Ed-note (Sabba) – Every year, the Institute for National Security Studies – INSS – lead by Amos Yadlin, holds a conference to discuss how to achieve world jewry’s goal of world global domination. This year, the conference took place 16FEB15 and had among its special guests, Bernard Henri Levy – France’s Sayan in chief.

He explains that the real nuclear threat that the jews are facing is made of 3 materials: holocaust denial, competitive victimhood and anti-zionism.

He goes on to congratulate the ”french” government in its war against comedian Dieudonne (the best comedian France has had in decades and one of the very very few non-chosen comedian) and against Islam.

And, icing on the cake, he praises France for doing everything her masters in Tel Aviv order her to, doing better than the UK, almost overtaking the USA and well on her to becoming the greatest b*tch the jewish state ever had..

Please do watch… The video is in English. But have a bucket close by in case you need to throw up.

One day, all these criminals will have to be pay for all their crimes.

Click to enlarge and see the program and guest list.


  1. After Charly Hebdo, Henri-Levy was on CNN non-stop basically asking for open war against Islam. He was on every major USA news outlet nonstop.

  2. The only thing worse than Levy and his non-stop mouth chatter, gesticulations and long haired pseudo-intellectualism is Levy being interviewed by Charlie Rose (Jew too) on PBS which I was subjected to yesterday. It is like Thomas Friedman. The two of them go to the Middle East all the time and come back to give us pronouncements. To take a page from ‘their book’ – Yadda, yadda, yadda – not one original thought or helpful idea about how to move forward.

  3. They are air born pathogens. They operate within a highly tuned system that utilizes both defense & offense at the same time. Many people do this but no where near to the extent these organisms do to complete an Earthly takeover. This IS basically what it is; a planetary takeover.

    It’s as if they are galactic colonizers that were put on Earth to seize it, subdue it, control it, and reduce the population of the ‘Gentile’ at all costs. This involves a tremendous amount of willpower and clearly keeping their collective eyes on the goal.

    For a planetary takeover to occur, they would have had to place key actors in powerful positions. They did this all through the centuries. When their crimes are exposed, they just simply lie. This is an example of their tremendous willpower to reach a goal. Nothing will stop them and no qualms at all about massive lies. If a lie is exposed, it is the one exposing the lie that is at fault. Hence, the holohoax. Key actors in powerful positions will ensure the lies remain but put laws in effect to keep the lies buried.

    It’s as if ‘they’ have had eons to fine tune their planetary takeover.

    For centuries they have said that they are different; their ‘God” made them different and that they are to have dominion over everything on Earth. Just exactly what IS this “God” that placed them here? Why all this long history of blood, and gore, and blood sacrifices with holidays (Holy Days) that praise all this blood and gore..and burnt sacrifices & offerings? Is something deeper at work here other than politics, religions, or politics/religion?

    I think this “God” of theirs, this ‘creator’ of theirs…is an imposter. I think that it is ‘He” that was jealous, hateful, envious, and vengeful…and placed Himself into a position of authority. And ‘He’ now claims Himself to be a ‘God of justice and righteousness….and love. Just look and READ the first 5 books of any bible (from the Torah) and all you see is conniving, lying, backstabbing, incest, rape, murder, greed, selfishness, hacking people to pieces, burning people, sacrificing people (even their own damn children), setting people up to die, and stealing. Good grief! This is a book to take Life’s instructions from?? Instructions on how to do what exactly?

    Love & Fear cannot exist at the same time. The more fear that these creatures instill, the more power they take. But do not love them. No matter how many times you read and believe ‘Love Your Enemy”, do not do that. Know them for what they are but do not give them anymore power over you.

    If one has taken the time to do a pretty good research on these ‘creatures’ going back in time, strangely…….a few of them have wrote about events that have come to be. It can be seen in more recent times in their books and viewing programs. How did they know?? How in the hell did they know these things?

    I highly doubt that they are indigenous to Earth. It is interesting that in their writings associated with the ‘God”, that after Cain murdered hos brother Abel, he was afraid that others would see him and kill him. SO, ‘God” puts a mark on him so that when others do see him, they will not harm him. Just WHO were these other people already living and having established civilizations here on Earth?? Who did Cain take as his wife? Why is it a bad thing to know good from evil? Was this a threat to ‘God”? Did ‘God” just want automatons that could not think on their own? Did they ‘surely die’ on that very day after eating of the fruit? ‘God’ told them they would. Who is lying? ‘God’ or the so called ‘evil one’?

    Why would a ‘God of love, justice, mercy, and compassion kill the unborn and infants? They could not reason and think in anyways whatsoever yet, in this “God’s” system of righteousness and justice, he either murders them or commands them to be murdered? This ‘God” is worthy of praise? Seriously?

  4. I’d be very surprised if Charlie Rose were Jewish, Janet. I think he is such an idiot about Jews precisely because he is not Jewish.

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