have made Jews — in Israel and around the world — more vulnerable than they have been at any time since 1948.

On Netanyahu’s watch, the Israeli military launched two military campaigns against Gaza in as many years. On both occasions, hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians came under rocket fire from Gaza. Children spent their summers in bomb shelters, while parents living on the Gaza border tried to keep from panicking every time an air raid siren caught them more than 30 seconds from the nearest safe room. Seventy-one Israelis were killed in last summer’s war, and another six were killed in the 2013 operation called Pillar of Defense. The media and military experts credited the air defense system known as Iron Dome with minimizing Israeli civilian casualties, with the Israeli foreign ministry even presenting a Hanukkah menorah designed like a mini Iron Dome to U.S. ambassador Dan Shapiro.

Iron Dome is, as most people know, funded by the United States, with emergency additional funding approved by Congress during last summer’s war. Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was among the leaders of the initiative to expedite emergency help to Israel. But on Sunday she said on CNN’s Face the Nation that Netanyahu was “arrogant” and “did not represent” her as a Jewish American. Will she be as quick to support Israel in the future, now that Netanyahu has so openly insulted President Obama and the Democrats? It’s hard to say, but certainly dividing American support for Israel, which for years was unswerving and bipartisan, makes Israel look vulnerable in the international arena.

When Jews were targeted by radical Islamists who, claiming they were inspired or deployed by the so-called Islamic State, gunned down children at a school in Toulouse and customers at a kosher supermarket in Paris, Netanyahu’s response was to say that Jews didn’t belong in Europe and should all move to Israel — where Jews are even more vulnerable to political violence. As several Jewish community leaders noted, with quite a bit of asperity, they did not appreciate the prime minister of Israel undermining their position as citizens of Europe who belonged there just as much as non-Jews. They weren’t too impressed by his denigrating the value of Jewish culture in the Diaspora, either.

Netanyahu has in recent years styled himself as a sort of Old Testament prophet endowed with Churchillian prescience. Speaking to AIPAC on Monday, the Israeli prime minister reiterated that he was morally obligated to speak up for the Jews. He has claimed to be an emissary for the Jews, but, as Feinstein said on Face the Nation, he does not represent her. And it seems that quite a few American Jews, the vast majority of whom vote Democrat, are pretty uncomfortable at hearing Netanyahu claim he represents their interests.

We all know that Netanyahu thinks any deal with Iran would be bad for the Jews. The leaders of the Israeli Intelligence community disagree with him. The head of Aman, Israeli military Intelligence, said at the Herzliya Conference last year that the multilateral talks with Iran were substantive and serious. Former Mossad director Efraim Halevy has openly criticized Netanyahu for describing Iran as an existential threat. And Meir Dagan, the Mossad director who preceded Tamir Pardo (the current Mossad head), said that Netanyahu was “…the person that has caused Israel the most strategic damage when it comes to the Iranian issue.”

And yet, despite all the evidence to the contrary, Netanyahu still got 16,000 Jewish Americans gathered for his AIPAC speech on Monday to offer a standing ovation when he repeated that all he cared about was the safety and security of the Jewish people.

0 thoughts on “The Real Existential Threat Is Not Iran. It’s Bibi.”
  1. It’s a jewish spring. They act the same way in conference rooms. In the end there are more enemies added to the list. They do a good job cutting their own throats. As we bear witness.

    I’m not betting on this game. Tomorrow is another new game. It’s getting explosive. But you know in the end, they still break bread together.

  2. “On Netanyahu’s watch, the Israeli military launched two military campaigns against Gaza in as many years. On both occasions, hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians came under rocket fire from Gaza.”

    This lie about “Hamas rockets” has become as bad as the holo-hoax. And it is just as much a religion, in which no one asks for proof.

    “Children spent their summers in bomb shelters, while parents living on the Gaza border tried to keep from panicking every time an air raid siren caught them more than 30 seconds from the nearest safe room.”

    Those poor Jews! By the way, Netanyahu was not the only prime minister to launch an aggressive attack. Menachem Begin was PM when the Jews invaded Lebanon in 1978 and again in 1982. Ehud Barak was PM when Hezbollah kicked the Jews out of Lebanon in 2000. Ehud Olmert was PM when the Jews bombed and invaded Lebanon again in 2006 (and lost again to Hezbollah).

    “Seventy-one Israelis were killed in last summer’s war, and another six were killed in the 2013 operation called Pillar of Defense.”

    It was not a “war.” It was a cowardly attack on men, women, and children confined inside the Gaza Death Camp.

    “The media and military experts credited the air defense system known as Iron Dome with minimizing Israeli civilian casualties.”

    Please don’t get me started on the “iron dome” hoax. I’ve already discussed it here at T.U.T. many times.

    “Netanyahu has in recent years styled himself as a sort of Old Testament prophet endowed with Churchillian prescience.”

    Why not? He’s been in office for six years, and he’s going for another term. Jews must love him.

    “Netanyahu thinks any deal with Iran would be bad for the Jews.”

    No, Netanyahu (correctly) thinks it would be bad for Netanyahu. He has absolutely nothing to offer the Israeli masses except more inequality, plus “protection from the (non-existent) Iran threat.”

    Netanyahu still got 16,000 Jewish Americans gathered for his AIPAC speech on Monday to offer a standing ovation when he repeated that all he cared about was the safety and security of the Jewish people.

    The only thing Netanyahu cares about is Netanyahu.

    As for AIPAC Jews, they are loyal to the emperor. They don’t much care who it is.

  3. And the “funny” thing is that dr. Ahmadinejad never said that Israel should dissapear from the face of the earth. He said the Zionist regime must dissapear to get peace

  4. 3/6/15 – Not only did Bibi finish off his own career as the operative leader of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) aka the World Zionists and the Malignant Judaic Tribalists, but he also created immense embarrassment for the political moderates in Israel and America who detest Zionism and want true peace with the Palestinians. Never before in history have so many Judaics who hate Zionism been so motivated to stand up, speak up and take action to get control of Israel away from the Likudists who are subjecting Israel to destruction by the whole World unless they immediately clean house.”

  5. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

    (Crossed my mind watching his speech.)

  6. Israel uses Palestine. They use it as a tool for political purposes. And I betcha they even use Palestine as a human shield. Israel wants to keep Palestine around in some form, as long as it useful to Israel. But they always need to make sure Palestine does not become too much of a ‘threat’ in some way.

    It’s similar to how a kidnapper uses hostages as a bargaining tool. Palestine is being held hostage.

  7. “Chasidim are careful to do everything with joy.”

    Don’t even get me started with that line from that precious little video from JM. But let us leave it at, “especially dancing upon the rotting bodies of the goyim.”

  8. Look at him, or didn’t anyone notice ? Hidden psychopathy the rest of the time – but there it is in that picture now. I don’t know how old the pic is, and it doesn’t matter, for he’s about to set off a nuke in America. But, hey, Bibi, we all know it will have been you, for with the election coming up in a week, you’ve gotta do something to get the vote.

    But if you set the nuke off now, nobody will vote for you, but will clamour instead to have you arrested.

    Consider the quandary you will put the Jewish media into in America, for they would rather blame you than Iran, but were they to blame Iran, nobody of any importance will believe them.

    Certainly, that’ll be the end of the diaspora in the US – not one Jew will survive.

    So, Bibi, better enjoy your retirement.

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